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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: moniquinin on 2007 February 26, 05:00:19

Title: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 26, 05:00:19
I decided I want to breed some of my own sims with townies just to see what would come out so I'm going around each of my lots and knocking people up.  I'm calling townies through the find a mate crystal ball, hooking them up quickly with the help of ACR and marrying them, if my main sim is male.  This usually takes 2-3 sim days.  I've already moved in all my sims to their lots, but saved immediately, so when I start, it's around 9 am on the first Monday.

So.....I had one of my family male sims marry Angie whatever her name was after she was called in and ended up being three lightning bolts.  They got married, I knocked her up, saved the lot and left it to move on to the next lot.  I go to the next lot, he's a romance sim so I'm not too bothered to have him impregnate anyone because it's my understanding that townies can't get pregnant if they remain on their own, so I'm just farting around, having him learn skills, etc.  The welcome wagon show up and there is Angie, totally showing more than when I left her (which was two days in the future - not sure how the time sync works) wearing this strange outfit, completely bright white, including gloves, with writing on it in blue and black which includes the words, "grapevine" "bodymaternityshirtpants".  Does anyone know what this is about?

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 February 26, 05:52:51
sounds like a screwed up mesh or a non-awesome hack.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Hitch on 2007 February 26, 05:57:22
An improperly skinned mesh will show up with black and cyan characters on a white background, but usually not actual words, much less somewhat relevant ones.

It sounds like a custom maternity outfit... possibly unintentionally downloaded as part of some other package.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 26, 05:59:54
Hmmm....That's interesting.  Once I installed pets, I decided to not use any of the maternity clothes hacks I had, such as buyable maternity wear, etc., or any of the maternity clothes I dled.  I only (mostly) use awesome mods as well.  Oh well...

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Gwill on 2007 February 26, 10:04:16
Give us a screenshot and we'll be able to tell for sure.
I'm guessing a corrupt texture due to a broken game file package.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 26, 11:44:16
I know this will make me sound retarded but I don't know how to do a screenshot.  On PCs there's a button, right?  Well, not on my Mac...

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Simsample on 2007 February 26, 12:11:08
Pressing command, shift and 3 together will capture the entire screen and save it to the desktop. Command, control, shift and 3 captures the screen to clipboard.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Sagana on 2007 February 26, 18:25:26
And command control shift 4 will give you little icon that you can drag to choose which part of the screen you want to capture. Then paste it into your image program.

Sometimes all of those are futzy and you hafta do it a couple of times.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2007 February 26, 19:58:28
I've seen that on a changing table and a crib because the texture wasn't linked properly.  Only it had the words "bluemoon" on it I'm guessing because it was cloned off of the blue texture with the moons on it.  I never did figure out how to relink them, but I fixed it by making my own recolor by copying and pasting the texture from the broken package file.  Of course, this requires using SimPE.  :P

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Moa on 2007 February 26, 22:01:18
Something similar happened to my young adult Alon Livingston when he transitioned to adult.


I think he was back to normal once I moved him to the main neighborhood. (Or at least as normal as a grown-up Alon dressed in a purple smoking jacket can hope to get.) Possibly I had to send him to the mirror, but it wasn't a major fix. I don't use replacements for the default skins, so Alon was all Maxis (and they can keep the credit for him).

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 27, 00:21:22
Huh.  So it can happen to Maxis items then.  I rechecked and I did have some Barcelonista maternity wear, but not default replacements.  I did remove them and this still happened.  I'm sure it's a Maxis texture as well because like I said, when I left her at her lot, she wasn't even showing yet so she wasn't wearing maternity clothing.  I wonder why she showed up as part of the welcome wagon in her third trimester, on the Monday before the Wednesday she actually did get pregnant.  I have no idea how the whole chronology from lot to lot is supposed to work, but oh well.  Her clothing though looks EXACTLY like Alon's skin, but with different words.  I'll try to get a pic up.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: maxon on 2007 February 27, 01:47:11
Well, that's a missing texture.  You get those when you delete recolours and skins in game and then try to dress the sim in the old skin or use a deleted recolour by using the thumbnail which hasn't disappeared (it will when you reload the game).  If it's a missing Maxis texture I'd guess the game has lost the note telling itself where the texture is located.  I don't know if deleting groups.cache would help with that but the reason it got fixed for Moa was because she did something to get the game to remind itself where the texture was.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: gjam on 2007 February 27, 02:25:07
...when I left her at her lot, she wasn't even showing yet so she wasn't wearing maternity clothing.  I wonder why she showed up as part of the welcome wagon in her third trimester, on the Monday before the Wednesday she actually did get pregnant.  I have no idea how the whole chronology from lot to lot is supposed to work, but oh well.

There isn't any chronology from lot to lot.  Only a vast and eternal now. 

Whatever state she was in when you saved her on her home lot, that's how she will show up as a visitor.  It doesn't matter how many days have passed on that lot as opposed to her home lot. The weird thing, though, is that each day of pregnancy is a different state.  She shouldn't be showing up with a third day belly if she was only first day pregnant on her home lot.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 27, 19:59:19
The weird thing, though, is that each day of pregnancy is a different state.  She shouldn't be showing up with a third day belly if she was only first day pregnant on her home lot.

My game has always worked that way since before any EPs or anything. It happens when I play a lot with a pregnant Sim on it that is showing at least the first bump. Then I save and go play another lot. On the 2nd lot the pregnant Sim comes over as a visitor, or you visit a comm lot and see the pregnant Sim. Even though they had the smallest bump when you left them, they will always have the largest bump when playing other Sims.

Then when I go back and play the pregnant Sim, they will have the largest bump. They still get the "wave and bump" when the time is right, but since they are already showing the largest bump, their size doesn't change.

I first realized that this was happening when I made a neighborhood of newlyweds. I let each couple get pregnant, then when their bump was showing I would save and do the same to the next lot.  The idea was to be able to tell at a glance which Sims were pregnant so I could get started on the next family. Then I started noticing that every single female looked like they were in their 3rd trimester.

It is just a visual effect. Nothing bad comes from it. They still stay pregnant for 75 hours and then give birth just fine.

EDIT: If I save a pregnant Sim before they start showing, they don't show up on other lots with a bump. They just vomit in your toilet a lot.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: maxon on 2007 February 28, 01:18:24
Yeah Magicmooon that's exactly my experience.  Sim just gets pregnant when you leave them, ooh sweet, looks like overweight hippo waddling past when you next see them on a walk-by.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2007 February 28, 01:39:02
I never realized it, but that's what I've noticed happening too.  I figured they must have been farther along in their pregnancy than I realized when I left the lot, but it was actually happening the way magicmoon described it.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 28, 01:42:02
I've noticed this as well. Pregnant Sims tend to show up one stage ahead off-lot.
I also notice this on the family thumbnail from the 'hood view -- a Sim who just got pregnant is already shown with a bump there.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: yetyak on 2007 March 01, 07:14:11
Everyone else also having all the walkbys in the same outfit? Not the same one as they wear in their home lot?

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 March 02, 08:48:11
I thought I lost her because when I went back to the lot she wasn't there anymore.  But here she is visiting Brandi, again, with the outfit.  The weird thing is, I went back to her home lot and what she was wearing was fine - maxis maternity wear.  But now she shows up again like this.

Title: Re: Weird maternity outfit
Post by: miros on 2007 March 03, 13:02:00
I've noticed this as well. Pregnant Sims tend to show up one stage ahead off-lot.
I also notice this on the family thumbnail from the 'hood view -- a Sim who just got pregnant is already shown with a bump there.

I've never noticed the Sims looking more preggo than they are, but I have noticed them wearing different maternity wear in the family thumbnail than they wear in the game.