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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Ayslhyn on 2006 December 22, 17:50:11

Title: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 December 22, 17:50:11
I recently made a new family in CAS because I wanted a trailer-trash bunch of lowlife chavs. Little did I know that the computer had read my thoughts.
I created an elder male, intended as the dad of the adult female, an adult female as already mentioned, an adult male intended as her husband and three kids a female teen and two boy kids.
All went well the puter mixed the genes of the adults and I started to play. I was surprised and annoyed when the two adults I thought were husband and wife would not share a bed, so I looked to check the relationship. Bugger me if the computer had them as brother and sister!

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Andygal on 2006 December 22, 18:52:11
I'm sorry but this reminded me of THESE!

A father of 3 boys named J. Dickinson
Found incest to be quite a lot of fun.
Said a friend, "Even though J.",
"May be gay",
"At least his name matches his avocation."

     A father of 4 girls named Dickinson
    Found incest to be quite a lot of fun.
    Said a friend, "Maybe we oughter"
    "Nickname him Dickindaughter",
    "Then that name will match his avocation."

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Assmitten on 2006 December 23, 04:23:48
Ayslhyn, you seem to have made a post without using the word "fuckwit." I am let down somehow.

So who the babydaddy?

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 December 23, 04:27:08
Damn... this reminds meof the song, "I'm my own grandpa!"

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 December 23, 10:54:07
I dunno who the dad is, nothing shows on the family tree except the mum but the brats all look suspiciously like their "uncle".

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 23, 12:12:43
I have an interesting incest thing going on in my neigbourhood.  I have a sim who I breed into the family about every 4 generations or so.  Great grandparents don't count as family, so he repeatedly impregnates his great grand daughters.  In addition to the fact that he was a great uncle or something to start with.
I'm not sure why I do this, other than; because I can.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Ayslhyn on 2006 December 23, 19:33:47
Boy that is sick! ;)
At least this happened accidentally. But how on Earth could CAS mix the brother/sister genes? The kids offspring are gonna be interesting. If I get any two-headed mutants I'll be sure to post pics,

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: miros on 2006 December 23, 21:15:38
When you're doing the "mixing," CAS only requires you to pick two adults; it ignores any already defined relationships. 

I know you can't run SimPE, or I'd tell you to go in and remove that relationship and replace it with a marriage.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 24, 00:40:14
easy enough to fix with InSIM

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Swiftgold on 2006 December 24, 03:21:17
I have an interesting incest thing going on in my neigbourhood.  I have a sim who I breed into the family about every 4 generations or so.  Great grandparents don't count as family, so he repeatedly impregnates his great grand daughters.  In addition to the fact that he was a great uncle or something to start with.
I'm not sure why I do this, other than; because I can.

I've been doing pretty much the same thing with my vampire overlord dude. The kids are so far some of my prettiest Sims, as I imagine unlike in real life the "DNA" just gets closer to his and doesn't become all defective. Though it would be fun if it did :P My fugly Sims are the result of not noticing a CAS adult had a flattened nose before breeding him, which ended up with orc noses :P

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 December 24, 04:00:24
The ugliest sims are the result of using CAS/Bodyshop/downloaded sims and not checking what they look like for all ages and sexes. Some of the prettiest adults are HIDEOUS as babies or children. And then you wonder why all the offspring turn out like inbred trolls.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 24, 04:10:55
Who cares what they look like as children? It's not like how sexy they look is ever going to be a factor. Some sims, however, look very good in one sex, and are absolutely hideous in the other. So you breed two sims like this and you get fugly spawn. Just like in real life. And this is part of how ugly people happen.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: kutto on 2006 December 24, 04:18:11
So, how confused would the family tree get if a male alien was abducted and pollinated? The spawn would be his son and brother, thus creating some sort of Oedipus-type conflict.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: Flamingo on 2006 December 24, 04:23:03
So, how confused would the family tree get if a male alien was abducted and pollinated? The spawn would be his son and brother, thus creating some sort of Oedipus-type conflict.

My guess is that uncles aren't shown, and that when clicking the first male alien, the other parent of the child won't be shown.

ETA: Upon further analysis, I realize that the technician would actually be a grandfather, which is shown. You'd think that his picture would just show up twice in the family tree, in that event, though.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 24, 04:28:03
Being your own uncle would potentially produce a fucked up tree situation as well. Not sure how the game handles that. The effect of being horribly inbred is mostly a family tree distortion issue. Also, we're slightly uncertain whether the "parent/child" relationship or the "uncle" relationship would take precedence, and this may affect a sim's want trees, and cause the game to consider him an orphan if he thinks his parent is only a sibling.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: maxon on 2006 December 24, 14:45:49
So, how confused would the family tree get if a male alien was abducted and pollinated? The spawn would be his son and brother, thus creating some sort of Oedipus-type conflict.

I know someone who does that all the time - she just has alien sims and nothing else.  I don't know what it does to the family tree but it doesn't stop the game functioning.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: VampLena on 2006 December 24, 16:02:59
When i put in ACR, I seemed to find the husband in bed fucking all my daughters, i dont think any of my daughters teen and up didnt get deflowered by that prick lol.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 December 24, 17:24:52
Because I was curious, and because I'm sure others are too, here is a highly incestuous family tree for your viewing pleasure.

Here we see Billy Bob, who has a teenage son named Half-Blood by alien pollination. The family tree is pretty standard, since no incest has taken place yet.

Half-Blood grew up and got pollinated himself. In the pictures, Billy Bob is wearing green, and Half-Blood is wearing red. The infant is named Too Alien.

You can see things are kind of messed up. On the tree, there is no way to disaplay Too Alien as the child of Half-Blood, even though he is. The tree shows them as siblings, but never as father and son. Too Alien also never sees his grandfather, Billy Bob, and Billy Bob only sees Too Alien as the half-sibling of his son Half-Blood.

Taking things to the next level of icky, Too Alien grows up and has a baby by his own father, Half-Blood.

The game actually does a fairly good job of making the tree, In the first picture you see that the infant, Icky, sees both Half-Blood and Too Alien as her fathers, and she sees both Pollination Tech and Billy Bob as her grandfathers. The game also correctly shows that Billy BOb is the father of Half-Blood and that Half-Blood and Too Alien are siblings. Lovely.

But look at the weirdness when you select Pollination Tech and view his family tree. He sees little Icky Alien TWICE! Once under his son Half-Blood and once under his son Too Alien.

You'll also notice that Billy Bob has Icky Alien listed as his grandchild, but there is still no sign of his other grandchild, Too Alien, on his tree. In fact, you'll notice that the tree never shows that Half-Blood is the father of Too Alien.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 24, 17:32:10
So it looks like sibling-incest works, and being your own uncle doesn't.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 December 25, 03:36:15
I had an odd family relationship involving aliens as well.

This is Gustavo Nova's family tree:


This is his daddy Castor's tree:


The Pollination Tech's:


And Estrella Cormier, whose family Castor married in to:


Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 25, 06:29:28
I see nothing wrong wrong with that tree. It looks fine to me, no missing links or other anomalies. Everything is exactly where you'd expect it to be.

Title: Re: Incest. A game for all the family.
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 December 25, 22:05:28
I see nothing wrong wrong with that tree. It looks fine to me, no missing links or other anomalies. Everything is exactly where you'd expect it to be.

So it's normal?  Wow that's a first in my neighborhood!   :D