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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: mk on 2007 January 05, 01:25:14

Title: Pet Friends?
Post by: mk on 2007 January 05, 01:25:14
I'm having a slight issue in game as far as making friends with pets is concerned.

Both the sim and pet can get the best friend memory.  The best friend, or even friend, status will never appear in the relationship panel though, and any wants to be friends with a pet are never fulfilled.  I'll remove all my hacks/downloaded content tomorrow, and begin working through them to see if I can find the problem.  I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions first, or experienced anything similar?

Title: Re: Pet Friends?
Post by: jrd on 2007 January 05, 11:17:31
Cat friends are displayed as "mine", do as "owner" IIRC.

Title: Re: Pet Friends?
Post by: miros on 2007 January 05, 15:46:31
It sounds like she's not getting any sort of marker in the relationship panel.

Start by dragging out the hacks to do with relationships or downloading new versions.