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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 25, 17:13:19

Title: Townie Date Changed Aspiration mid-Date
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 25, 17:13:19
This is another thread about matchmaking, but I've started a new one so it doesn't go unnoticed.

I had a soon-to-go-to-Uni teen Sim pay full price for a date yesterday and she was sent one of the townie teens.  There were no flashes for either of them at the start of the date, although by the end there were two.  Not bad going considering the fact that her father died in the middle of it.  The townie teen was enamoured enough to buy her a bonsai tree and invite her out on another date, which turned into a dream date.

Anyway, what I am puzzled about concerns the townie's aspiration.  When he arrived, I checked it out for compatibility and it was Family.  My Sim is Knowledge.  Later in the date I made him selectable and discovered that his aspiration had changed to Knowledge, the same as hers.  His lifetime want remained the same, namely "Marry Off 6 Children". 

Now, is this deliberate?  Are townies who are sent on dates having their aspirations changed to match those of their dates if things go well, so as to increase the attraction level? 

Title: Re: Townie Date Changed Aspiration mid-Date
Post by: Ruann on 2005 September 25, 20:01:40
I somehow think that's not supposed to hapen.  Did his Aspiration icon change in the Date panel in the upper right corner as well?