More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: spookymuffin on 2007 January 06, 17:52:05

Title: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 January 06, 17:52:05
I hadn't really seen the need for one until I got Pets(for the controlpets and petactioncancel cheats), so off I went and made my "userstartup.cheat" notepad file in my config folder, put the cheats in, and start up the game.

The problem is: none of the cheats I entered in the file are activated when I go into the game! am I missing something really obvious here?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 06, 17:56:30
Maybe. What did you put in it?

This ( is mine btw.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2007 January 06, 18:02:56
See if this ( helps.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Gwill on 2007 January 06, 18:24:10
Make sure the file format is .cheat, not .txt.  Notepad has a tendency to do that.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: spookymuffin on 2007 January 06, 18:27:24
Just noticed that the file seems to be ".cheat.txt", man I feel like an idiot.
Sorry for bothering you!

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: miros on 2007 January 06, 19:46:10
Another in the great tradition of ILoveYou.txt.pif.  Always set your operating system to show all suffixes.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: witch on 2007 January 07, 01:59:52
The problem is: none of the cheats I entered in the file are activated when I go into the game!

Don't do the stupid error I did either, I forgot to enable testingcheats in the userstartup file itself.

PS: For all those people who don't drive on the right hand side of the road...

# Cars drive on left
boolProp CarsOnRight false

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Ness on 2007 January 07, 02:03:10
Wooo!  is it also possible to make vehicles right hand drive as well?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: witch on 2007 January 07, 02:04:23
Not that I know of...  >:(

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Ness on 2007 January 07, 02:13:35
Logic tells me it's not possible.  But the driver being on the wrong side of the car bugs me more than the cars being on the wrong side of the road.

Does it just change at the neighbourhood view, or does it change things at the lot level also?  If so, how does it effect driveways?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: witch on 2007 January 07, 02:23:53
Only at hood level. Lots function on the right - probably because of driveways etc. Looks good at hood level though.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: maxon on 2007 January 07, 09:49:08
Wooo!  is it also possible to make vehicles right hand drive as well?

No - believe me, I tried.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 January 07, 10:17:06
Logic tells me it's not possible.  But the driver being on the wrong side of the car bugs me more than the cars being on the wrong side of the road.

Does it just change at the neighbourhood view, or does it change things at the lot level also?  If so, how does it effect driveways?

Well, 'wrong' is a purely subjective term. Considering that an american invented the automobile, and americans drive on the right-hand side of the road, one could argue that the left-hand side of the road is the 'wrong' side to drive on. Not that I'm arguing, mind you - just playing devil's advocate (my favourite hobby besides simming).

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 07, 10:41:25
Historically the left-hand side is "right". It was changed by the french revolutionaries, as part of their general upheaval of all old customs (which just about all caught on except for the decimal clock).
The Brits are simply some of the last holdouts.

As for why left -- supposedly it has to do with weapons and armour (shields). If you both carry shields and walk or ride on the left side, both can pass. Walk or ride on the right side, and you clash into each other. See also the joust: the horses pass each other on the left.

The Romans certainly drove and walked on the left side of the road, as did all of Europe after them... until the French introduced the royals to the guillotine. This is one of my minor gripes with some movies by the way, often they have soldiers march on the right side of a road, or wagons pass on the right.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Ness on 2007 January 07, 10:43:10
Oh pbbffft to you!

Lets not argue about wrong and right sides of the road!  Here in Australia if you tried to drive on the right you'd not get very far, so from my perspective it's wrong.

It's just a turn of phrase, nothing to get philosophical about!

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 07, 10:44:53
Who's arguing?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: witch on 2007 January 07, 10:46:35
I think Ness is probably replying to notveryawesome. I thought what you said was interesting Jordi, though like Ness, i don't think I can get too emotionally involved in this issue. :D

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 07, 10:50:27
As for why left -- supposedly it has to do with weapons and armour (shields). If you both carry shields and walk or ride on the left side, both can pass. Walk or ride on the right side, and you clash into each other. See also the joust: the horses pass each other on the left.
Horses pass each other on the left in jousting because people typically carry their weapons right-handed. If they were to travel on the right, they would not be able to effectively fight each other from that position. For similar reasons, driving on the right acts as a preventative damper on roadway violence, since people would have to reach across their bodies and fire from awkward positions to attack each other.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: cwykes on 2007 January 07, 11:01:56
It's why spiral staircases always go the same way round in castles too - the guy defending can swing his sword/axe/whatever more easily than a right-handed attacker, who is bashing his arm/sword on that central stone column all the time.

I feel like I want to argue about who invented the motor car on principle - being a Brit and bolshy with it, but I'm ignorant and not that interested.  I'm going to go edit my startup cheat file though  - thanks for posting yours Jordi - I like the m and m-  convention, my shortcuts are long enough to forget!

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Lythdan on 2007 January 07, 11:08:48
Here in Australia if you tried to drive on the right you'd not get very far, so from my perspective it's wrong.

Indeed. If you tried to drive on the right, you'd end up being smashed by someone going the other way. Although I never spend enough time in neighbourhood view to bother changing my userstartup cheat file. I don't even notice it.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Ness on 2007 January 07, 11:19:44
Yes, I was replying to notveryawesome - I was just too lazy to quote, sorry.

As for why left -- supposedly it has to do with weapons and armour (shields). If you both carry shields and walk or ride on the left side, both can pass. Walk or ride on the right side, and you clash into each other. See also the joust: the horses pass each other on the left.
Horses pass each other on the left in jousting because people typically carry their weapons right-handed. If they were to travel on the right, they would not be able to effectively fight each other from that position. For similar reasons, driving on the right acts as a preventative damper on roadway violence, since people would have to reach across their bodies and fire from awkward positions to attack each other.

So our right hand drive vehicles are much more appropriate to attacking each other?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: vilia on 2007 January 07, 11:28:08
This is why the entrances to many castles/forts etc tend to loop around a hill - the attackers are forced to attack the building without being able to properly defend themselves from the people inside.

This is also one reason why people who were left handed were mistrusted - it simply wasn't sporting to hold your sword with the other hand as you were then capable of attacking the other person's vulnerable spots.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Gwill on 2007 January 07, 17:17:20
I'm fine with people in England and Australia driving on the left side of the road.  They're surronded by water on all sides, and rarely take their car out of the country.
However it drove me mad that people in Hong Kong, which is a tiny bit of land with a border to China, where they dive on the other side of the road.  Crossing the border was always an interesting experience.  Business people who crossed the border frequently would often have one car on each side of the border, rather than trying to drive right-side stearing on the left side of the road or vice verca.
It was scary how fast I got used to it though, when I first drove a car after returning home, I rode almost a mile on the wrong side of the road before I realized what the hell I was doing.  Luckily it was a deserted road, or I might have learned the hard way.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 January 08, 03:51:19
Well, 'wrong' is a purely subjective term. Considering that an american invented the automobile...

While the design for the first American automobile (by George Baldwin Selden) was done in 1877, it wasn't actually patented and built until 1905. A German, Karl Benz, got the first patent for and built the first working automobile in 1886, followed not long after by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. And all the original patents for internal combustion engines come from Europe (mostly Germans). So who actually 'invented' the  automobile isn't as cut and dry as saying an American did it.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: wes_h on 2007 January 08, 04:12:59
Sorry for veering back to the original topic, but has anyone else ever used the UserLogSettings.cheat file for their game, and if so, what things have you managed to pull from the game into logs?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 08, 06:18:55
So our right hand drive vehicles are much more appropriate to attacking each other?
Yes. In the left-hand-drive system, for a driver to fire upon a vehicle he is pursuing or an oncoming vehicle, the driver must fire left-handed, or be forced to fire through the windshield (which may not be feasible if the windshield is bulletproof). A driver that is being pursued in the left-handed drive system must fire over the shoulder or offhanded at a pursuer as well, although in most cases, this is a minor consideration as the driver is unlikely to be able to see what he is firing at anyway, unless he wants to crash. Right-hand-drive allows the driver fire right-handed, and as most people are right-handed, this results in improved accuracy.

Similarly, in a left-handed vehicle, a passenger firing on a pursuing vehicle must either lean further out of the vehicle (exposing himself more and increasing the risk of falling out of the vehicle), or fire left-handed, whereas in a right-handed vehicle, a passenger-side gunner can attack his pursuers right-handed without additional exposure.

Naturally, as an ambidexterous individual, I favor the left-handed system, as most people are right-handed and this system inconveniences them more. Road warfare in Australia is more deadly! Why do you think Mad Max was set in Australia?

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: cwykes on 2007 January 08, 11:21:53
Well, 'wrong' is a purely subjective term. Considering that an american invented the automobile...

While the design for the first American automobile (by George Baldwin Selden) was done in 1877, it wasn't actually patented and built until 1905. A German, Karl Benz, got the first patent for and built the first working automobile in 1886, followed not long after by Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. And all the original patents for internal combustion engines come from Europe (mostly Germans). So who actually 'invented' the  automobile isn't as cut and dry as saying an American did it.

thank you for taking this one up! ;D

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 08, 12:39:49
I have no idea what the format and purpose of the userlogsettings.cheat file is.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: Marhis on 2007 January 08, 13:55:00
Once I've taken a look briefly, on possibility to set personal logs, but eventually I gave up when I saw my standard conf log (under Mac OS X 10.4.8 ) reports

OS version:      Windows NT 5.1

I don't trust them too much :P.

Title: Re: Userstartup cheat file
Post by: wes_h on 2007 January 09, 01:58:22
I have no idea what the format and purpose of the userlogsettings.cheat file is.

I don't think it is an automatically recognized filename, like userstartup.cheat, because I had to use a 'run' command (with full path) in the userstartup.cheat file to make it do anything.
I caused a lot of stuff to be logged when I had this on (I have it commented out right now), but never succeeded in getting any really useful information about why some of my defective home-made packages didn't work (solved, of course, with edit/test/repeat efforts).
So I wondered if anyone else used it before (perhaps with better results). Seems not.

And I would agree, OS X and Windows XP ought to be logged as different entries.