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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: LordHellscream on 2007 March 05, 16:54:02

Title: Seasons questions
Post by: LordHellscream on 2007 March 05, 16:54:02
Hi i just installed seasons, and im rather confused with things.
1. How do you get plantsimism? (haven't seen any green people in Pleasantview)
2. Does plantsimism has any special ability (like werewolves and vampres)
3. how do you join garden club? i know you need to talk to somewhere who is member, but I can't find anyone (my sims living in Pleasantville)
4. How do you make potions etc with the fruit you harvested


Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: D_Malachi on 2007 March 05, 17:28:10
1. Spraying pesticide on bug-riddled plants, if memory serves. Might take as many as 100 sprays to have a chance at turning green.
2. Uh... they gain a gold badge for Gardening, and can spawn plant babies.
3. Call them on the phone, under Services, usually during the day. They show up, you greet them, then ask for a membership card.
4. Harvest the fruit / vegetables / boots (yes, boots), buy the juicer found in the Small Appliances section, where the coffee maker is. Once that's done, click the juicer and select "Add Ingredients" or something close to that. If you have enough ingredients for a certain juice, you can make it. If not, you need more.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 March 05, 17:34:46
i think the plant people can talk to plants as well, and they have that "send out happy spores" or something.  I have no idea what it does, but i got the chick in riverblossom to do it.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: MsMaria on 2007 March 05, 17:40:58
i think the plant people can talk to plants as well, and they have that "send out happy spores" or something.  I have no idea what it does, but i got the chick in riverblossom to do it.

It is supposed to make nearby sims' needs decay. Weird. :-\

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 March 05, 17:47:08
in that case maybe theyre not called happy spores...

Are the children they spawn just direct clones of them?  Also can non plant people talk to plants if their gardening badge is high enough?

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: MsMaria on 2007 March 05, 17:51:46
My PlantSim had twins and they were lightskinned/Brown Hair like the father. I don't know for a fact because it hasn't happened in my game yet, but I've heard that yes, you can talk to plants when you get the Gold Badge. Someone else who knows for certain will wander by soon enough. :D

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: KatEnigma on 2007 March 05, 17:57:24
Yes, you can talk to plants if you have a gold badge. The only reason all plant people can do it is that the game automatically gives them a gold gardening badge when they are spawned or turned into plant people.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: vilia on 2007 March 05, 17:59:30
If the non-plant sim partner tries for baby & they are successful, the baby will be 'normal'. The only way to get a plant sim baby is to have a plant sim spawn one.

The plant sim babies work like alien babies in that they are a mix of the plant sim & a default npc something or other.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 March 05, 21:11:28
Correction, happiness spores are supposed to HALT need decay, not make them decay. It's a tiny amount, I think like 1 point per hour or something like that. Kinda like a walking, talking snapdragon.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: kuronue on 2007 March 05, 21:45:25
My plantsim did spores on her planttoddler and it... sort of gave the other plantsim sunlight. the kid was low on sunlight, so the mom's went down and the kid's went up.

also plantsims can prank-allergy spores on people to make them sneeze

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: Liz on 2007 March 06, 00:13:11
Another supposed "special ability" of the PlantSims - and this is just from checking out the not-always-quoteable Prima guide - is that their needs don't decay... or perhaps to put it more succinctly, their needs don't decay like a normal Sim's. Instead of the usual Energy, Bladder, Fun, Comfort, etc., the three needs they have are Water, Sunlight & Love. As I understand it, Love seems to be like Social & Fun smooshed together. Water is apparently a combined function of hunger & hygeine, and Sunlight seems to be similar to Energy.

The guide reports that while PlantSims have fewer days in their average lifespans than human Sims, they're able to pack a lot more into each day since they don't actually have to sleep at night. Of course, they're kinda SOL for finding Sunlight at 2am to keep them from passing out, but there's that indoor "grow light" that'll give 'em the UV rays they need.

I'm actually really looking forward to creating my first PlantSim, but it's gonna take a whole lot of spraying to make it happen. Prima said, if I remember correctly, that after 100 sprayings, each following spray carries something like a 10% chance of turning your Sim plantish.

Title: Re: Seasons questions
Post by: cyperangel on 2007 March 06, 00:37:33
I'm actually really looking forward to creating my first PlantSim, but it's gonna take a whole lot of spraying to make it happen. Prima said, if I remember correctly, that after 100 sprayings, each following spray carries something like a 10% chance of turning your Sim plantish.

Which in reality turns out to be just 10 times needed, and after that a 10% chance of becomming a plantsim. If i remember the other posts on the topic right...