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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: cwykes on 2007 February 03, 04:01:33

Title: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 03, 04:01:33
I'm making a 'hood for upload and intend to have some graves around the place. I only have base + OFB, so I don't have the NL "move gravestones to a community lot" option or any resurrection options in my game.  Is letting a business owner die on one of his owned business lot a VBT? 

I'm curious to know what happens - does he get his gravestone on the community lot or back home?  Suppose his wife is there, does she inherit straight away and can she take his urn home in her inventory?  - but what I'm really worried about is the danger of causing major or minor damage to the files or creating a BFBVFOS.  So the big question is " is it safe?".  I think I've got all Pescado's death related hacks.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 February 03, 04:41:10
Sims can't die on community lots.   

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2007 February 03, 05:04:49
Dying anywhere is not safe. That's why you end up dead. ;)

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 February 03, 06:15:10
Sims can't die on community lots.   

Playable sims can't die on community lots -- townies die just fine.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: V on 2007 February 03, 09:50:30
Dying anywhere is not safe. That's why you end up dead. ;)

hee hee hee - that's just like what I was going to say!

Playable sims can't die on community lots -- townies die just fine.

Can't you use the death thingy to kill unselected playable sims on community lots? I haven't done it, but I have been considering it for a while now.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 03, 10:49:59
Sims can't die on community lots.   

Playable sims can't die on community lots -- townies die just fine.

I always thought selectable sims could die on community lots too.  You know those Fox satalites just never manage to stay up there.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: jfreddog on 2007 February 03, 11:42:25
controlable Sims can't die on community lots? That sux.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 03, 12:32:53
I thought the elevator death only worked on community lots and I've also seen posts from people who have had their sims die on community lots. 

This has a sim dying on a community lot,6238.msg177209.html

This has another sim dying on a community lot and also says Maxis said elevator death only works on community lots,4008.msg114002.html#msg114002

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2007 February 03, 16:51:56
After I had built and opened Dr. Death's business, Kevorkian's Parlor (using the cow plant as the death machine), there was no way I could get a Sim to die by birthday cake.  Cow plant would not allow it.

Venusy posted that Sims' can't die on community lots and when I checked the Prima Guide, it said the same thing. 

I've not been able to accomplish it, though I sure have tried.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 February 03, 18:34:01
I think your currently in-play sim can die on a community lot (at least since OFB), but playables that are there as non-playables can't.  That may be how it works.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 04, 02:01:06
Unless I read those threads I linked wrong, simmers have had playable sims die while being played and not being played.  Maybe this has changed over the EPs which is why it's confusing. 

I might try in game sometime, but I guess I'm going to chicken out of trying for this hood and have the elders die at home.  If most of us aren't even sure you can get sims to die on a community lot, I'm never going to be sure if it's safe for the game data.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 04, 07:32:30
Sims are not normally allowed to die on community lots not owned by the current family, as this would result in an unrecoverable tombstone (as the lot is not saved), possibly resulting in shredded character data and the permanent loss of that sim. In some cases it is possible to inflict an instant death, such as by satelliting or cowplanting, but normal death-by-motives is not normally possible.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: LFox on 2007 February 04, 11:03:48
Sims are not normally allowed to die on community lots not owned by the current family, as this would result in an unrecoverable tombstone (as the lot is not saved), possibly resulting in shredded character data and the permanent loss of that sim. In some cases it is possible to inflict an instant death, such as by satelliting or cowplanting, but normal death-by-motives is not normally possible.

Ah so that's how it works, i knew they could be hit by satalites on community lots.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 05, 01:44:34
Thanks Pescado.  So you never save if a sim dies on a community lot who is not in your control. 

If I manage to kill off a sim in the family I'm playing while they are at the business lot, is that safe? 
That's what I'd like to do if it's safe.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 February 05, 02:06:21
It isn't normally supposed to be possible to kill your business owner or family while visiting a community lot either, or you could render your game uncontinuable when nobdoy can go home, or when they dead sims try to disembark from the car on return, but this has not been rigorously experimented with.

Title: Re: Is dying on a community lot safe?
Post by: cwykes on 2007 February 05, 02:42:01
OK thanks - I won't do it.  A hood for upload isn't the right place for an experiment. 

If I take 3 to the lot and kill 2, I should be able to continue the game OK, but if it's not normally possible, that does suggest to me that it's probably a VBT.