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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pioupiou on 2007 March 05, 12:09:03

Title: Repairman and expensiveNPC with seasons
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 March 05, 12:09:03
The repairman only take 50§ for coming and 50§ per hour. I think it used to be 50§ for coming and 300§ per hour with OFB version. Don't remember with pets.
Is that normal ?

Title: Re: Repairman and expensiveNPC with seasons
Post by: kuronue on 2007 March 05, 22:18:28
300/hr? I definitely do not remember that being the case, mostly because I rarely cheat for money adn I have a lot of things break before my sims are making big $$

Title: Re: Repairman and expensiveNPC with seasons
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 05, 22:43:02
That *IS* the expensive price. The cheap price is some kind of joke, like $10.

Title: Re: Repairman and expensiveNPC with seasons
Post by: kuronue on 2007 March 06, 06:59:50
OH! Ok, apparently I was stupid yesterday and didn't notice you were discussing a hack I don't have, my bad! Carry on.

Title: Re: Repairman and expensiveNPC with seasons
Post by: Gwill on 2007 March 06, 11:58:05
300 sounds like a fair price to me.