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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: linolino on 2007 February 05, 03:42:34

Title: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 05, 03:42:34
I've just noticed some stuff not working properly in the game and i wonder someone has already made a fix.

1 - My sim constantly rolls the want : Buy Karaoke machine. no matter how many karaoke machines i buy, this want is not fulfilled.
2 - Grampa wants a grandchild. Granchild is born in another lot. Grampa want is not fulfilled???
3 - This one is specificaly for Syberspunk: Is there a Pets compatible version of the ownablecarpoolcommlotfix ?
4 - [EDITTED] Hottubes: if a guest get in the tube, he just stays there all day long
5 - What's up with bars? I can't make drinks or else every sim on the lot will flock the bar, even if they have low needs.
6 - Why are servos allowed to drink and eat?? is there a hack to prevent them from doing these?

Also i'd like some advice on how to do the folowing:
7 - how do i make a sim do yoga on a endtable?
8 - how do i get the family reunion memory?

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: maxon on 2007 February 05, 03:48:59
Also i'd like some advice on how to do the folowing:
7 - how do i make a sim do yoga on a endtable?
8 - how do i get the family reunion memory?

7 - I think you click on a coffee table (not end table) and it only appears as an option if the sim's logic is high enough.
8 - Invite everyone over for a party - I use Inge teleporter shrub to get everyone there.  I think you have to have some sort of party for it to appear (might be wrong about that).  I don't think it will happen if you just invite them all over for Sunday lunch.  I've had it with wedding and anniversary parties.  I wish the game had wakes/funerals.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 05, 04:08:28
1 - bug in some game version. May be Pets.
2 - Are you sure it was not fulfilled? My elder got asp points from it, but rolled the same want back. Since I track all ASP scores I knew this want was fulfilled.
3 - /
4 - Visitors can use baths? You should be using BUY.
5 - Annoying eh? - get the less annoying bar drinks
6 - Because EAMaxis is lazy and Servos are stupidly implemented. And dunno.
7 - As per maxon
8 - As per maxon.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 05, 04:21:48
1 - Since the karaoke machine was introduced with NL i'm guessing its a bug since NL. isn't there a mod somewhere to fix it?
2 - hum.. maybe, i dunno.... maybe he just rolled it again.

4 - Oh, i'm sorry i didn't mean the baths. I meant the Hottube and the Lovetub

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: purplehaze on 2007 February 05, 04:53:34
7. I believe the Sim needs 9 or 10 points in active to do Yoga on a coffee table. I've tried it with less active, and it didn't work. Once I upped the points the option became available. 

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: jrd on 2007 February 05, 04:56:32
4 - Squingeland:

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 February 05, 05:07:31
7. I believe the Sim needs 9 or 10 points in active to do Yoga on a coffee table. I've tried it with less active, and it didn't work. Once I upped the points the option became available. 

It also only works on certain coffee tables, not all of them.  I think the Moroccan looking one is one of them it works on.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: V on 2007 February 05, 07:09:57
Also i'd like some advice on how to do the folowing:
8 - how do i get the family reunion memory?

8 - Invite everyone over for a party - I use Inge teleporter shrub to get everyone there.  I think you have to have some sort of party for it to appear (might be wrong about that).  I don't think it will happen if you just invite them all over for Sunday lunch.  I've had it with wedding and anniversary parties.  I wish the game had wakes/funerals.

A long time ago, back in the days of memory spam for family reunions, I got family reunion memories just for inviting several members of the family over to visit. I didn't like playing parties back then. I just wanted Cassandra's 6 children to know their grandfather & step-grandmother, their uncles & anyone else who was living in the Goth house at the time. I did this a lot and wound up with all of those children and relatives having several rows of family reunion memories for the rest of their lives.

So, my point is that you do not have to throw a party. Just invite several members of the same family over to the house. It should be much easier now that we have "Invite Household".

At the time that this I was getting the memories for family reunions I was playing the base game plus NL (I remember because they were bowling in the yard). I think this was back when OFB was just about to come out. I did not install Uni until after I played OFB for a while.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 05, 07:31:26
I don't think it works this way anymore. This is the first time i have a born-in-game third generation of sims. so i have two households. one where the 4 grandparents live and one where their 2 sons live with theirs spouses and kids. i invited the hole household once, (2 sims didn't came) and i still didn't get the memory...

Oh and.. does anyone knows what could be causing the following bug in my game?
Everything related to pet's job is not working right for me. if i look up a pet's job on the newspaper or the computer, i get a dialog asking "is the pet going too?". Also when my pet got a promotion he arrived home and the dialog that pops up saying he got a promotion didn't have anything written in it. it was entirely blank.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 February 05, 08:27:09
3 - This one is specificaly for Syberspunk: Is there a Pets compatible version of the ownablecarpoolcommlotfix ?

Maybe... if I get around to it this week, I'll just update it for updating's sake.  But Pescado has mentioned that this has been kind of wiggy and unreliable.  He suggests using a Group Outing (unscored) to specify which sims go to Comm Lots.

Also... I thought Squinge might have had a fix for Servo's eating or what not.  I could have imagined that tho. *shrugs*

Finally... I thought that Yoga is sort of a hidden skill (like Pool, Dancing, and Meditation, no?).  I figured you had to get really good at Yoga first before you can even try it out on coffee tables.  I could be wrong tho. *shrugs again*


Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: purplehaze on 2007 February 05, 08:34:00
7. I believe the Sim needs 9 or 10 points in active to do Yoga on a coffee table. I've tried it with less active, and it didn't work. Once I upped the points the option became available. 

It also only works on certain coffee tables, not all of them.  I think the Moroccan looking one is one of them it works on.

You're right about that!  I used to have a list of tables that worked for Yoga, but it has been misplaced.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2007 February 05, 09:19:59
I am pretty sure the karaoke machine bugginess shipped with Pets.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 February 05, 11:07:58
I am pretty sure the karaoke machine bugginess shipped with Pets.

Yea, I only started seeing reports about it here after Pets came out.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 05, 11:34:22
If you have Pescado's "no family re-union memory spam" hack (DK the name) you might not get the memory anyway....

Can I a question of my own?

Athletics career - the bus that comes for low/mid? level sims in the athletic career goes without them if you cancel the action out of their queue intending to fill a few wants and have them catch it with a few minutes to spare.  Is there a fix?  I had that problem in base game and I still have it in OFB.

Edit - thought of another one
Is there a fix for the mis-pricing of items taken straight out of the inventory?  Take a lot deed out of the inventory and price it at expensive, then look at it - you'll find it selling for a custom price just above the purchase price.  You have to move it in buy mode and then price it. It's irritating.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: ElviraGoth on 2007 February 05, 13:32:17
I thought doing yoga on a coffee table required high body skill points.  Like 8 or better?  I've had sims who hadn't done much yoga but had high body skill do yoga on the coffee table.  And I didn't know it mattered which table -  any time I had them try it, it worked.

I thought logic was for meditation.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: stormygsa on 2007 February 05, 15:12:35
The only time I've been able to get a sim to do yoga on a coffee table was when I had a pregnant sim yoga throughout her pregnancy (she didn't have to go to the bathroom, etc. as much).  It took a looong time before it worked though.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: purplehaze on 2007 February 05, 15:29:17
I thought doing yoga on a coffee table required high body skill points.  Like 8 or better?  I've had sims who hadn't done much yoga but had high body skill do yoga on the coffee table.  And I didn't know it mattered which table -  any time I had them try it, it worked.

I thought logic was for meditation.

You are right.  It takes high body and high active to do yoga on a table.  I can't for the life of me remember which tables it didn't work on ( maybe it was an issue with my game, but I did have a little list which is long gone) .  As you see, I haven't done it in a while.  :P

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 06, 03:43:11
AHHH!! finally! I got a family reunion memory!!!! The strange though is that not everyone in the family got that memory...
And.. yes, i just looked into my downloads and i have the nofamilyreunionspam. must have downloaded it with the director's cut.

not luck with the yoga though.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 06, 03:48:28
That's not part of the current Director's Cut, so you're using outdated stuff.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2007 February 06, 05:07:05
I used to have a list of tables that worked for Yoga, but it has been misplaced.

I know I've seen one on the TSR forums...  :P That's where I found out about the different yoga coffee tables, anyway.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 06, 10:34:20
That's not part of the current Director's Cut, so you're using outdated stuff.

Yes, it must be old stuff... Why isn't it part of the current director's cut? is it not necessary anymore or something else?


SO, for what you've posted. my sim needs to be Highly Active, have lots of Body points and have practiced yoga for a long time?
Is yoga a hidden skill?

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: Magicmoon on 2007 February 06, 19:09:35
I saw the option to do yoga on a coffee table even though it was the first time I had ever even tried to do yoga in the game.  This was a few EPs ago so I don't know if it is still the same. I never do yoga, not understanding the benefits vs the amount of time spent on the activity.

Edit: I know that sim had 10 active because my Sims from Sims 1 would take forever to get out of bed if they had a low active so I made all my original Sims with max active. So I would say high activity may be a factor.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: pioupiou on 2007 February 06, 23:43:20
I'd say you need 9 active and 9 body, and one of the right tables to do yoga on it. It is what I gather from gameplay.

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 07, 11:34:29
So is it only me that has trouble with that bus in the athletic career?

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: V on 2007 February 07, 13:49:36
I have only had one sim who was in the athletic career long enough to get a bus carpool. She is relatively new and her household is so large and so chaotic that I usually never notice until she is gone that her carpool has arrived. I think I did cancel out her going to work once, but the intention was to keep her home that day so if the bus disappeared prematurely I did not notice.

I have been tinkering with my downloads folder for a week or so now so haven't played in a while. When I get back to my game, though, I will be watching my one athlete much more closely to see if this is a problem.

Sorry, cwykes, I can only offer sympathy and .... well, that's pretty much it.  :D

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: linolino on 2007 February 07, 15:47:23
what could be the cause of this? I told the sim to look for a job on te computer and look wha happend:
Oh and also, look how strange. There can be only 6 sims on the bar on the left when in 800x600. if i have more than 6 sims, their portrait will show up after the pets portraits.. that started only after pets! that's a bug!

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: witch on 2007 February 07, 20:48:03
Are you using custom computers - like Moniques?
Have you updated them lately?

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: sudaki on 2007 February 07, 21:24:16
Are you using Monique's "Bring Friend Home From Work Dialogue" hack?  If so, have you updated it for Pets?

Title: Re: stuff that need fixes (or is there already a fix?)
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 07, 21:27:18
Clearly the work of the non-Awesome.