More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Diala on 2007 February 19, 16:03:58

Title: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Diala on 2007 February 19, 16:03:58
I am looking for DatGen, mostly so I can check the polygon counts of my downloaded objects, but it seems the original website has bit the dust. Does anyone know where else I can download this program? It would be a lot easier for me rather than looking at each package file individually in SimPE.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 February 19, 16:54:50
it's at tsr

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Diala on 2007 February 19, 19:18:21
Unfortunately, the versions on there don't seem to have the Download Maid plugin. I think v0.7.9 has it, and TSR doesn't have that.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 February 20, 08:21:22
My version version of the installer is 0.7.13,and my installed version is 0.7.9 (although the About panel shows It has the Download Maid, but that crashes with critical exception errors when it gets to some objects when scanning for zero-length packages (it does finish if I remove those  objects), and can't complete a scan for orphaned recolors or meshes. I ran this just for this thread, and I remember now why I've not used DatGen since I first installed SimPE.  :)

I can send you the installer if you can accept a 7.5 MB email attachment.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Diala on 2007 February 20, 10:20:22
Thank you for warning me about it. I'll try to be careful.

I just checked. My gmail account can receive attachments that big. Feel free to send it over whenever you have the time.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 February 20, 11:19:23
Okay, the file is too big for my ISP's email server,and I was unable to send it from my company's server using a VPN connection (the connection timed out while transferring the file), but I seem to have successfully sent it using Hotmail's Web interface. Let me know if it was delivered properly.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Diala on 2007 February 20, 13:43:00
I didn't go through. Do you have Gmail? Maybe that'll work.

Title: Re: Looking for DatGen
Post by: Hegelian on 2007 February 21, 12:49:00
I'm afraid I have exhausted all my email options.