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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: kytyngurl on 2007 February 05, 11:09:42

Title: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: kytyngurl on 2007 February 05, 11:09:42
I just had a lovely little alien baby born into the game, but she's stuck with her father's eyes despite a few reloadings. That's what I get for using customs, I guess. As soon as she's a toddler and I can drag her over a mirror, I'd like to do something about this. I've found alien eye contacts here and there, but none that look just like the Maxis default ones. Does something like this even exist? Is there another way to solve my problem?


Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: Arina on 2007 February 05, 12:45:13
'Alien eyes' are invisible, no eyes - if you're using an alien replacement skin that doesn't have the black eyes, you simply can't get them. I don't know if you mean you're using custom eyes? I think custom eyes generally override all maxis eyes for the first generation or two unless they're set to not (kinda like custom skins). I haven't found any alien contacts that are the same as the maxis default, so I'd also be interested if anyone can find one. I think the problem may be that not many people make contacts and you can't extract the alien face through bodyshop (I'm sure it can be done through other methods, though).

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: kutto on 2007 February 05, 16:58:56
I have an excellent pair from SimPosieum.

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: Argon on 2007 February 09, 11:45:15
'Alien eyes' are invisible, no eyes - if you're using an alien replacement skin that doesn't have the black eyes, you simply can't get them.

Actually that's not true, the property set has the skintone field filled in (like hairstyles, it's so they won't appear without another condition being met first). If a matching skintone id is not found, the texture does not show up, and you will see the eye texture on the face texture. So no, the alien eyes are not invisible, they just have conditions for showing up. To prove this, take the original alien face texture and change the eye section, you'll see that in the game the alien eyes still show up unchanged.

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: Arina on 2007 February 09, 12:38:48
Actually that's not true, the property set has the skintone field filled in (like hairstyles, it's so they won't appear without another condition being met first). If a matching skintone id is not found, the texture does not show up, and you will see the eye texture on the face texture. So no, the alien eyes are not invisible, they just have conditions for showing up. To prove this, take the original alien face texture and change the eye section, you'll see that in the game the alien eyes still show up unchanged.

That's really interesting :) I assumed they were invisible because of half-alien sims who had eyes that existed nowhere else in my game other than their skintone. I knew they were inheiriting the alien eyes which weren't showing up. As I knew the eyes were from their skintone, I assumed alien eyes worked in the same way. I kind of wonder why they didn't do it like that anyway? :S

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: Tamha on 2007 February 09, 16:49:11
For some reason Maxis decided that only green-skinned alien spawn should have the alien bug eyes. I always fix my default replacement alien eyes to not require the alien skintone to appear because I think a half alien with "normal" skin and alien eyes would be cool!

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: kutto on 2007 February 09, 17:49:46
Without the green skin, they look like they have no eyes, just empty sockets. At least to me.

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 February 10, 09:57:26
'Alien eyes' are invisible, no eyes - if you're using an alien replacement skin that doesn't have the black eyes, you simply can't get them.

Actually that's not true, the property set has the skintone field filled in (like hairstyles, it's so they won't appear without another condition being met first). If a matching skintone id is not found, the texture does not show up, and you will see the eye texture on the face texture. So no, the alien eyes are not invisible, they just have conditions for showing up. To prove this, take the original alien face texture and change the eye section, you'll see that in the game the alien eyes still show up unchanged.

Except for teens, for some strange reason the eye texture on the skintone is used for teen aliens

Title: Re: Alien Eyes Contacts
Post by: kytyngurl on 2007 February 10, 12:08:43
Wow, interesting info... and love the contacts too! Thank you very much! :)