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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: buddha pest on 2007 January 04, 01:16:41

Title: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: buddha pest on 2007 January 04, 01:16:41
You know those people who show up in sim's thought bubbles when they're scanning for prints? And you know how sometimes they're really random looking people you've never seen before? Well, who the hell are they?

I know it often shows the last person who touched an object, but sometimes it's just weird folks you know have never been in that house before.

Like just now - I swear I saw Strangetown's Ajay Loner in Darren Dreamer's thought bubble 3 times in a row whilst he was scanning his house.

I could be wrong about it being Ajay (he's an elder now in Strangetown, and this may have been some other random elder who happens to look like him), and I wouldn't really expect them to see someone from a different hood, but I just wondered what bank they draw these people's thumbnails out of.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 04, 01:36:43
Random NID garbage, mostly.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: buddha pest on 2007 January 04, 02:08:37
Well, talk down. What does that mean exactly?

Just anyone? Dead people? Broken character files?

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: Swiftgold on 2007 January 06, 01:47:28
In my experience it'll just sometimes be any random Sim in the neighborhood or sub-hood - mostly it'll be someone who's been in the house, but often it's a long-dead founder Sim or it's a professor from Uni. So, yeah, probably completely random.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: philote on 2007 January 06, 02:04:14
I've never seen anyone in the thought bubble that hadn't been in the house, and I use that little gadget quite often.  Weird!

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: Assmitten on 2007 January 06, 02:08:18
Yes, this is new to me. Sometimes it will be a townie kid, but it will be a kids who's actually visited and used the object.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: buddha pest on 2007 January 06, 03:06:24
I many times see mysterious elders in weird hats.

I'm thinking they're maxis-made family tree gunk.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: Surelyfunke on 2007 January 06, 06:05:51
I used to think they were faces of the Maxians who created the objects.

Title: Re: Just something I've always wondered about the fingerprint scanner...
Post by: Lythdan on 2007 January 07, 11:26:27
If the object has never been used, it usually just throws up someone random from the hood. It could be someone who's long dead, or a townie.