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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 December 30, 17:52:45

Title: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 December 30, 17:52:45
I use Lyrans Custom and Default skintones ( in my CC hood, but I really hate when a light skin becomes dominant where it shouldnīt (yes, I should get a life), so I have been studying the posts here to find some answers, and ended up a bit confused   ???

I have read Syera's/Bogsims tutorial, and I think that I understand it, but what do I do about those sims who already have a CC skintone ... will edting the .package file also affect their genetics ?
or will I have to edit those sims seperatly in SimPE ... ?
or will it be a bad idea editing skintones that is in use in the first place ?

And btw ... does eyes work like skins ... I assume that in time, Iīll want to controle that part of the game too  ::)


Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: miros on 2006 December 30, 18:32:35
Yes, eyes can be "geneticized" too.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: seelindarun on 2006 December 30, 19:31:14
It may make a difference whether your sims with CC are CAS or born-in-game.  When I did this in one of my 'hoods, the CAS sims became properly geneticised and new children got the appropriate genetic info passed to them.  Born-in-game sims spawned from CC parents before the switch got a little wonky.  Some of them did not retain the skin they were born with, and some did.  I suspect that all of them received a random skin in the correct skintone range passed to them, and it was just a coincidence that some of them picked the same skin again.

Unfortunately, I don't have SimPE, so I did not do the geneticising work myself and had no way to check what happened to those sims definitively.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 30, 19:36:27
MadamMim already made these skins genetic. You can put as many as you want in your game, and you can replace the non-genetic versions with no ill-effects.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 30, 20:22:06
rohina, am I completely blind or is that site just Enayla's skins and no lyrans?

I'm another user of lyrans skins - I have made the ebony and ivory skin tones genetic - I had wanted to make them S4 and S1 and move the current S4 and S1 replacements in a little, but in the end I decided not to and opted for the quick fix of making them an S0 and an S5.  I don't often use them, though.

I also use her default replacement eyes, and added a few more colours in as well.  From memory it was just changing one number in simpe, and was really quite easy.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 December 30, 21:34:01
Born-in-game sims spawned from CC parents before the switch got a little wonky.  Some of them did not retain the skin they were born with, and some did.  I suspect that all of them received a random skin in the correct skintone range passed to them, and it was just a coincidence that some of them picked the same skin again.

Unfortunately, I don't have SimPE, so I did not do the geneticising work myself and had no way to check what happened to those sims definitively
Well ... I guess that Iīll have to go and make those changes manually then ... oh well ... it will take the rest of the year  :P

But you all think itīs safe to edit skincolors and eyes, that are already used in game, right ?


Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 30, 23:04:09
I did the genetic fix to skintones already in use and had no problems.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 31, 02:19:38
Oh, I think the lyran ones were at genensims, or maybe MTS2? I know there were some, and now I'm all confuzzled about who did them and where I saw it.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Mizz Rose Bud on 2006 December 31, 07:42:09
well, okay and thanks ... then I guess that there is nothing else to do, other than to jump right into the project


edit: So now I have tried it ...  have had no babies yet, but I changed skincolor and genetics on a child, but it only had affect on the face .... pretty much like this infant :
The infant was fixed when turning in to toddler ... but why does this happen  ???

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 January 04, 10:26:32
I definately haven't done any of Lyran's skins. Mostly because they all seem to be set up as defaults and none of them as simple alternatives. Although I must admit that I haven't looked at Lyran's skins for a while.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: witch on 2007 January 04, 12:42:00
I like Enayla's skins except for the cheekbones, they all seem to have shiny white cheekbones, it just looks really odd to me.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: diamonde on 2007 January 05, 01:38:53
I like Enayla's skins except for the cheekbones, they all seem to have shiny white cheekbones, it just looks really odd to me.

Her latest set, the pixie ones, are much better than her previous ones.  They're a lot less shiny and all very pretty.

Title: Re: Questions about making CC skins less dominant
Post by: Madame Mim on 2007 January 05, 11:10:43
I think I've got all of hers geneticised now - every so often somebody mails me and asks me if I'm going to do such-and-such of hers as well, then I know to go and see whats knew and update.

Now I've got more time to spend on my Neighbourhoods instead, and sometimes I even play the game  :o