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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: slurpeefiend on 2007 January 25, 20:59:13

Title: death and menopause
Post by: slurpeefiend on 2007 January 25, 20:59:13
I started a new family recently that consists of an elderly couple and their adopted son.  I created the couple in CAS as regular adults, moved them in, and used the InSimenator to grow them both up into elders.  They adopted their son the next day.

Is it normal for an elderly couple to have the "try for baby" option when they're relaxing together on the bed?  This couple does, and according to the little chime, the old bat even got pregnant once, though I've seen no signs of pregnancy.  Do I have an Abraham & Sarah on my hands here?

The burglar paid them a visit one night, and the security system woke the whole family up in time to see the burglar lose a fight with the cop.  Since then all three of them have had a want to "see the ghost of" the burglar, even though he's still alive.  No matter how many times the wants panel refreshes itself, the desire to see the ghost of this guy stays on.  Does this mean that the whole family wishes that the burglar gets the death penalty?  More importantly, how do I get rid of this?

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Marhis on 2007 January 25, 21:14:19
Well, the "see the ghost" want is because robbed family members are all deeply furious toward the thief. And - sadly - the fury versus thieves seems to be also the most slow to get rid of. I've had a sim who's home was robbed when he was a child; teen, uni, and back home as adult, and still rabid versus the thief  :P.
The best of the best is that when finally that rage wear off, all family members will have a 100/100 relationship with the thief.
Suggestion: use some hack (Squinge maybe, has one, try there) and get rid of it as soon as possible.

Elder try for baby. I'm wondering if it is a sort of bug. I've had the same issue in Oldies couple when reverted their gender, and thought that it was somehow related, but now that you've witnessed that in this different context, I wonder if it is an issue related to some reset the sims have.
I don't know for sure, I've never played a CAS elder couple before.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2007 January 25, 21:18:29
Since Pets Coral oldie Has had the try for a baby option in my game as well ;D no she doesnt get to try for a baby . :P

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 25, 21:39:05
The best of the best is that when finally that rage wear off, all family members will have a 100/100 relationship with the thief.
Enemies Accumulate fixes that.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Marhis on 2007 January 25, 21:50:56
Uh great! I didn't know it did that also. Cool, now I may fear thieves no more.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 January 25, 22:40:01
Elders have the 'try for baby' want in my game, too. I thought maybe it was due to some hack, but I see now it is likely a by-product of shoddy game programming. ::)

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 January 26, 09:22:53
Is it normal for an elderly couple to have the "try for baby" option when they're relaxing together on the bed?  This couple does, and according to the little chime, the old bat even got pregnant once, though I've seen no signs of pregnancy.

Hrm... I'm wondering if this may be due to the fact that you aged them up via the puppy killer? I've noticed that, with aging using cheaty type methods like the boolprop sim modder baby, the sims may not always properly transition completely or whatever. If something interrupts the process i.e. a jump bug or whatever, they can get warped and have the physical older age stage model, but act like the previous stage (I've had weird teens/child hybrids and what not).  I think the best thing to do would be to use the "set to birthday" option if you want to age the sim up.  Couldn't you have just made the couple as elders to begin with in CAS? (Just curious... I assume you wanted to start them off as adults for story purposes).

Does this mean that the whole family wishes that the burglar gets the death penalty?  More importantly, how do I get rid of this?

That's pretty much how I interpret it. Sims who have enemies tend to get wants to make their enemies a zombie, see their ghost, or drink them. ;D

The best of the best is that when finally that rage wear off, all family members will have a 100/100 relationship with the thief.
Enemies Accumulate fixes that.

By "fix" I think Pescado means that the relationship with the enemy will stay negative unless you actually direct your sims to try and socialize with the enemy to improve the relationship.  So... in other words, enemies will stay enemies, and thus you can accumulate enemies (hence the name of the hack). The "rage" or furiousness can wear off eventually, but you will most likely still have a negative relationship towards that enemy. As such, you may still have want slots clogged with hateful wants basically implying that they would like that sim to be dead. Probably the only way to get rid of these wants to just fulfill them i.e. kill off said sim. :P


Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: slurpeefiend on 2007 January 26, 11:27:02
(Just curious... I assume you wanted to start them off as adults for story purposes).
The reason I did it this way is so they could have money going into retirement, and fat pension.  I start them out as mere adults, get the man a job, use christianlov's easy computer to hack to the highest level of the job (bonuses and all), age the couple up to elders, and retire the man.  They usually end up with enough money to not worry about working anymore, but I still get the woman a job (usually in crime or the mafia arts) anyway to keep her out of trouble.  And now that I have OFB I set up a garage sale in the front yard so the retired man can sell a bunch of weird crappy decorative things to his neighbors.  All of this is so they have enough money to adopt, and can afford to live without me having to babysit the old codgers.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 January 26, 13:16:20
I don't think the problem is from artificially aging sims. I, myself, do not use aging cheats, and all of my elders now have the 'try for baby' option. I just ignore it.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Flamingo on 2007 January 26, 14:48:31
They usually end up with enough money to not worry about working anymore, but I still get the woman a job (usually in crime or the mafia arts) anyway to keep her out of trouble.

You've aroused my curiosity here, what do you mean by mafia arts?

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: slurpeefiend on 2007 January 26, 17:58:47
You've aroused my curiosity here, what do you mean by mafia arts?
I have two teen/elder careers that are mafia based.  One is the junior companion to the mafia career posted by teknofobe at mts2, the other is called mafia gang by Kronic also at mts2.  Both are very good careers for the sweet grandmotherly type.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 January 27, 14:46:57
"Mafia arts!" Boy did I waste my time in college.

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: slurpeefiend on 2007 January 27, 15:05:24
"Mafia arts!" Boy did I waste my time in college.
So did I.  Film Studies... what was I thinking?

Title: Re: death and menopause
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2007 January 27, 15:53:07
Likewise ,Accounting......................what wasI thinking :D