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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: KLGFCG on 2007 February 25, 22:39:57

Title: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: KLGFCG on 2007 February 25, 22:39:57
Apparently, I've managed to delete the meshes for several career uniforms and the firefighters uniforms -- when sims should be wearing those outfits, they just wear the default outfit (pink shirt and capris for women, green shirt and pants for men). Just prior to this happening, I did a big clean up of clothes files by deleting from the game. I do use Motoki's mod to show career and NPC uniforms as regular clothes but I didn't think I had deleted anything from that group (that's the only thing I can relate to this). In any case, how do I go about fixing it without a full reinstall?!?

Title: Re: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 25, 23:44:26
Open for the disks the meshes you deleted off (probably base, nl, ofb) and restore all the objects.package and sims3d/3d package files to the expansion pack install folders. Overwrite what you have there.

Kick Motoki to update the mod so they do not show as custom (add version= strings to all clothing definitions).

Title: Re: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: miros on 2007 February 25, 23:45:49
And make all package files in the Program Files directory Read Only!

Title: Re: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: KLGFCG on 2007 February 26, 01:09:19
Uhg, I think I've really done it this time. I replaced the files you said, Jordi, but I still have the same problem. Other thoughts? Believe me, I'm kicking myself bigtime here.

Title: Re: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 26, 01:18:59
Okay... try the following:
-delete the cache files in My Docs
-also delete your thumbnails folder there

If this also fails, backup your entire my docs\ea games folder somewhere safe and uninstall (your my docs will be deleted, so backup before this). Also backup any changed files in the game install folders.
Then do a complete reinstall of all expansions and their patches (except for Pets).
Place your My Docs\EA games back, and this should have fixed it.
Set everything in the game install folders to read only, and remember not to delete any EA/Maxis content in the future.

In your defense, you couldn't have known that "unlock" mods post-Pets may allow Maxis meshes to be deleted. This is a truely stupid step by EA/Maxis. Any such mod must be fixed to include the version= string for all items to prevent this.

Title: Re: Missing career/NPC meshes
Post by: KLGFCG on 2007 February 26, 11:12:42
Fortunately, I had another installation on my laptop (the problem was on my desktop) so I ended up moving over the TSData/Res file which corrected the issue. Of course, it wasn't quite as simple as that, but for brevity's sake, we'll say that it was (there was much trial and error before I came to that solution). Thank you so much for all the advice, Jordi. I appreciate it.