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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: moniquinin on 2007 January 30, 11:26:56

Title: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 January 30, 11:26:56

I was going to post this under TJ's thread but it said that it's been 60 days since someone posted there...Anyway, I'm using the casual romance mod in my game because I have poly families and I want to control jealousy.  Also, I want certain sims to knock up certain other sims and using the CR mod with the pregnancy chance at 100% guarantees this.  Now, maybe I'm not using this right or maybe I haven't found where this is explained here (but I have searched) but is this mod supposed to always be "on"?  Or, can I only choose casual if the the interaction would actually be casual, i.e. the two sims in question's relationship is not high enough to do the normal romantic interaction?

I ask this because this is what's happening in my game - I don't always get the "casual" menu option and this really sucks because even if the sims are 100/100 I still want them to casually woohoo, et al, so as not to trigger jealousy, since I have poly households and slutty sims who aren't possessive and just shouldn't be bothered to be jealous in the first place.

Please help!

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: miros on 2007 January 30, 11:28:44
If you've got jealousy turned off at the token, the normal Maxis coded interactions shouldn't cause jealousy either.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: numaari on 2007 January 30, 11:38:07
If you're not getting the casual options, it may be because one of the sims in question doesn't have a token.  Check under the "tokens" option and see if there is an option to add a token to a sim.  Otherwise, in my game at least, all sims with more than a minimal/negative relationship score will have casual options.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 January 30, 12:34:24
I was going to post this under TJ's thread but it said that it's been 60 days since someone posted there...

I've noticed that it's okay to ressurect the mod threads. I think this is appreciated right now, actually, because TJ and rohina are working on a manual/FAQ thingie. But I'm sure they'll see it either way.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 January 30, 12:41:39
If it's been 60+days since anyone posted it isn't ACR you're talking about, but the old version.

Try going to,4691.0.html and downloading the modern Automatic Casual Romance. It is on all the time.

The old Casual Romance was only as directed by you.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 January 30, 13:17:18
But I don't want autonomous casual romance, I want it only as directed by me, so I'm not using ACR.  I have no idea what tokens are or how to set them up and if it's something done with simpe, I can't do it since I'm on a mac.  Anyway, to give an example of what's happening, i have a female sim who I want to be a slut and I also want to knock her up by a particular sim.  I was able to have her casually woohoo with another sim (so the option was at some point available) but the option does not appear with the sim I want to impregnate her, and neither does try for baby for that matter, and at this point, they're mutually 100/100.

I just want to know if I have my settings wrong or if I need to do something specifically so that I always get the casual option in the menu.

As for having jealousy turned off as a token, again, I have no idea what that means, but I do have jealousy turned off for the whole lot using the CR controller (phone book stack thingie) but the normal maxis romance interactions still do trigger the good ole bitch slap fest.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: Venusy on 2007 January 30, 13:29:31
Tokens are only used by ACR, not CR.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: Sagana on 2007 January 30, 14:37:55
You can still use the newer ACR and turn autonomy off (per sim, per lot, per kinds of sim or altogether I believe - tons of options). It's a better system because it integrates better and you do have so many ways you can set it up. That way the no jealousy will be on all the time but they'll only act as directed by you. And also, you'll be using the mod that is being updated and stuffes :) I've found it pretty user-friendly, after the initial 'how do I do all the tokens thingie' (that took a minute) I haven't really had any trouble figuring out how to make it work the way I want. I am a try it and see what happens person tho so ymmv.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: moniquinin on 2007 January 31, 00:31:35
hmmm...ok then I'll use ACR if I can truly turn the autonomy off.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: maxon on 2007 January 31, 07:38:21
I have the older non-autonomous CR - you don't have to set anything up when you use it unless you want to change the default settings.  It should be on all the time.  However, the sims do have to know one another to get the options and some of the options won't show (at least at the default settings) until their relationship has developed to a certain degree.  You can alter this with the controller.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 January 31, 11:02:38
Hrm... I vaguely recall that... once the relationship is high enough, you lose the "casual" options, as you mentioned.  I forget exactly what that threshold is... but my guess is that, probably if the couple is in love, then any interactions between them aren't really considered "casual" anymore.  I'm not sure, as it has been awhiles since I've read the documentation.


Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: twojeffs on 2007 January 31, 18:34:49
Honestly, I don't remember either. I know the flirts and kiss options disappear once in love, but I don't think the woohoo options disappear.

Title: Re: Casual Romance Issue
Post by: Kyna on 2007 January 31, 23:59:25
I used to use Casual Romance before ACR existed.  The woohoo options didn't disappear once in love.

I used CR woohoo for my married couples, as an alternative to "try for baby".  It introduced an element of randomness into when the next generation was produced.