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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Kristalrose on 2005 September 24, 21:56:08

Title: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 September 24, 21:56:08
I'm having a couple of issues with my game, not sure if it is a hack causing it, or which hack would be causing it.   ???  I'm experiencing many "stuck" situations, things that the lot debuger can usually unstick if I were using it.  (Still being very hesitant about my hacks and only have the most "essential" ones in my game right now.)

1.  Pregnancies getting stuck, lasting 4 or 5 days instead of the usual 3.
2.  Stuck parties.  At some point the little Party Reminders stop appearing and people just keep hanging around, eating the food, watching the tv, and hogging the bathrooms and the hot tubs.  :(
3.  Stuck aging.  One poor Sim Mom could not sleep the entire night because she kept trying to "help with birthday" but the baby wouldn't transition to toddler!!  This only happened once.
4.  Stuck leaving community lot.  This happned after I had clicked on the neighboring downtown lot and had my sim go there.  He drove over, shopped, flirted, everything normally.  Then I told him to go home, and he went into a corner in the back of the store and started litterally pacing in circles.  I couldn't cancel the command, either.  Finally I used the bool prop cheat to "Force Error." and got him to stop pacing and do something else.  I made three more attemps at getting him to go home normally, but the same thing kept happening.  Finally, I used "Debug" on the car, and he was able to get into it and drive home fine. 

My hacks are all from here, Inge, Merola, TwoJeffs, and Crammyboy.  I can give the list if you like, and also give you the error logs from the car, if they would help. 

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 24, 23:03:11
I've definitely had parties dissolve on me and the guests make themselves at home and I've had it long before NL too. I haven't had it lately so far, but that doesn't mean it's I won't.

It would probably be a good idea to post a list of all your hacks, sure. Have you been checking the lists from all the creators to make sure they've stated those hacks all work okay with NL?

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 September 25, 16:05:40
Yep, been watching them all very carefully, and making durn sure that the creator said they were safe before using them.  What's worrying me is that I might be using one that I have missed seeing as a "Maybe safe, maybe not." Some of the lists of what works and what doesn't become very confusing as I jump from site to site.  I think the one that Dr. Boris has given us is the best and most understandable.

Okay:  My hacks:

abduction-Higher Odds
LessWhiny (I believe this one is Inge's new one)
Rewards-Resi Lots
Rewards-Comm Lots

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: brat on 2005 September 25, 17:48:45
Can't be sure, but remove CBOY_nocensor. It was causing many conflicts and he has removed it. Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Kristalrose on 2005 September 25, 19:57:14
Oh no!!!!! >:(  (sigh) okay, back to the Jack-Thompson styled sims.  "Oh, my eyes!  I'm blind!!" :P 

Thanks Brat.    :)

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 25, 22:53:50
Kristalrose, I have had weird little things happening throughout my game and only through being very tough on myself, I can get a smooth game going by only using about 5 mods. Eeeeck!@ I know. Its tough, but I would rather have the blur etc and no weird going ons with my game when I play.

I use Merola's Multi painting, Merola's Mindcontrolmirror and JMP's nowhatsthis as Boris has confirmed its fine. I also use the lot debugger and bathroomusesyou. All confirmed to be fine by Boris. Thats it from about 40 original mods. So far the withdrawal symptoms haven't been too bad.

I have also been very good and got rid of half my downloads folder and that baby was over 1.5gig easy.

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: dizzy on 2005 September 25, 23:00:18

I think that might be the culprit.

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Howabominable on 2005 September 25, 23:05:38
I've had the problem with the stuck baby ever since ts1. Especially with twins. Use the cake, it'll save alot of headaches!

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: brat on 2005 September 25, 23:33:53
There is another hack that removes the blur without changing the BHAV. I believe it was made by Quaxi and you can get it at MTS2. I have it and it works fine. I hope this helps to solve at least some of your issues. Good luck.

Title: Re: Anyone Seen this yet?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 26, 03:31:55

I think that might be the culprit.

Anyhow, I am using the clothingtool in NL without the global part and it still works just fine.