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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Emma on 2007 January 09, 10:57:27

Title: Why does this happen?
Post by: Emma on 2007 January 09, 10:57:27
I usually start off my single graduates in Downtown, then when they marry and have kids, move them to my main neighbourhood. I have noticed that their wants and fears seem screwed up when they move into their new lot, ie Fortune sims tend to want to gain skills and make friends to advance in their career, or buy stuff, right? Well I moved 2 fortune sims and all they want to do is chat online, meet new sims, or interact romantically with each other. They both need skills to get promotion, and that usually shows up in their wants panel (gain charisma point, etc) I want to know if this happens to anyone else's sims when they are moved between sub-hoods, and if this happens if you just move them out of one lot into another in the same sub-hood/hood. I am getting sick of this particular boring family...

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 09, 11:03:48
In my experience the same happens when moving between subneighbourhoods (not /within/ a subhood): the wants controller gets confused. The situation will autoremedy itself after a litle time (usually one or two Sim days), or it can be forced by cheat-changing the aspiration to something else and then back (shift - aspiration menu in debug mode), or by force-rerolling wants (ctrl-click the asp icon) and then deleting the wants controller when it throws an error

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: Emma on 2007 January 09, 11:06:40
Thanks Jordi, I will try those ideas ;D

I originally tried to change the wants by using the renu-orb-thingy, but it didn't work. Sigh.

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 09, 11:15:30
Moving sims around in general tends to plant the new "moved in" want tree. As is typical of people that have just moved into someplace new, they tend to want to get acquainted with their new surroundings. Hence the shift in wants. This is therefore not a bug, but actually a feature.

And don't think I didn't notice your avatar change and attempt to abuse the fact that you already have a title to get out of being labelled "Sucky Avatar Person", EMMA.

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: Emma on 2007 January 09, 14:38:25
Well it is a crap feature :D

And don't think I didn't notice your avatar change and attempt to abuse the fact that you already have a title to get out of being labelled "Sucky Avatar Person", EMMA.

/me moons Pescado

You can change me to "Sucky Avatar Person" if you like...... ;D

[edit] I forgot why I came back in this thread! Jordi, I tried re-rolling the wants but that just left blank spaces apart from 'ask another sim on a date' and 'purchase a community lot' I think I did it wrong :D I didn't see a 'wants controller' to delete when it threw an error. Is it one of those box thingys? If so, I didn't see one. I changed the aspiration to family then back, and it worked ;) I don't know if it changed the LTW though, I forgot to check. Doh.

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 09, 15:10:46
Blank spaces means it is working: the WC is running out of (the invalid) wants. Keep rerolling them, and eventually you get an error message for it. Sometimes you have to reroll a dozen or more times.
The asp change nearly always works for me on the first try.

Title: Re: Why does this happen?
Post by: Emma on 2007 January 09, 16:19:17
Ahh! So I was doing it right then :D Thanks again. I'd rather re-roll wants than change asp. back and forth.