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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: snapdragon on 2007 January 29, 04:00:23

Title: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: snapdragon on 2007 January 29, 04:00:23
A while ago I was told that the remote control car is very buggy and causes problems on any lot where it's present, because it's like a Sim in that it moves around on its own (I don't know why that causes bugs).  I stopped using the car, and it seemed that most of my more curious and unfixable problems stopped.

The other day I foolishly stocked a bird cage (that some Child Wanted) and at some point the bird got out and was flying around. I think around this point I began having a problem with one Sim on the lot, a lot on which I had never had problems before. One problem was that once the Sim starts to clean something, she won't stop. She has to be stopped manually. Another is that one of her Wants stays in the panel even after it's fulfilled.

Is this related to the bird flying around? Is the bird in fact another Remote Control Car, causing problems? Is there anything I can do about the Sim who won't stop cleaning, and who doesn't realize that she has bought a karaoke machine? By the way, I got rid of the bird.

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 29, 04:45:04
The bird and the OFB bots are "fake NPCs" like the RC car.
Set all your objects.package files as read only and you should avoid any actual problems with them.

I do not think your problems are related. The fake NPC problem is that it can be deleted or get Sim effects like sickness, which may cause corruption of the objects.package file (which holds all your game objects and BHAVs (scripts that make the game work).

I believe the major problems with it were fixed in Uni or the base game patch, but it can't hurt to protect your game. Nothing should modify the objects.package files anyway.

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 29, 06:52:36
I believe the major problems with it were fixed in Uni or the base game patch, but it can't hurt to protect your game. Nothing should modify the objects.package files anyway.

Except for the occasional official patch from EA, in which case you should remember to make objects.package R/W again before you install the patch.

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: zoebme on 2007 January 29, 16:17:59
It is a bug since Pets that the karaoke machine want doesn't get fulfilled when buying one. I don't think there are any fixes as yet. See also this thread:,6509.0.html (,6509.0.html)

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: vilia on 2007 January 29, 18:23:36
It may just be lies and propaganda but it seems that a Pets patch will be out this week.

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 29, 19:03:14
Yea, let's see how many things they break while they 'fix' other things.  ::)

Title: Re: Is the bird another Remote Control Car?
Post by: miros on 2007 January 30, 11:10:55
I think I'll be a "late adopter" on the Pets patch.  I'm happy with my game the way it is and don't feel like spending 2 weeks waiting for new hacks.