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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Elven Ranger on 2006 December 18, 16:31:03

Title: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Elven Ranger on 2006 December 18, 16:31:03
Has anyone run across a hack or mod of some kind that minimises or removes this fear totally? Basically my family orintated sims are now unplayable due to this type of fear constantly filling there fear pannel, and having it refresh only into the same type of fear ... and there are a LOT of wolves in my game ... they show up randomally at all hours and the leader of the pack ( how many of thosee ARE there? ive got about 5 in 1 n'hood) is at most lots most nights. And as for my sim who is married to a werewof..... shit!
Any help or suggestions guys?

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 18, 18:22:13
Wish there was -- I made my first werewolf in my test hood (a townie via the lot debugger), and now all the knowledge sims  want to hear her howl and be werewolves themselves, and all the family sims have a fear of hearing her howl and/or of becoming werewolves. Fortunately most of my knowledge sims are already or close to perma-plat, so I can just ignore the wants if I feel like it.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: miros on 2006 December 18, 20:54:43
Assorted comments:

1) There's a nostrayrespawn hack that will keep your hood from becoming a wolf haven.
2) The Visitor Controller will keep the wolves, strays, skunks, etc. off the lot.
3) Whatever you do, don't adopt the wolves or teleport them in.  Nostrayrespawn can't prevent more from spawning if you do.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 18, 21:00:43
Has anyone run across a hack or mod of some kind that minimises or removes this fear totally? Basically my family orintated sims are now unplayable due to this type of fear constantly filling there fear pannel, and having it refresh only into the same type of fear ... and there are a LOT of wolves in my game ... they show up randomally at all hours and the leader of the pack ( how many of thosee ARE there? ive got about 5 in 1 n'hood) is at most lots most nights. And as for my sim who is married to a werewof..... shit!
Any help or suggestions guys?
This project is currently in development. It seems very sticky, however, and seems to largely be an all-or-nothing deal, which is not a satisfactory solution at present. It is also part of a personal-use pack that may include more than most people may want, as I've generally been tweaking want trees to get rid of stupid stuff constantly appearing in general (Yes, "Saved from Death", this means you!).

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Elven Ranger on 2006 December 18, 21:10:20
I like ( hell, IRL I have 5 tattoo's of wolves) having them around, but the constant gibbering wrecks that my sims turn into is driving me batty!
If you can come up with something, even if it is just to remove it totally, it'll be a blessing! really! :)

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 18, 21:22:38
"See A Wolf" sadly had no checktree and cannot be killed.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: jfade on 2006 December 18, 21:34:31
I have an experimental Anti-Wolf sign that is lot specific, so you can pick and choose which lots you have the wolves show up on. It's an aspiration reward object, and costs 10,000 reward points.

If you don't mind crash testing it, it's available here:

It can still be bypassed, however, by a werewolf if they summon a wolf. In my testing, during the 5 or so Sim days that I had it on the lot, not one wolf showed up even though 9 out of 10 days before a wolf showed up every night, so I'm pretty confident that this works. There may be a few other ways that wolves are triggered that I don't know about though, so like I said, if you care to test it out, I'd appreciate it. :)

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 19, 01:01:24
I'm just really glad to hear that this is in testing....I remember JM saying that is wasn't possible so I'm really happy that there might be a way.  I wouldn't care if it was an all or nothing deal.  I still haven't even tried a werewolf after reading about the want obsession that JM mentioned in my Vampire thread.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 December 19, 01:54:35
FYI, Monique recently posted hacks over on MTS2 that cut the 'be cured of being a werewolf' wants down to only family members of the werewolf, or eliminate the want completely.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 December 19, 02:28:04
Oh, that's cool...Maybe that can hold me over until JM makes one.  I've had some slight problems with Monique's stuff (compatibility with FFS) in the past, so I'm careful about what I download from her but I'll give it a shot.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 19, 10:49:20
FYI, Monique recently posted hacks over on MTS2 that cut the 'be cured of being a werewolf' wants down to only family members of the werewolf, or eliminate the want completely.
Heh, my current personal version cuts "be cured of being a werewolf" (as well as being cured of being a vampire) to non-werewolves or non-vampires only, so that a vampire may want himself to be cured, but he'll be too preoccupied to worry about it for someone else. Similarly, they don't develop fears of someone else being one anymore, so even non-knowledge vampires would be indifferent to the idea. Instead of "bite someone, want him cured".

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Elven Ranger on 2006 December 19, 14:10:08
could you release that as a standalone JM? Just nuking em (for vamps n were's ) would be SUCH a blessing!

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 19, 14:40:49
I think the magic word is:
Share shiny!

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 19, 19:48:38
could you release that as a standalone JM? Just nuking em (for vamps n were's ) would be SUCH a blessing!
It'd take awhile to clean them out as a standalone. I have it as a pack for nuking the generally silly and annoying ones in an attempt to see some less frequently seen ones.

For instance, I modified the "Sim Dies" fear to take into account the murder rate in your neighborhood. If your neighborhood does not have much in the way of a murder rate, your sims will not develop fears of most people dying, which tends to become a clog-source.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Elven Ranger on 2006 December 19, 20:14:43
hehe, I like that idear :)

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 19, 21:12:25
Fears like this should be combined, so sims can fear being murdered by wolves. :D

I hate that wolf fear, because all the kids seem to have it all the time.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: Merope on 2006 December 19, 21:51:41
Hm.  Now I'm reconsidering whether I want to pick up OMGPETZ this weekend.

On the other hand, I don't really pay attention to the fears for most of my Sims.  All of the kids fear a relative breaking up, which seems pretty ridiculous given that most of their parents are Family Sims with 100/100 relationships.  Too bad the system isn't detailed enough to generate fears based on certain things which are more likely to happen.  A kid fearing a D report card when he's sitting on an A+ is just ridiculous. 

I mean, I don't worry about getting fired unless I'm skipping work or spending all day playing on the internet.  ... erm.  Gotta go.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: rohina on 2006 December 19, 23:56:17
Well, this is why the wolf fear is annoying. Most of the other child fears are things you can avoid, or if you are trying to make them unhappy, engineer.

Title: Re: wolf/werewolf fear's spam
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 20, 00:04:02
On the other hand, I don't really pay attention to the fears for most of my Sims.  All of the kids fear a relative breaking up, which seems pretty ridiculous given that most of their parents are Family Sims with 100/100 relationships.  Too bad the system isn't detailed enough to generate fears based on certain things which are more likely to happen.  A kid fearing a D report card when he's sitting on an A+ is just ridiculous.
Actually working on that part. :P