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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Jelenedra on 2007 February 10, 14:32:23

Title: Werewolf complaints....
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 February 10, 14:32:23
Okay, so female sims get to keep their hair when they transition, but males have to get that weird hair cut when they change? Making every were on the lot look identical? It sucks. I could understand if it was that way for the female weres too. Is this something that Maxis/EA broke?

Also, why do werewolves have fears of other were's howling? I can't keep anyone aspiration up, because they all take hits when the others howl.

Just a rant.

If anyone could point me to a mod that allows male weres to keep their hair style like the female weres, I'd appreciate it.

Title: Re: Werewolf complaints....
Post by: Tamha on 2007 February 10, 15:36:02
Your werewolves are afraid to hear each other howl? That's so lame! They should want to hear each other howling!

Title: Re: Werewolf complaints....
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 10, 15:49:58
Males are supposed to get the weird hair, females not.

Any non-knowledge were will still fear hearing others howl (knowledge weres will want it instead), ditto with cures for self or others.

Title: Re: Werewolf complaints....
Post by: Jelenedra on 2007 February 10, 16:23:43
It's still retarded. You would think that a Pleasure sim wouldn't give two craps about whether or not he is furry, as long as there is a couch to jump on.

And I don't like the weird hair. I want the hair my sims have to stay, dangit.  :P

Title: Re: Werewolf complaints....
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 11, 00:47:58
The howling fears are unaddressable, unfortunately. It's been tried. Other wants and fears pertaining to werewolves currently are on the test docket.