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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: MaxisManiac on 2006 December 17, 04:51:37

Title: Blank Neighborhood Screen?
Post by: MaxisManiac on 2006 December 17, 04:51:37
Something very odd has just happened to my game for no apparent reason. No new downloads, nothing, and it was working fine yesterday. I loaded up my game and found the neighborhood with the UI and everything, just no houses, terrain, nothing. Just a blank, light blue screen. When moving my mouse over the blueness, there were clickable lots available... so now I'm worried. What to do?

Title: Re: Blank Neighborhood Screen?
Post by: miros on 2006 December 17, 09:30:57
I'd say start by deleting or renaming Groups.cache (always a good bet) and the thumbnail files.