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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Skarlath on 2006 December 29, 23:23:40

Title: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 December 29, 23:23:40
When I view the screenshots I've taken in the Sims 2, I've noticed that there are some files called webentry with some random numbers after it. For example: webentry_00000006. Can I delete these files or are they important? There used to be about 3 of these, but more of them are appearing after I move the screenshots to separate folders.  ???

Title: Re: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 30, 03:12:20
Why don't you delete them and then let us know what happens.

Title: Re: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: Skarlath on 2006 December 30, 03:13:22
LoL, alrighty then.  :D

Title: Re: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 December 30, 05:01:01
They're albums. When you create an album for a family, a file gets generated that has a list of all the pictures and the text that goes with them.

Title: Re: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 30, 06:15:45
This is true, but there are also webentries that are empty, and I have no idea where they come from. I just don't want to delete them myself in case it borkes one of my story chapters.

Title: Re: Screenshot Webentry
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 December 31, 10:17:37
I just leave those things alone, myself. They don't take up much space on ye olde hard drive, and it's better than borking my game.