More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: noname on 2007 March 04, 00:47:28

Title: Shiny Sims Genetics
Post by: noname on 2007 March 04, 00:47:28
I decided to delete all of my custom content and start the game up fresh fresh, but in the process I forgot to save my genetics from ShinySims. Seeing as how the site has now closed, does anybody know if there are any sites that have archived stuff from there? They had some of the best genetics ever!

Title: Re: Shiny Sims Genetics
Post by: Zii on 2007 March 04, 00:52:32
They're on MTS2:

Title: Re: Shiny Sims Genetics
Post by: NothingToSee on 2007 March 04, 01:19:48
If you wanted the ShinySims02 Hair I have it here -