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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 28, 16:32:39

Title: SShack Question/Problem
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 28, 16:32:39
According to the RTFM:

The social worker will not be summoned for a child receiving bad grades unless
the number of bad children outnumbers the number of passing children: No more
adopted bad child causing all your good children to be taken away because he
came with a failing grade from when he was taken away before.

I had a child who was having difficulties because I am using harderharder grades. Even though he was taught to study and did his homework every day, he came home with an F on his 3rd day of school. The social worker picked him up in less than an hour.

Since there is only one child in this family, the number of failing children (1) does exceed the number of passing children (0).

Are there no exceptions for when it is the only child? If I had adopted a child with failing grades, and this was the only child in the family, wouldn't the Social Worker just reclaim the kid again?