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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 28, 21:55:22

Title: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 28, 21:55:22
I know, I know. Not a new topic, but I've searched multiple forums and have tried many things, yet my cc does NOT show up in game. I've lost all my nifty CAS stuff and my stylish furniture.

1. Running a Mac, but not Intel. Have base game, Uni, NL.
2. Have the NL patch.
3. CC enabled in game, but most likely I played a bit and saved before enabling. Does this cause disastrous results?
4. Downloads folder has capital D.
5. Tried removing and replacing downloads folder.
6. Have updated CEP thing.

I'd really appreciate some advice as I'm dying to get at my game.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: dizzy on 2006 December 28, 22:10:42
- Install custom content
- Run game
- Just before the hood menu, "enable" custom content
- Quit game
- Run game
- Make sure custom content is still "enabled"
- In the neighborhood, you may now turn off the custom content dialog

The above procedure was brought to you by EA and Jack "Won't Someone Think of the Children!!???" Thompson.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 28, 22:21:39
Spanks! I'll give it a whirl now!

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: ElfPuddle on 2006 December 28, 22:36:32

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 29, 00:56:13
Now, now, Stupid-to-English Translator, no need to hurt yourself.  ;)

Okay, so the new custom content I've just downloaded shows up just fine, but most of my old Uni walls, skintones, furniture, etc. does NOT appear in the cc catalogue and THAT'S what I'm trying to locate. Should I just suck it up and re-download everything?

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 29, 01:06:21
Over at MTS2 I have read several threads which indicate the Mac version is broken in that it does not keep some of its settings, like having custom content enabled or not.
Complaining to Aspyr about custom content will get a standard "CC is not supported" fuck-off-answer, but they should be supporting the settings at least.

Are other options being reset as well, like the number of speakers? If so, open a support ticket with Aspyr.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: Marhis on 2006 December 29, 03:09:43
I can maybe help: I have a non intel Mac too, and have had the same problem (official unresolved bug).

So far, the only way I found out to workaround is:

- Go to /Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Config
- Open userProps.xml with TextEdit or other text editor (NOT Word or such)
- One of the first lines is:
  <AnyBoolean key="allowCustomContent" type="0xcba908e1">false</AnyBoolean>

change it to:

  <AnyBoolean key="allowCustomContent" type="0xcba908e1">true</AnyBoolean>

- Save (txt, not rtf), close, launch the game.
- STFU Aspyr (optional)

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 29, 13:05:47
Thanks! I'll fart around with TextEdit when I'm fully awake.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 30, 03:38:17
I can maybe help: I have a non intel Mac too, and have had the same problem (official unresolved bug).

So far, the only way I found out to workaround is:

- Go to /Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2/Config
- Open userProps.xml with TextEdit or other text editor (NOT Word or such)
- One of the first lines is:
  <AnyBoolean key="allowCustomContent" type="0xcba908e1">false</AnyBoolean>

change it to:

  <AnyBoolean key="allowCustomContent" type="0xcba908e1">true</AnyBoolean>

Thanks Marhis. When I opened up the userProps, my customcontent line already had "true" in it rather than false. This is baffling me (admittedly, that's pretty easily done)  ???

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 30, 07:21:09
Try the one in \Sims expansion\TSData\Res\Userdata\Config (something like that anyway).

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: Marhis on 2006 December 30, 13:31:05
Yeah! Jordi, good idea! Now I remember I did that too.

Desmel, check also in those folders, those in which the game is installed, not Documents/etc.
There, the file is globalProps.xml, not userProps.xml, but settings are the same.
Should be enough in last installed EP folder, but I did it in every single globalProps.xml, just in case  ;D.

The Sims 2/Expansion Packs/Nightlife/TSData/Res/Config/globalProps.xml

and just for sake:
The Sims 2/TSData/Res/Config/globalProps.xml
The Sims 2/Expansion Packs/University/TSData/Res/Config/globalProps.xml

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 30, 16:00:15
Thanks, that'll be my next try!

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: DesmeiTheWench on 2006 December 30, 20:51:47
All three are true.   ???
Thanks for walking me through this, guys. I'm beginning to think that it just sucks to be me.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: Marhis on 2006 December 31, 08:41:49
I'm beginning to think that it just sucks to be me.

No way!  ;)
There must be a solution.

I wonder if this may be the problem: in globalProps.xml (Nightlife folder) there is also:

   <AnyBoolean key="disableCustomObjects" type="0xcba908e1">true</AnyBoolean>

and in my userProps.xml is

   <AnyBoolean key="disableCustomObjects" type="0xcba908e1">false</AnyBoolean>



Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 December 31, 08:58:41
Problems like this are the reason I have a WinMac, also known as an iMac with a Windows partition installed on it. Yes, I am well aware that this defeats the purpose of buying a Mac in the first place, but after spending thousands of dollars on games over the years, and finding that many gaming companies still do not release Mac-compatible versions of their games, I have concluded that a WinMac is a very sensible thing to have. Virus? No problem - just delete and reinstall the Windows partition while your Mac remains unharmed. It's the best of both worlds, IMO. I do my regular design work on the Mac, and my gaming on Windows. Ah, good times.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: Marhis on 2006 December 31, 15:26:23
I totally agree: I'm a Mac enthusiast user from the very beginning, and I think that this is maybe one of the best ideas by Apple so far. And I'm not a fan of Intel or Microsoft, at all.
I'm using Win, now, on a sort of pc: it's probably not the best solution, but somehow it works: on that pc I keep only SimPE, Clean Installer and Milkshape, all my stuff and data are on the Mac, all my files and network connections are managed by the Mac, and the result is great.
If only I was a bit less n00b user on Win, I may claim to be in Heaven  :D.

Title: Re: Custom Content problem in Nightlife
Post by: seelindarun on 2006 December 31, 20:01:26
If it wasn't obvious already, I'm not much of a gamer.  I play TS2 and a few others all available for mac, but the biggest chunk of my time is work on the mac, so a PC has never made much economic sense.  We now have a winmac but haven't even bothered to put the windows partition on it yet.  The only reason to do it so far has been SimPE, which I haven't found time to learn yet.  Our macbook has been fine, but I'd wait another generation or two before buying another Intel mac, and I'm relieved I didn't need to get the first-gen MacPro.