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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Sivany on 2007 March 03, 01:57:32

Title: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Sivany on 2007 March 03, 01:57:32
I installed Seasons yesterday and almost straight away noticed something very strange. When I put some custom objects against walls (beds/showers/curtains etc) they appear to sink into the wall slightly. For example I have one custom shower that I use all the time, when I placed it in a bathroom yesterday the walls of the shower sank into the room wall and it looked as if the shower head was coming out of the tiles. This didn't happen before Seasons so I know it's an issue with Seasons, but I don't know what's causing it. Anyone any ideas? I've updated all my hacks (I don't have any non-awesome ones either) and in terms of graphics settings everything else in the game appears fine and it runs on the highest settings. Is it still possible this is a graphics card issue? Or is it something else entirely?

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: cwykes on 2007 March 03, 03:32:25
Some of my custom objects have done that since base game.  I always assumed it was the objects being too wide/deep or whatever...  But if it didn't happen to you before and does now, it sounds like there is something else going on.  I have base game and OFB only.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: jrd on 2007 March 03, 04:06:20
IIRC this was introduced with a patch... NL p1?
It was the bugfix that enabled objects from inventory to be placed again walls again.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 March 03, 04:10:37
Don't tell me they purposely  broke something in order to fix something else?

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Sivany on 2007 March 03, 05:45:53
IIRC this was introduced with a patch... NL p1?
It was the bugfix that enabled objects from inventory to be placed again walls again.

That's a very strange way to fix something. However it can't be due to that in this case because I have all the expansions and this has never happened before so it must be something that Seasons has done to the game. It's very frustrating!

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 03, 15:16:55
I wonder if this is related to the flat rug issue mentioned in another thread?

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Strangel on 2007 March 03, 17:56:19
I wonder if it's the same thing I've been noticing..

My appliances, when placed at the corner of two walls, sinks in. Same thing with bookshelves. I really started to notice it with the bookshelves because it loses the whole right or left "side" and ends up looking like someone just tacked some shelving to the wall and disguised it by putting up one long "side".

..and no, no Seasons here yet.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: flowerchile on 2007 March 03, 21:35:17
And yet another Graphics problem.  (
I have no hacks whatsoever in my game, and I'm running the NVidia GEFORCE GO 7400, and this is the latest weirdness to come from the game.  Any idea's?  Any suggestions?

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 03, 21:43:15
I don't use any custom items (at the moment anyway) but I did have the back of the cheapest shower sink into a wall after placing it in a Riverblossom Hills home. Didn't occur to me until I saw this thread that it's not supposed to do that (it just looked like the piping was in the wall, actually very realistic as glitches go).

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Sivany on 2007 March 04, 04:23:15
With the showers it's not too bad, but when it starts happening with bookshelves and counters etc it's really annoying. Yesterday I attempted to put those new three decorative jars on a corner kitchen counter unit and they ended up on the other side of the wall hovering in the living room. Very weird!

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 04, 04:51:19
My weird graphical issue is that I suddenly don't have any more invisible fish. Weh, where did my invisible fish go? ;)

Really, I am as surprised as you are. The fish have returned.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: dusty on 2007 March 04, 11:00:54
Yeah, I had a doghouse bleeding through a wall that was definitely fine before Seasons - I did have the patch that fixed the placing things from your inventory issue.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Strangel on 2007 March 19, 02:27:17
And yet another Graphics problem.  <imagesnip>
I have no hacks whatsoever in my game, and I'm running the NVidia GEFORCE GO 7400, and this is the latest weirdness to come from the game.  Any idea's?  Any suggestions?

Sorry to say.. need more memory. I had the same problem when we got sims downloaded on this computer the first time. We added a bigger RAM (fairly cheaply, even) and no more problem.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: LIUBluejeans on 2007 March 19, 02:36:54
And yet another Graphics problem.  (
I have no hacks whatsoever in my game, and I'm running the NVidia GEFORCE GO 7400, and this is the latest weirdness to come from the game.  Any idea's?  Any suggestions?

I don't have any suggestions, but I noticed a nearly invisible passerby yesterday.  I just barely caught it as she was walking off the edge of the lot, but she looked just like that...only barely there...

I have 2gig of RAM in my system and a Radeon x1600 Pro video card with 512mb of DDR2 ram.  I *don't* think it a memory issue.

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Sivany on 2007 March 24, 19:02:27
I think the sims fade out when they reach the edge of the lot anyway, maybe you caught her just as that was happening?

Title: Re: Weird graphics issue with Seasons
Post by: Liz on 2007 March 25, 03:56:12
My counters and bookcases have always poked into any walls they're standing next to (not in front of, the sideways thing). Windows next to a wall and curtains on those windows will get awkwardly cropped by running into the adjacent wall as well. RAM should really not be an issue for me, but if I remember, I'll take a quick snap and see if it's the same thing you guys are talking about.

Regarding the hazy-lined, invisibility static as pictured above, I've had the same thing happen in my game since Life Stories and now Seasons - it happens when I leave the game minimized in the background for too long (or sometimes not very long at all). When I click the toolbar to bring the game back up, it looks like somehow the re-rendering of the graphics just gets hopelessly borked, and the only fix is a reboot.