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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Ness on 2006 December 21, 05:40:21

Title: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 21, 05:40:21
Tried to have a teen sim sneak out - got an error along the lines of "trying to route while off world"

Error log attached.

I'm not ruling out the possibility that it's a freaky one-off thing or maxis buggyness, but figure someone here will know.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 December 21, 06:21:56
Hrm... looks like the Sleep Clock is trying to push the sleep interaction on the sim that snuck out. Since they are "off world" it barfs up an error. I suppose there should be a test to make sure the sim isn't "away" or what not.


Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 21, 06:29:57
Sleep clock copes ok when the sim is at work/class - it just queues up going to bed for when they arrive home.  I take it this is something Pescado needs to update?

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 21, 08:27:29
This is an extremely unusual error: For this to happen, the "sneak out" action would have had to end while the sim was still off-lot, meaning your sim would have gotten stuck off lot forever with no way to return. This is probably related to a Maxian bug where teens can sneak out and never return, because the sneak out action forgot to bring them home again, leaving them stuck offworld forever.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 21, 08:36:20
I take it that it's put down to random maxian buggyness and I should just be thankful that the reset on the error returned my sim to home?

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 21, 09:06:49
I take it that it's put down to random maxian buggyness and I should just be thankful that the reset on the error returned my sim to home?
Pretty much. Otherwise you'd be lost in space, wondering why your teen isn't coming home.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 21, 10:27:23
Just out of interest, what makes teens run away? I've never had one do it.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 21, 10:38:38
Me neither, but I'm told it has something to do with them having poor relationships with the rest of the family.  No idea if that's true, though.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 21, 10:41:35
Think that's true. If you make a townie teenager member of a family with the Ingelogical shrub without first setting good relationships 9 times out of 10 he or she will run away immediately. I have never been able to scare of Lilith Pleasant though.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 21, 11:10:53
That would be quite hard, sims usually have excellent relationships if they live in the same house, jealousy is about all that affects my sim family relationships negatively. Must try the townie teen scenario...

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 21, 13:23:17
I have never been able to scare of Lilith Pleasant though.

Before I knew much about the game (or all the hacks and mods for it :)), I played the Pleasant scenario pretty much as shipped. I had Mary-Sue kick Daniel out of the house, and that seemed to trigger Lilith running off.  She ran away at least 3 times and was brought back by the cops, but the 4th time no one was home to call the cops so she got away for good.  Fortunately her grades were in the B area by that point, so she went to college as soon as she returned home, and she'd now Mayor. :)

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Scratch on 2006 December 22, 00:43:23
How do you get a teen to sneak out.....  ???

I've only done it once way back when i first installed sims2, and i don't remember how.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 22, 01:32:27
How do you get a teen to sneak out.....  ???

After 10pm, the teen will get a 'sneak out' option on the phone if he/she has a boyfriend/girlfriend or at least one best friend.  If the friend accepts, the friend comes by to pick up your teen @ 1am.  Assuming the teen isn't picked up by the cops, the teen gets home at around 4am.

Of course, that assumes the teen can get past the parents both ways. :)

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Scratch on 2006 December 22, 02:14:27
must try..    ;D

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 22, 03:00:00
I miss the dates that happened the same way, ask parental permission, phone, make date, get picked up, no hassle. I don't get a phone option for that kind of date anymore.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 December 22, 03:16:06
You can have your teen sim ask permission to go out after 8:00 pm, I think it is.  If permission is granted, the sim will go call a friend, and the friend will come pick them up in a car around 10:00 pm.  It's been a while since I did that. 

I had a problem a long time ago that I discussed here with a teen sneaking out or going out.  I got a similar error as ness but with Macrotastics Power Idle.  I disabled Power Idle thinking that was the problem, but after a while, the sleep clock kicked in and the same problem occurred.  The problem was that the teen sim had a want to go out with this friend, and the want wasn't satisfied because the teen would get reset and get teleported to the front yard.  I repeated the scenario many times since I exited without saving.  The teen didn't get in the car, they were just standing on the curb one moment, and they were in the car the next.  And there was no icon in their queue.  I went to another house to see if the teen could go out, and there were no problems.  It was just that one lot.  I finally discovered it was the mailbox that was in the way where the sim couldn't get in the passenger side door.  This only affected the go out/sneak out interaction, not sims getting in the carpool or going to school.  With the carpool, the sim would walk around and get in the back.  I used moveobjects to move the mailbox, and the teen was able to go out properly. 

I have discovered one of the "trailer" type lots near the Brokes' that has a problem with the school bus.  I moved the Burbs in there, and Lucy couldn't get off the school bus.  I had to move the mailbox there too.  Perhaps this is your problem, ness?

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 04:36:48
Rainbow!  I think you're a genius!

Yes, I think the mail box may have something to do with it.  The sim went out and appeared to be standing beside it, then just vanished into thin air, then shortly afterwards I'd get the error and then have to reset the sim to get them back.  Other lots have had teens that can sneak out without problems.  I'll try moving the mail box and see if that helps.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 December 22, 05:54:39
Well, I'm just glad my experience could help someone else.  I asked everyone here and no one had a clue, even the "great" Pescado.  :P  I didn't want to lose the house though, so I kept trying and eliminating all the possibilities until I figured it out. 

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 22, 06:01:24
You can have your teen sim ask permission to go out after 8:00 pm, I think it is.  If permission is granted, the sim will go call a friend, and the friend will come pick them up in a car around 10:00 pm.  It's been a while since I did that. 

And thanks from me for this Rainbow. :) I thought I manually had to make them ring a friend, sounds like the sim does it, it's been so long...

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 06:21:25
Witch, I think you do need to manually make them ring a friend.  After they've asked for permission, the option to call > "go out" or something like that appears on the phone.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 22, 06:44:31
In that case I do have a problem as it's the phone option I don't see. Although maybe the go out option appears earlier in the evening than the sneak out option, if the sims leave at 10pm. I'll have a play round.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 07:00:02
I know the sneak out option appears at about 9pm, and they always leave at 1am.

The go out option appears earlier...  I'll have a play around with the current family and get back to you.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 December 22, 07:09:10
Sorry, I remembered that I had to choose the option on the phone after having the sim ask permission.  Like I said, it's been a while.  :P  But it is earlier, so the window of opportunity is relatively small.  After 10 pm, your sims can no longer ask permission and can only sneak out.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 07:16:07
It appears that the option "ask for permission to go out" appears when a sim clicks on their parents at around 7pm.

At that point call>go out appears on the phone.

EDIT: My sim left to go out at 8:30, pretty much straight after the phone call, and returned at 12:30.

EDIT2: option to call>sneak out appeared on phone after 10pm.  I'm convinced I've seen it from 9pm sometimes, but definitely not here. 

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: witch on 2006 December 22, 07:56:54
Many thanks to both of you, my mystery is solved, I'm looking way too late in the evening for the go out.  :)
Did you sort your problem out Ness? Did Rainbow's fix work?

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 08:10:25
I haven't got around to that lot again yet.

However, when I had this sim sneak out, she walked to the car and stood behind it and disappeared (different to the letter box thing).  No little icon showed on her thumbnail to show that she was snuck out, no icon appeared in her queue.  Past the time that she should have returned and there was still no sign of her.  Figuring it was part of the random maxian bug I encountered earlier, there was just no error to helpfully allow me to reset her back to the lot I tried to retrieve missing sim with the lot debugger - nothing.

Teleported her back using the letterbox...  and got a plumb bob with an invisible sim underneath!  She did everything as normal, you just couldn't see her so I played along for a bit to see what would happen.  She slept, showered, dressed, changed to her school uniform and went to school all invisible.  Fortunately she brought her body home from school with her.

I think I'll give up with the sneak out thing for now!  Too scary!

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: RainbowTigress on 2006 December 22, 08:17:56
That sounds exactly like what happened to me.  I don't suppose you tried the lot debugger option to "Retrieve Missing Sim?"  That wasn't available back when I had that problem. 

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 22, 08:38:28
tried it...  didn't do anything.

Title: Re: Error when teen sneaks out
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 December 23, 05:06:06
Had the same thing happen to me with the burb's kid in pleasantview. Got the error when she got in the car, but eventually she left. Oddly enough, she came back as a CHILD! She didn't look like a child, but a weird kneeled teen. I found some of those pre-made sim children have some really fucked up coding that can only be resolved by turning them into a toddler, and re-aging them to reset the borked coding.