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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Scratch on 2007 February 02, 16:35:30

Title: Bad gosub tree number or YA's not going wild
Post by: Scratch on 2007 February 02, 16:35:30
My founding families finally have young adults... i'm using hacks that allow sims to become young adults without going to college. I've been using the hack for a long time and used it in my last hood without problems... i moved a few YA's into apartments and such without any errors and they continued to go to school when they were supposed to.

But... in my new hood i've just moved out the first YA's and set up 2 of them in apartment type situations but as soon as they get out of the taxi the errors start... "Bad gosub tree number" constantly.... i've tried to tell them to do something but i still get the error...    :o

The error happens when i click on the sims and even when the game is paused... I've had the error happen when i clicked on the Lot debugger...

At first i thought it might have been the first one i moved in... maybe something wrong with the lot... so i thought i'd move another YA into another lot... but got the same error as soon as he got out of the taxi.... but i can get the second YA to do a few things... but still get errors on most things i ask him to do...

I wish i knew how to read error logs and then i could figure out most of this on my own....  ???

I'd rather not have Sub-Hoods in my game...  I've set up a downtown area for my businesses and a University area for the YA's

So i'm hoping the error logs might give some idea of what's causing the error... any help would really be appreciated

t1783.txt is first YA that can't do anything

t2950.txt is second YA that can do a few things

Title: Re: Bad gosub tree number or YA's not going wild
Post by: Scratch on 2007 February 03, 17:38:05
I think i've got it.... I think it's the simlogical security system.... i removed the tokens from the apartments and the errors stopped.   :(

I did use the controllers in my last hood even after i installed pets and didn't have any probs.... but i didn't use it with YA's and apartments in my last hood...

and i also had the older security system because i liked how it worked.... so i'm going to install the newer system and see if that helps.... but, if not, i'll just have to use the locking doors.... darn i really liked how it allowed me to have apartments   :P

Title: Re: Bad gosub tree number or YA's not going wild
Post by: witch on 2007 February 03, 17:52:29
Don't forget JM's APC(?) thingy, that's great. I'm not very suss on working it, but I'm pretty good at banning everyone except those with overrides.

Title: Re: Bad gosub tree number or YA's not going wild
Post by: Scratch on 2007 February 03, 19:00:30
At least you could suss it out... i got a bad headache the first time i tried to use it, that's why i went back to the simlogical one.... and i went to the older one cuz the newer one's got too many choices

I don't wanna think.... i just wanna play de game

I'll report back later on using the newer simlogical system...

'nuff said...... back to my alternate reality    :)

Title: Re: Bad gosub tree number or YA's not going wild
Post by: Scratch on 2007 February 04, 16:44:02
Updated to the newer simlogical apartment thingie... Works better, no errors... still a bit complicated for me

I've got to have apartments...  My hood just wouldn't work without them....    :)