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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: LFox on 2007 February 23, 20:58:21

Title: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 23, 20:58:21
I decided to make a clean hood devoided of the ugly horse and shovel faced townies using the tutorial here,5861.0.html

I'm using custom face replacements and batch generating the townies.  The Adult black sims all have black heads and what looks like normal maxis color bodies.  So basically they got 1 skintone for the head and a completely different one for the body, other ages seem uneffected.  It may be important to mention I've noticed this mismatch happening since i installed pets for ONE skintone, when my toddlers of my light skintone grew up to children but it disappeared at teenagers, i tried downaging one of the CAS ones i made for the new hood that has the light skintone but the bug didn't appear.

I got all the expansions Uni, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, installed in that order.  And i don't have the newest pets patch installed.  I use Enayla skintones that i've set to defaults using simpe.  Any ideas what could be causing this?

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 February 23, 21:05:34
Did you keep the original skintone in your downloads? When you use SimPE to make a skintone into a default replacement, you still need to keep the original installed. The feature really doesn't work perfectly. I always do mine by hand.

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 23, 21:08:21
Did you keep the original skintone in your downloads? When you use SimPE to make a skintone into a default replacement, you still need to keep the original installed. The feature really doesn't work perfectly. I always do mine by hand.

I definitely got the original for the black skintone still in my downloads not sure about the light skintone but i think so.  I honestly don't know how to make them outside simpe that's why i let simpe handle it, never really had any problems with it.

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 February 23, 22:47:38
here is the tutorial for doing default skintones 'by hand' with SimPE,2930.0.html

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 24, 02:18:59
here is the tutorial for doing default skintones 'by hand' with SimPE,2930.0.html

Thanks i'll take a look at it.

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: selzi on 2007 February 24, 09:46:32
You could take out your Enayla defaults and replace them with another default skin set. It would be interesting to know whether the black townies have black bodies then, too ...  ???

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 24, 12:06:43
You could take out your Enayla defaults and replace them with another default skin set. It would be interesting to know whether the black townies have black bodies then, too ...  ???

I tried your suggestion and unfortunately there was no problem.  The skintone was mismatched but after doing the mirror trick it was fixed.  I guess i really do have to go through the normal way of making these skins defaults.  Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Generated Townies have mismatched skintone
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 24, 13:22:38
Edit: Nevermind i think i found the problem why my simpe default turned out huge.

Edit 2: Got it all working fine now i checked around and found almost all of the skins i wanted already made into defaults so it saved me the hassle.  Thanks for the replies guys.