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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Gus Smedstad on 2005 September 22, 23:08:05

Title: Weird day
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2005 September 22, 23:08:05
Ever see the movie Groundhog Day?  Today was like that for me.

I'm playing Sack Man Pinball in the dorm rec room when Allegra comes up behind me and kisses me full on the lips.  I've always thought she was hot, but I never did anything about it.  I'm engaged to Minya, after all.  Still, it was nice.

Suddenly everything jumps and I'm back to playing Sack Man again, and Allegra is just coming through the door.  So I kissed her.  I mean, after all, she kissed me first, right?  Only she acts like I've never kissed her before.  But she seems to like it.

Then everything jumps again and I'm back to playing Sack Man, and Allegra comes in and joins the game.  I eyeball her a bit, but don't do anything, and she doesn't do anything either.  I guess we'll pretend it never happened.

Anyway, most of the day goes by, and I've just finished in the bathroom when Sheldon barges in and wants to play our GBA's head-to-head.  Hasn't he ever heard of privacy?  So we play for a bit and when we finish I'm suddenly all sexually turned on toward Sheldon.  Which is really gross, I never knew I was gay.

Then suddenly the world jumps again, and it's 11 AM, and I'm back playing Sack Man Pinball!  It's like the whole afternoon never happened.  Allegra comes up and we play pinball again.  I'm tempted to kiss her just to prove I'm not gay.  Sheldon wanders by and I just have to know, so I whip out my GBA and demand we play head-to-head.  We have a good time and I'm not the least bit attracted to him when we're done.

I hope when I wake up tomorrow I don't suddenly find myself playing pinball again.

 - Gus
p.s. HandheldFix still works with Nightlife.

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 23, 02:52:34
Not really sure what to make of this, but it was entertaining!

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: Dark Trepie on 2005 September 23, 03:16:42
I forgot about HandheldFix untill Don Lothario met himself and got a crush on himself.  Its found a home in my downloads folder yet again.

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 September 23, 03:40:22
Yeah, what Ancient said. I don't get the point, but am entertained and therefore thank you.

Bye now.

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: witch on 2005 September 23, 09:29:42
Do you mean your game jumped like that or are you just telling us a story? BTW I liked the story. :)

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: cyperangel on 2005 September 23, 09:36:35
Nice story, and Nice tip. I get it, and I like it :D

I also liked the movie, so this way of seing a days worth of play through a sims eyes makes perfect sense :D


Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: DrBeast on 2005 September 23, 10:33:50
Mmm...Groundhog Day...would that be starring Bill Murray? The one where he re-lives a single day of his life over and over again? Greek title kinda matches, but greek titles sometimes should arise and kill their creators dead!

Title: Re: Weird day
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2005 September 23, 11:40:39
Not really sure what to make of this, but it was entertaining!

I had to reload my game three times from the same point.  First two were deliberate, I was testing the Chemistry effects (see the Chemistry thread), but didn't want to keep the new romantic relationship between the two Sims.  The third time, I'd gotten through much of the day, and I went to check on the Sim in question and he was playing handheld with Sheldon autonomously in the bathroom.  When I aborted it to get him to eat, suddenly "crush" symbols started floating off both of them.  I definitely didn't want that.  After reloading and testing that the HandHeldFix still worked, it occurred to me that this Sim's day had been a bit confusing, sexually.

 - Gus