More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DaveFlew on 2005 September 22, 10:09:21

Title: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: DaveFlew on 2005 September 22, 10:09:21
(As posted to the Nightlife BBS, but here I'm more interested in feedback than benes!)

According to various sources (BBS, Prima Guide (apparently)), you can't put food into your inventory. I'm happy to believe that, but last night I tried something and it worked - check this out.

I only use the Birthday Cake to make the Baby-to-Toddler age transition happen. Normally, if it's a small household (2 parents, one baby/toddler), most of the birthday cake goes to waste because it takes only 12 hours to become stale. So last night I tried putting the birthday cake into the mother's inventory - it worked!

Then, the next morning (more than 12 hours since they bought the birthday cake), I took the cake out of the inventory and put it on the table - the cake was still fresh! My Sims could eat more birthday cake!

I kept doing this - grabbing a slice of cake and returning the cake to the inventory, and the cake was still useable 30 Sim hours after I bought it!

So - if you store the birthday cake in a Sim's inventory, and only take it out when you want a Sim to eat cake, you'll keep it fresh for long enough, and your Sims will beable to eat the whole cake without it going stale!  :)

Has anyone else observed similar behaviour with food and the inventory? Does anyone here have any idea why the freshness timer, or whatever it is, gets reset when a birthday cake is moved into and out of the inventory?

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 22, 10:21:08
That is awesome, I never thought of trying. Will test it out in a bit. One way to save legacy money ;D

I would have thought the attributes are frozen in the inventory, time is not an issue there so nothing happens to it. Kind of like birthday cake limbo.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 22, 11:35:38
That is a great tip, Dave, Thank you.

Inge has a special Cake, too - It will actually add a day back to their life and she has updated it for NL.

Find it here (

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: wyrdwing on 2005 September 22, 14:06:45
birthday cake limbo.

Sounds like heaven to me  ;D and you wouldn't game any weight either until you pop out of limbo.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: sara_dippity on 2005 September 22, 14:07:45
BENES 4 U!!11@21!!

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 22, 14:16:50
Yum, now my sims can have cake for breakfast, just like I do sometimes!  :P

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Trubble on 2005 September 22, 15:26:12
Glad I'm not the only one :D

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: noname on 2005 September 22, 15:41:25
Pescado's sleep clock keeps its settings when you put it in the inventory (to move to a diff. house or something). It's awesome for a lazy person like me.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: katemonster on 2005 September 22, 16:43:45

This makes me think it would be really cool if someone were able to make a hack that would allow any food item to be moved to the inventory. It would be a bit unwieldy, but finally sims could have LEFTOVERS and quit making 6 servings of food for 2 people and then just throwing the rest away! I really hate wasting food, even pixelated food...

Of course it would be even cooler if it could actually go thru the you click on the remaining food, say "put in fridge", the sim puts it away using the putting-groceries-away animation which actually has the effect of sending it to their inventory, and the presence of food in the inventory creates an option on the fridge to "Eat leftovers". Undoubtedly much too complicated and impossible, but I think it would be cool!

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: JenW on 2005 September 22, 16:56:12
Anybody tried this with the champagne? I'd guess it would work there too...I'm guessing the reason you can put the cake into inventory is because it's an object you buy rather than actual food.


Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Bane~Child on 2005 September 22, 19:46:03
Anybody tried this with the champagne? I'd guess it would work there too...I'm guessing the reason you can put the cake into inventory is because it's an object you buy rather than actual food.

I wonder if you can put the basket of food in inventory instead of the fridge?  Someone at MTS2 had a hack for leftovers.

Found it - there's one for Pizza and one for Turkey: MTS2 ( 

We should be able to put any unused bottles of Smart Milk in inventory, too.  If you can put a grave in inventory, than it must allow just about anything that is moveable.  So much to play with and try.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: noname on 2005 September 23, 04:08:04
Anybody tried this with the champagne? I'd guess it would work there too...I'm guessing the reason you can put the cake into inventory is because it's an object you buy rather than actual food.

I wonder if you can put the basket of food in inventory instead of the fridge?  Someone at MTS2 had a hack for leftovers.

Found it - there's one for Pizza and one for Turkey: MTS2 ( 

We should be able to put any unused bottles of Smart Milk in inventory, too.  If you can put a grave in inventory, than it must allow just about anything that is moveable.  So much to play with and try.

Hell, with moveobjects on, you can even put the damned mailbox in there.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 September 23, 04:48:15
Oooh. Game go SPLOOSH ker-SPLAT.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Kitiara on 2005 September 23, 05:55:09
Anybody tried this with the champagne? I'd guess it would work there too...I'm guessing the reason you can put the cake into inventory is because it's an object you buy rather than actual food.

I wonder if you can put the basket of food in inventory instead of the fridge?  Someone at MTS2 had a hack for leftovers.

Found it - there's one for Pizza and one for Turkey: MTS2 ( 

We should be able to put any unused bottles of Smart Milk in inventory, too.  If you can put a grave in inventory, than it must allow just about anything that is moveable.  So much to play with and try.

Hell, with moveobjects on, you can even put the damned mailbox in there.
Yes, you need a not recommended disclaimer at the end of that post.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: Regina on 2005 September 23, 06:37:06
Now that's good news!  I always figured the birthday cake really wasn't too bad of a price for the amount of food.  A couple of pieces will fill a sim's hunger meter up a good ways--and fill it completely if it's only about half full.

I don't use the cakes often either, and then try to use them between 8 and 9 p.m. so it's still good in the morning.  Of course I'm also really inclined to send sims to school or work hungry so they can get a free meal.  Yeah, I'm a cheapskate.  ;)

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: DaveFlew on 2005 September 23, 07:22:41
Yeah, this is exactly where I'm coming from. I only serve meals during the headmaster scenario. I only buy birthday cakes when there's a baby needing an age transition, and I like the age transition to happen as soon as possible (no babies after 7pm!). My Sims will always prepare a meal that will satisfy the right amount of hunger need. I don't like food going to waste.

So, because I buy a birthday cake at exactly 6pm, it goes off at exactly 6am - so my Sims can't have cake for breakfast. Now that I can store birthday cake in the inventory, I never have to throw out a cake that's only had 2 or 3 slices eaten out of it.

In the big scheme of things, it's a minuscule saving - but if you're a fan of efficiency and you dislike waste, you'll find this tip extremely useful.

Title: Re: Nightlife tip - Birthday cake freshness and the inventory
Post by: noname on 2005 September 23, 09:32:28
Oooh. Game go SPLOOSH ker-SPLAT.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.