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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Bitsy on 2007 February 17, 10:29:41

Title: making disk image of Pets CD
Post by: Bitsy on 2007 February 17, 10:29:41
[Bitsy's Husband]

I'm trying to make a disk image of the Sims 2 Pets CD as my drive is failing, but I'm not able to get a working image - has anyone successfully done this?  I'm using the latest version of CloneCD that has worked for all of the previous disks, but when I load up the image using Deamon Tools the pets splash screen loads up and asks me to insert the disk.  An sigguestions? 

Thanks in Advnace

[/Bitsy's Husband]

Title: Re: making disk image of Pets CD
Post by: KellyQ on 2007 February 17, 10:44:16
I'm sure someone more Awesome than me will have a better answer but....I use Game Jackal. You can use their trial version to see what you think of it(although it starts out loading your game very quickly, eventually it will take longer and longer for your game to load the more you use it and don't pay for it).
 It was very, very simple to set up (especially for the technically challenged like myself) and I use it for a variety of games. I finally did buy it because it was very reasonably priced and I was tired of the long loading times.

Title: Re: making disk image of Pets CD
Post by: deviantDK on 2007 February 17, 10:50:25
don't know if it will work, but have you tried using SafeDisc 4 Hider / SD4Hide (available from to bypass safedisk blacklisting of deamon tools? seeing as it's necessery to use a hider when using a mini image it probably is necessery to use one when using a full clone of the play disk, but I'm just guessing, anyway it's worth a try I'd say

Title: Re: making disk image of Pets CD
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 17, 11:48:59
Bitsy: recent Sims disks also require a safedisc hider (like schizo mentions). Then any valid image (including mini images) will work.

Title: Re: making disk image of Pets CD
Post by: Bitsy on 2007 February 17, 12:09:59
[Bitsy's Husband]

Thanks for that!  I got the SD4hider program and my image works perfectly!  I may check out game jackal as I don't particularly like having to launch two applications to use/mount the image, but at least things are working for now. 


[/Bitsy's Husband]