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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: nocomment on 2007 January 12, 16:22:52

Title: Post Pets - moving in townies without losing their memories?
Post by: nocomment on 2007 January 12, 16:22:52
This may have happened because I used Inge's teleporter bush.  I moved Benjamin Long into a household and he lost all his memories.

Is the old hack to stop that not working with Pet?  Is there an updated hack?  Or is this because I used the teleporter bush?

Here's a pic of Benjamin, though of course you've all seen him:


Benjamin Long, the Accidental Goth.  Now with amnesia!

Title: Re: Post Pets - moving in townies without losing their memories?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 12, 17:10:43
No, that's normal -- townies/downtownies usually lose all their memories when they move into a playable lot.  I think it even happens with dormies that are moved into the hood.  There's a number of 'no amnesia' hacks around -- I think Pescado has one in his directors cut, and I know Squinge has one.

Title: Re: Post Pets - moving in townies without losing their memories?
Post by: syberspunk on 2007 January 12, 19:57:54
Alternatively... you could try my update ( of pinhead's hack that provides you a dialog with options to erase or keep the memories.


Title: Re: Post Pets - moving in townies without losing their memories?
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 13, 15:19:11
Or, you could try Ste's version. :)

(Sorry, Ste ....)