More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Liet-Kynes on 2007 January 01, 22:23:34

Title: Max number of walls
Post by: Liet-Kynes on 2007 January 01, 22:23:34
After many hours working on my biggest architectural endeavor, I noticed that I could not place any more walls. After removing a few, say 5, I could place 5 more and no more.

My question is, is there a debug code or anything I can do to increase the maximum number of walls?

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: Gwill on 2007 January 01, 22:35:26
Last I heard it was hardcoded into the game, but there is some kind of Numenorian workaround...

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 January 02, 01:24:14
I don't even want to know what you made to somehow manage to max out the wall count.

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: dDefinder on 2007 January 02, 01:54:37
Didn't even know that was even possible.

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: eaglezero on 2007 January 02, 02:46:27
Your game must be fun. I know I love lot lag!

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: neriana on 2007 January 02, 05:21:46
I don't even want to know what you made to somehow manage to max out the wall count.

I do. Got a picture?

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: miros on 2007 January 02, 16:41:08
It's got to be something like a multi-level Labyrinth...

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: Liet-Kynes on 2007 January 09, 02:48:34
but there is some kind of Numenorian workaround...

Anyone know where I could get my mitts on this?

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: witch on 2007 January 09, 04:54:37
Show us a picture first - then we'll tell you...  :D

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: Gwill on 2007 January 09, 09:22:25
I haven't built anything that large myself, but if my memory serves me correct, the limit goes for each kind of wall, so you can use the same amount of half-walls, fences and Nemenor's wall thingies.

And yes, give pictures.

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: Orikes on 2007 April 09, 07:46:33
For one thing, trim down your 'thick' walls. You've got a lot of extra walls in there that you could trim out by using one wall instead of a box. Yeah, the boxes are more authentic, but it's wasted space and you're obviously taking the game's limits by throwing them in there.

Title: Re: Max number of walls
Post by: Gwill on 2007 April 09, 07:59:10
Did you read my post earlier?  Each type of wall has it's own limit.  Get some custom walls and you can keep building.

Try these:

And these: