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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Tigerlilley on 2007 February 26, 18:16:50

Title: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 February 26, 18:16:50
Hi everyone,
Yes i realised i posted a while ago concerning this I have had no answers since then however and google fails to help me. 
I cannot, for the life of me, get a ghost to show up at a community lot, specifically my graveyard i designed for my Pleasantview sims.  Ghosts show up fine at residential and uni lots.

My method of getting the gravestones to the graveyard is simply click and "move this grave".  I don't place it in the sims inventory or anything.

Im wondering if my ghosts are lost somewhere, that they have not moved with the gravestone.  Im sure i read something like that could happen.  Is anybody able to telll me if i can force a ghost from a gravestone, or check for errors or just something that can get my graveyard as haunted as it should be.  I have around 20 graves there and not one spawns a ghost. 

The only hack i have reguarding ghosts and gravestones is romanceurnfix.  My hacks are Awesome only.

Please help!

Title: Re: Getting Desperate - No Ghosts at Community lots
Post by: Moa on 2007 February 26, 20:55:31
I've noticed that frequently I'm not seeing any ghosts at my community cemetary. My current theory, as yet to be tested, is that the best time to send my Sims to the downtown lot is before the sun sets at the home lot - around 6pm. I have seen the ghosts out and about on several occasions, so I know that they are where they are supposed to be. I suspect the trick is mainly in the timing.

Unfortunately, I only know how to check in Simpe to see if a Sim is properly marked as a ghost.

Title: Re: Getting Desperate - No Ghosts at Community lots
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 February 26, 21:21:07
hehe yea so it seems you need to be there before the sun goes down...
i feel silly
case closed :)

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 26, 22:08:16
Ghosts manifest at a certain hour, usually shortly after dark. If you're not there and active on the lot by then, they won't show up afterwards.

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 27, 00:16:35
I tend to keep the graves on the home lot until the ghost actually appears from it-then once the sun comes up I place the gravestone in my sim's inventory and take it to the 'cemetery' by car or taxi. I always get ghosts appearing at community lots now. Like Pes said-I make sure the visiting sim in on the cemetery lot before 7pm.

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 27, 01:11:04
Like Pes said-I make sure the visiting sim in on the cemetery lot before 7pm.

How exactly is that done? I can leave the house at 10am, arrive at a comm lot at night time, then return home, still in the morning. So how do you control what time it is when you get to the comm lot?

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 27, 01:19:36
If you leave at 09:00h, you arrive around 10:00h. And you return at 10:00h.
Time rolls over from home to a comm lot but not the other way.

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 27, 06:27:13
Yeah, it tends to be about 1-2 sim hours later when you arrive. I usually leave the house about 5-5.30 pm.

Title: Re: No Ghosts at Community lots fixed
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 February 27, 12:37:43
The whole things a bit screwy.  The ghosts only appear until around midnight.
I was advised (Thanks Nec :) ) to get a sim to actually purchase the lot to get the ghosts to show up for longer.  Well it worked, ghosts stay around till about 6am as theyre meant to.