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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: elle.jae on 2007 February 11, 19:55:13

Title: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 February 11, 19:55:13
Okay, so I started up my game for the first time today, and go to my self-sim's house. There are 3 dogs in the household, two of which are elders. That's when I see this:

I checked my other houses that have elder pets, and they're all the same - heads and tails are fine, but they don't have bodies. Nothing's wrong with the adult pets or puppies/kittens. I have no idea what could be causing this, because I played just yesterday and I haven't downloaded anything new in the meanteime. Any ideas on what the problem is or how I could fix it?

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: miros on 2007 February 11, 20:33:48
Do you have The Patch?  (Not that I'm recommending it if you don't, just asking...) The only thing I can think of is that you've somehow lost the gray "overlay" that elder dogs get.

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 February 11, 20:54:14
No, I don't have the patch. I'm too scared to install it after reading the thread here. Besides, I haven't really experienced any of the problems the patch is supposed to fix, so I thought I'd do without.

I know I've used Inge's heirloom cake to get all of those pets to elderhood, just because I think they live way too long. That's really the only thing I can think of that might be a problem though. But I've been using it for awhile and never had any problems before now.

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: miros on 2007 February 11, 20:57:05
What happens if you try to change appearance with a mirror?

I'm not quite awake, so I'm not thinking of everything at once.

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 February 11, 21:13:10
Okay, I tried taking the heirloom cake out of my downloads, no change. Then I put it back and aged up the third dog in the household to elder. She was fine, still had a body, had the gray overlay. I hadn't thought of trying to change their appearance with the mirror, so I'll try that.

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: elle.jae on 2007 February 11, 21:28:13
Alright, I think I've fixed it. I couldn't change their appearances with the mirror at first, because the action kept getting dropped once they got to the mirror. I tried putting the mirror in other places, no luck. Then I decided to have a sim wash the pet and then try to change their appearance, and that worked. I didn't save because it took so long to get that taken care of that the rest of the house had gone haywire. But next time I play I'll do it again and see if it sticks after I leave the lot or quit the game.

Thanks, miros!

Title: Re: Elder pets have no bodies! Augh!
Post by: miros on 2007 February 12, 01:03:11
Lol, dirty dogs disappear!