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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nainon on 2007 February 13, 08:03:11

Title: Sim portraits
Post by: nainon on 2007 February 13, 08:03:11
I was thinking if it's possible to make male's portrait poses available for women and vice versa? I'm just curious because on chance cards my sim (woman) always seems to be having a male's pose. It'd be nice have the big portrait picture have a different pose than one of the usual ones.

Sorry for my horrible English.  :-[

Title: Re: Sim portraits
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 13, 11:14:49
1 - you can use that batman looking box from pescado to regenerate your sims portrait

2 - there is "spaw.../sim modder" option in the debug menu when you click on a sim that let's you change your sim's sex. i never tried it out. but maybe... who knows, maybe if you change the sims's sex and regenerate its portrait, then change it back again!

Title: Re: Sim portraits
Post by: dizzy on 2007 February 13, 18:55:29
Sim Modder has a sex-change option? Weird. I don't recall any such thing.

The Pescado Lot Debugger can change the thumbnail portrait if that's all you want.

Title: Re: Sim portraits
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 14, 09:45:22
Sim Modder has a sex-change option? Weird. I don't recall any such thing.

ahm... well, just before i posted that i swear i had seen that option in it. but now i went there to check and i didn't find it either. i must have seen it in another object. but i know i saw it in debug mode