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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: linolino on 2007 February 14, 18:46:27

Title: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 14, 18:46:27
I remember when rugs looked thick with beutifully rounded edges and not flat like some crappy stamp on the floor. what happend?

Bofere I put the rug on the floor, while its attached to the cursor, it looks ok, but then when i place it on the floor it becomes plain as a piece of paper.

Is this happening in your games too?

Before placing it:

Setings are high, same thing happens if placed outside, on the grass, on wood, on tile, on carpet... Happens to every rug.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 February 14, 19:25:33
Just a shot in the dark here, but are your game settings a bit low? I'm guessing not because of the quality of that swing thing. Perhaps it has something to do with the type of floor?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: FrickinIdjit on 2007 February 14, 19:31:52
Does it do the same thing on tile or wood?  My thinking caps tend to sink into carpet.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 14, 20:32:05
Setings are high, same thing happens if placed outside, on the grass, on wood, on tile, on carpet... Happens to every rug.
It looks like it looses its bump maps!

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 14, 23:06:23
That's supposed to be a rug? It looks more like someone spilled a raw pancake on the ground and it mooshes out once you let go and drop it.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2007 February 14, 23:28:59
I've always had the same issue with the stepping stones. I just figured it was ment to do that lol.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Giggy on 2007 February 15, 00:43:12
 ::) EA *Tut* *tut* *tut*

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 15, 00:46:13
I think my rugs still look normal... will check later.
Only the echo rugs (which were made before we got EAMaxis rugs) tend to look weird.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 February 15, 01:58:25
The stepping stone rug does this for me also, and always has. I figured it was a "feature"

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Tina G on 2007 February 15, 02:14:47
Looks just like my stepping stones too.  :-\

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 15, 02:16:51
I have never used the stepping stones rug, but will have a look later :D

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: miros on 2007 February 15, 02:17:36
So you need to export the rugs on Echo's base and reimport them onto a Maxis base?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 15, 06:02:42
It doesn't happen only to hte stepping stone rug. It happens to *ALL rugs*

I just posted the stteping stones because its easier to see the defference.

Another one that is easy to see the difference is that bone-shaped rug that came with Pets.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Havelock on 2007 February 15, 07:33:27
Its made that way by Maxis.  Rugs have two meshes, best to see on the Stepping Stones. One mesh to place them the other is a layer who replaces the more detailed Mesh.  :-\
 For Bumpmapping. I remember the white Marokkan Fence was Bumpmapped. The Thumpnail looks like Bumpmapped but the Fence is plain white now.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 15, 10:03:26
but i remember it wasn't like that... it must have been a patch or a expansion pack that changed that... what would be? maybe the PETS patch... Is this happening to someone who haven't installed the pets patch?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Havelock on 2007 February 15, 10:51:27
It is the same since we got the stepping Stones. I have buyed the FFS Pack because they were  in it. Putted they first on a lawn behind my most played  House and was thinking like my Sims "Whats this?". I have seen better looking Pancakes. It was since Nightlife. Some Grafikfeatures where broken in the Game.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Tigerlilley on 2007 February 15, 14:05:02
I have never seen my stepping stones look like that... they still retain their stone like looks so its deffinatly NOT a feature

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 15, 14:09:47
Mine go flat too. I don't really care, because I don't use them. All my other rugs are ok though.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 15, 15:47:52
Mine go flat too. I don't really care, because I don't use them. All my other rugs are ok though.
Are you sure? As i said before i don't think this is a issue of the stpping stones only. it affects all rugs in general. Everything that uses the rugsGlobal... test it with your bone-shapped if you have pets. i bet it will go flat too

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 February 15, 15:53:24
My stepping stones have ALWAYS done this. Very annoying. I haven't seen any of my other rugs do that, but then I haven't used rugs very much.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: theisz on 2007 February 15, 16:14:59
I just went and looked and all of mine do the same.  All of the rugs end up lying at the same level as the flooring instead of on top.  Weird.  I do not have the patch installed.


Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 15, 23:50:42
Mine go flat too. I don't really care, because I don't use them. All my other rugs are ok though.
Are you sure? As i said before i don't think this is a issue of the stpping stones only. it affects all rugs in general. Everything that uses the rugsGlobal... test it with your bone-shapped if you have pets. i bet it will go flat too

I don't have pets, but I will check with the other rugs. I am pretty sure they are ok...but I must admit I use custom rugs more than anything else :D

[edit] Just checked, and they all go flat :D Stupid Maxis :P

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 16, 03:05:25
I have never seen my stepping stones look like that... they still retain their stone like looks so its deffinatly NOT a feature

Your stteping stone rug is not going flat?

What EPs/SPs you have installed?
What patches?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 16, 11:51:38
I've been trying to figure out all week what was wrong with my "flat" rugs. I thought I had downloaded some bad lots or something.

I have the Pets patch installed. I'm pretty sure the rugs were OK before that, but maybe it started with Pets and I didn't notice it.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Tina G on 2007 February 16, 12:08:12
It probably is another 'pets peeve'.  ::)  I hardly ever use rugs, so didn't really notice until this post was made. Now that I know, it bugs the living crap outta me! lol

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 16, 13:53:08
It isn't Pets causing the bad rugs, because I don't have it. I have Uni, NL, OFB, FFS and Glamour.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2007 February 16, 14:12:38
What graphic card is everyone running? geforce 5200 fx 25mb here

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 16, 14:18:05
I have a Geforce 3 Ti 200.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: theisz on 2007 February 16, 14:57:28
Geforce 8800 gtx

Damn Nvidia!

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Tina G on 2007 February 16, 15:19:16
Geforce 7900GT.  Well, maybe it IS another 'Nvidia Peeve'.  :-\

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: SaraMK on 2007 February 16, 15:37:06
I just checked the rest of my rugs, and yup, whatta 'ya know, they're all like that.

I have an ATI Radeon 9600 (256MB) and a nVidia GeForce 6200 (256MB). Both have the problem, so don't blame nVidia too much.

Has anyone tracked down some official screenshots that show rugs? That would be one way to tell if Maxis intended this lovely "feature."

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: TaWanda on 2007 February 16, 16:41:46
Just to be the odd man out, I just went and checked my rugs. ONLY the Maxis rugs are flat in my game. I have maybe a dozen or so  custom rug meshes, and all those rugs seem to be fine. I also noticed the the Maxis rugs will not lie across the rug/room dividers, but the custom rugs will. I have all EPs, no stuffeths paxs, no pets patch, Nvidia GeForce5200.
 ETA the flooring was half stone, half carpet, so that makes no difference.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: aqualectrix on 2007 February 16, 20:43:42
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro here, and my rugs have definitely been doing this since before Pets.  Possibly even since they were introduced in Nightlife -- I remember being very disapointed about the flatness.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 16, 21:31:25
The EAMaxis rugs look flat in my game. I hadn't really noticed it before since it is less noticable on the normal rugs than with the stepping stones and bone, which I do not use.

Echo's rugs look good.
TaWanda -- where did you get that half circle mesh?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: TaWanda on 2007 February 16, 22:49:24
Jordi. it's a Windkeeper mesh I've had for ages. I thought it came from MTS2, but that whole thread seems to have disappeared. Don't see it in the TSR booty list either, you can PM me if you want it. Lot's of recolors available too.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2007 February 16, 22:56:07
Tawanda Offer ya booty up to Blue lol

Ok. That probally didn't come out the way it sounded in my head.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 17, 05:09:09
Jordi. it's a Windkeeper mesh I've had for ages. I thought it came from MTS2, but that whole thread seems to have disappeared. Don't see it in the TSR booty list either, you can PM me if you want it. Lot's of recolors available too.

I think they are in the realrugs_collection.rar 

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: TaWanda on 2007 February 17, 05:18:06
 I looked in all the real rug files in da booty and didn't see this, course I am an old, half blind woman, looking at this stuff at 1am when I should be sleeping, so I coulda missed it.
 Blue is more than welcome to any booty I have. ;)
I figured she probably already has it and just hadn't gotten around to reposting it yet?

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Weaver on 2007 February 17, 06:32:45
Maxis rugs have always looked bad in my games ever since I can remember. I use ATi, if anyone is wondering.
If you want to see really bad rugs, turn off snap to grid functionality - the rugs blend into floors like puke.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Tyraa Rane on 2007 February 17, 09:00:34
I've got the same problem--IIRC it was happening before Pets as well. ATI Mobility Radeon X600 here.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Havelock on 2007 February 17, 22:53:13
It looks like Maxis Rugs are working like Terrainpaintings no mesh involved while placed. Meshes are only needet for visibility while moving around. Numenor made the LS rugs buyable see what happens when meshes are involved when placed. ( 
 The red circle shows what happens when rugs overlap, and there are serious lightning probs. Numenors Rugs look like the original Maxis Rugs while you move them around for placing purposes.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: hippi on 2007 February 18, 06:39:02
Maxis rugs have always looked like that, that's why I never use them, I thought that was the way Maxis intended them to look ::)

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 19, 10:06:04
I've noticed if you just put the maxis rugs on the grass in buy mode, the grid lines show through. That can't be right :-\

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: seelindarun on 2007 February 19, 10:40:04
The half-circle rugs are by Windkeeper and you can find them on TSR.  The filename there starts with Half Circle something-or-other, so I'm guessing that it's not in the booty because the Windkeeper directory is missing files from F to M.

I know this because I've been watching that directory for a while, looking for that and other H-named files.  :D

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Emma on 2007 February 19, 10:51:50
You're right seelindarun. I have them so I must have grabbed them on a free rotation

Anyone want the rugs?  Pm me.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 21, 08:55:25
There are pics on Snooty Sims, I think they're official pics, but I'm no NL expert - I don't have it
There are a couple of shots including rugs on page 1

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Argon on 2007 February 21, 15:20:48
I'm going to take a stab in the dark and say that they go flat to avoid problems with sim shadows disappearing and feet sinking into them, the TS2 engine has no collision data capability so that's the only way they'd be able to fix it ¬_¬

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 February 21, 19:37:38
My rugs are not flat.  They have a raised edge, especially the custom rugs.

ATI Radeon X850XT

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: witch on 2007 February 21, 22:01:11
Hmm, same as my card, I'll check my rugs tonight.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: eevilcat on 2007 February 27, 14:27:35
I checked mine and the official rugs are now all as flat as pancakes. I'm pretty damned sure this wasn't always the case as I remember using those stepping stones not long after I first bought the game and they looked pretty good. I probably only had the base game + FFS at that point I remember them working and I'm running on a laptop with a Radeon X300. No idea which EP broke them as I bought/installed them in a weird order.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 27, 16:36:21
I'm pretty sure that my Maxis rugs used to be raised too. Otherwise, why would I just recently be noticing them? I know that I could have missed it for quite a while when it happened since I use so many of Echo's rugs. The sizes are just better. But I also used to use the braided Maxis rugs a lot and when I went to put some down awhile back I noticed that they were flat. Thought it was just my game though until I saw this post.

ATI RADEON 9550 256MB RAM. Drivers from February 2007, but I saw the flat rugs long before updating the drivers.

Title: Re: Why are my rugs looking like crap!?
Post by: miramis on 2007 February 28, 09:08:03
Mine were raised too, I thought they still were, but I just went ingame to check and to my horror they now go flat just like yours, I haven't been paying attention obviously.

GeForce 7950 GX2 - Funny thing is that the racecar rug Numenor unlocked doesn't do it, that's my only CC rug at the moment.