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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: fennel_remington on 2006 December 19, 05:25:49

Title: allow45degreeangleofrotation not working for me?
Post by: fennel_remington on 2006 December 19, 05:25:49
this seems weird. ???
i was playing earlier and it was working then, but now all of a sudden i enter the allow45degreeangleofrotation cheat and nothing happens. i am spelling it right, no error or anything, just no 45 degree angles allowed...what? has this happened to anyone? will it go away? i don't think i can decorate without it.

Title: Re: allow45degreeangleofrotation not working for me?
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2006 December 19, 05:46:46
Are you using true or false at the end of the statement? Boolprop or anything at the beginning?

Title: Re: allow45degreeangleofrotation not working for me?
Post by: fennel_remington on 2006 December 19, 05:53:28
thanks for replying, and ya i was using the correct phrasing, but i figured out the stupid problem, which is (i'm pretty sure) that i was holding something when i entered the cheat... :P
when i wasn't holding anything the cheat worked again...i am a dumb dumb