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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: chickeessims on 2007 February 23, 05:28:25

Title: Won't let me adopt Babies
Post by: chickeessims on 2007 February 23, 05:28:25
I have the notownieregen hack in my game and recently the game has not been letting me adopt Babies. Toddlers and Children are fine, just the babies.

I have All the EPS but no stuff packs. Can anyone help?


Title: Re: Won't let me adopt Babies
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 February 23, 05:35:51
You need to tell us more than "it won't let me." How exactly is it "not letting" you adopt? What happens when the social worker comes? Is the Baby option there? If it is, what happens when you click it?

Title: Re: Won't let me adopt Babies
Post by: chickeessims on 2007 February 23, 05:41:27
Hey, Sorry about that - lol.

When you use the phone, it will let you adopt and the box will cme up saying "Your request s been approved blah blah blah"
then it will come to the next day and the windoe will pop up saying "Time to Adopt choose BABY TODDLER CHILD" and when you click on Baby the window disappears and the social worker never shows.


Title: Re: Won't let me adopt Babies
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 February 23, 06:22:48
Got any of Squinge's hacks? He made a bunch of adoption-related ones, so that's where I'd look first. If you do have any of them, see if they need to be updated for your EPs, or take them out and see if things work properly.

If not, turn on Debug Mode and see if you get any kind of error. By the time that dialog box comes up, the social worker should be on the lot already, so her not showing up suggests she may be being forcibly deleted by some sort of error. In which case turning on debug mode might (a) show you the error box, (b) provide an error log that you can attach here so that someone who understands error logs can look at it.

Title: Re: Won't let me adopt Babies
Post by: chickeessims on 2007 February 23, 09:27:02
Fixed it! it was a problem caused by the notownieregen hack.

To create the babies the game takes DNA from random townies, and because of the notownieregen there were no townies! i just had to create some new ones and everything worked fine.

Thanks SaraMK for giving me the idea of using the debug mode to help me (i'd never of thought of that, i'm such a N00b) so i could find out what was wrong.
