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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 14, 09:15:31

Title: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 14, 09:15:31
Well I've had enough of OMGPetz1111 and so would like to uninstall.  I never let my Sims have any petz and the strays get on my nerves so I would rather not have this EP cluttering up my HD.  Although I do have a backed up version of my pre-Petz game, I have played all of my hoods with the Petz EP installed to the point where I would like not lose the current saved games.

Then I had a thought the other day, that may be completely stupid but it would help me keep my current saved games and get rid of Petz.  If I get and install Seasons, then go into every household and save, in each hood, would I then beable to uninstall Petz without any ill effects?

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 14, 09:46:08
After installing Seasons, maybe. I've personally never tried removing a prior expansion pack.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: miros on 2007 February 14, 09:56:04
Get TwoJeffs' Visitor Controller and set each lot to "ban strays."  Should tide you over until Seasons comes out.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 14, 10:32:57
In that case I will try it when Seasons arrives.  I couldn't work out whether it was a very stupid idea or a mildly clever one.  I suspect it may turn into a VBT but if I backup I can always reinstall everything and return all to normal.

I will definitely use the Visitor Controller to ban strays.  Luckily I have used the no Pets P001 for my latest hood. 

I'm just struggling to find a reason to keep it installed.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: blubug on 2007 February 14, 11:54:16
I like all the cool furniture, but not all furniture is cool ;) and I kind of like the collection organising. Pets, I can live with, but without the stupid sim obsessions and the game slowing to a halt whenever there's a few extra pets on a lot.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 14, 12:49:45
Yep, I'm with you on that! 

Also I play the game on a laptop and although the specs are ok they aren't top of the range.  I have an ATI Radeon X700 card and currently just over 1GB of RAM so I don't know how many EPs I'm going to be able to load on this system before it slows to a crawl   :-\

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: Weaver on 2007 February 14, 13:15:58
I uninstalled Pets and too was a fan of the Atomic Age furniture suite. Overall, I felt the expansion weighed too many disadvantages even with cat/dog gameplay being very enjoyable.
With a trip to Holy Simoly for fresh objects, my Sims 2 experience consists of Nightlife and Open for Business until Seasons hits shelves (on my birthday, no less, har har!)

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: blubug on 2007 February 14, 13:25:55
If I knew a little about object extracting, or even simpe, I'd just take all the objects, and kick the pack in the gutter.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: PandaGirl on 2007 February 14, 13:43:06
I liked a lot of the build mode stuff, in particular the flatten terrain to road level. I also liked the floor dividers because they come in handy for having more than one baby in a room.
The space stuff is cool for my little boys, and seeing as FFS gave me themes for my girls I thought it was time for more boyish stuff.
My sims never have pets any more. If they want a pet, I give them another kid. At least in later years a kid can be useful.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2007 February 14, 15:00:26
I uninstalled Pets and then ended up reinstalling it for all the non-pet stuff - I love the clock, new phones, atomic furniture and the build stuff and being able to easily add different pictures for my sims to paint and a few other things.

so at this point I'm banning strays on most lots and not giving any sims pets. I may allow a few pets after Seasons comes out since then the wants will be clogged with Seasons stuff instead *laughs*

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: virgali on 2007 February 14, 15:22:37
Then I had a thought the other day, that may be completely stupid but it would help me keep my current saved games and get rid of Petz.  If I get and install Seasons, then go into every household and save, in each hood, would I then beable to uninstall Petz without any ill effects?

Nope, you can't do that, it doesn't matter if you install Seasons or another EP, it won't make any difference. Once the game has been "updated" with the features of any EP you can't go back. It notes you of this prior to proceed with installation and also recommends you to back up your files. I guess you're stuck with this EP or you'll have to play with your pre-Pets files.


Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 15, 02:17:36
Damn, well in that case I will wait and see if Seasons causes any lag, if it does then Petz can go and to hell with any saved games!

Edit - to add a missing n and a comma

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 15, 02:27:45
I think you'd be able to uninstall if you had upgraded your engine so that it could read your save files anyway, as I saw code pertaining to vampires-without-NL-anymore, but who knows?

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 15, 10:07:30
Upgrade how?  Are you talking hardware or software?  Or were you musing theoretically?  :P

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 15, 13:32:47
Upgrade by installing Seasons. Neighbourhoods are only readable by the same or a higher expansion. A Pets 'hood can only be read by Pets, and Seasons.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: mildlydisguised on 2007 February 15, 14:55:47
Oh I see   :-[  That's what I thought might be possible.  Sod it I'm going to try it, can't hurt.

Title: Re: To uninstall?
Post by: nekonoai on 2007 February 16, 11:20:12
could you just use the objects.package from pets without pets installed, or would that mess up the interactions with said objects?

[knows nothing about game coding and is non awesome]