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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: numaari on 2007 March 04, 10:03:06

Title: Weird Blueness in Seasons
Post by: numaari on 2007 March 04, 10:03:06
It could very well be my graphics card, but I'm wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem.

When I load neighborhoods with Seasons installed, some of them are partially flooded.  Veronaville has sprouted a second canal, and the shoreline businesses in Bluewater are underwater.  The water is higher and blocky and sometimes changes radically whenever the view is rotated

IN ADDITION, When I added a downtown, all the roads and terrain decorations are overlayed with a dark blue color.  It's dark, but transparent, so you can faintly see the tree details and the cars zooming around on the roads.  This effect occurred with several different Downtowns, but not with any Unis or Shopping Districts.

I have reinstalled, put hacks in, taken them out, etc.  No difference.


Title: Re: Weird Blueness in Seasons
Post by: Database on 2007 March 04, 10:05:37
Sounds like a texture problem... Are you running in a window? If so, try fullscreen and see if that helps.

Title: Re: Weird Blueness in Seasons
Post by: numaari on 2007 March 04, 11:14:55
Sounds like a texture problem... Are you running in a window? If so, try fullscreen and see if that helps.

Nah, I'm running it in fullscreen mode.  (Window mode leaves me vaguely nauseous for some reason.  That was one of my primary gripes about SLS...)

EDIT: The wierd blueness seems to be connected to the night time view of Downtown.  If I switch it to daytime, the blueness disappears.  So my neighborhood view seems to be screwed up.  Hope it's not a BFBVFS in the making.  I don't have enough $$ for a computer upgrade.