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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: sara_dippity on 2007 March 06, 09:08:17

Title: Seriously rare cat Maxis made....
Post by: sara_dippity on 2007 March 06, 09:08:17
This may have been mentioned. After nearly a year of no computer I've finally gotten one. So Pets is new to me.
Anyone else noticed that the crazy cat lady's calico is a male?
And fertile. Males are seriously, seriously rare. Very valuable. Big money. Like, one in a thousand or less.
Also, they are sterile. I wish you could sell fertile male calicos in the game for the thousands they would sell for in life.

Title: Re: Seriously rare cat Maxis made....
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2007 March 06, 09:11:29
Much like alien abductions and male pregnancies?


Title: Re: Seriously rare cat Maxis made....
Post by: angelyne on 2007 March 06, 09:31:06
Actually it's 1 in 3000.  I just looked it up on wikipedia.

That's interesting because my cat was a cali too.  In fact she looked exactly like the cat on wikipedia.  I never knew about male being rare as hen with teeth.

Title: Re: Seriously rare cat Maxis made....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 06, 09:49:43
The game does not model the actual genetics which cause cats to be the colors and patterns they are.