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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: myskaal on 2007 February 19, 11:03:02

Title: Teeth Replacement
Post by: myskaal on 2007 February 19, 11:03:02
Sorry, I'm not sure if this should go here or in Peasantry.  :-\

Somewhere along the lines of downoading new hair, makeups, eyes, etc. I remember seeing a mention of and a link to download a replacement for the Maxis default teeth. Only now I can't recall where the heck I saw that.
If I'm remembering correctly it wasn't a makeup option to cover up but an actual default replacement. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about and where I might find them?

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 February 19, 11:20:58
Some of Oepu's skins have more realistic teeth than the Maxis originals do, but I'm not sure if she has any default replacements. The skins can be found at sexysims2.

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: Arina on 2007 February 19, 11:33:46
I use Lyran's default skins - I don't think the teeth are drawn differently but they're a bit whiter.

I've never seen default just teeth - I wonder if they would have to copy a maxis skintone (or whatever else you are using) entirely apart from teeth, which are copied on from makeup teeth, and make that a default? o_O; It seems like there should be an easier way, so there probably is :P

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: myskaal on 2007 February 19, 11:35:32
Thanks, I'll have a look.

I'm not sure if I'm even remembering correctly that they were default replacements. I have no idea if teeth are a seperate thing that can be modified that way but I figured if anyone would know it'd be someone here.  ;)

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 19, 11:44:48
They are not default replacements, but makeup.  Try googling merco sims (or something like that).  I use them and they're much better, but I don't have the site bookmark anymore.  He also does other stuff like eyelids and dimples and graying hair and wrinkles.

ETA:  found it for you:

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: Ambular on 2007 February 19, 12:17:53
If you use default replacement skins, it'd be fairly trivial to edit them in SimPE and paste the replacement teeth over the teeth in the skin textures.

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: Kyna on 2007 February 19, 13:34:33
They are not default replacements, but makeup.  Try googling merco sims (or something like that).  I use them and they're much better, but I don't have the site bookmark anymore.  He also does other stuff like eyelids and dimples and graying hair and wrinkles.

ETA:  found it for you:

Hairfish is a she, not a he.

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: myskaal on 2007 February 19, 15:59:26
Bingo! It was Merco's makeup teeth. I have no idea why I was thinking they were a global mod file. Too many downloads  ::)


Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 February 19, 19:02:36
Well, the word merco sounds male to me, as does hairfish.  Now I know, and I can sleep soundly tonight.

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: Tamha on 2007 February 20, 00:47:21
I'm pretty sure that MerCo is short for Mermaid Cove, and the only men I could think of having a website called that would have to be superstious saliors, lol!

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 February 23, 05:19:01
I'm pretty sure that MerCo is short for Mermaid Cove, and the only men I could think of having a website called that would have to be superstious saliors, lol!

Or guys with a fin fetish...

Title: Re: Teeth Replacement
Post by: numaari on 2007 February 26, 09:05:51
I've heard that Hairfish's hubby has a fin fetish...  ;)