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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Eliste on 2006 December 16, 14:14:51

Title: Menue option missing in Petz
Post by: Eliste on 2006 December 16, 14:14:51
I've noticed it while testing a new mod. Any sim created after Petz installed is lacking "Scope the room" option on a community lot. If I make any other sim on this lot selectable it has this option. If it was created/born/spawned prior Petz that is.

I tested it in a custom Neibourhood and its associated downtown. With families leaving in the main hood and downtown and travelling both ways. With all the mods but MATY-made disabled.

Enabled mods: ACR, smart beds, phone hack, bring friend home & homework sometimes and critical fixes.

If it is yet another Maxis bug could it be fixed?

I'll test it with Sims born after Petz when they grow up.

Title: Re: Menue option missing in Petz
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 16, 14:22:31
You do know that sims have to do at least one flirt before the scope room option appears, right?

Title: Re: Menue option missing in Petz
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 16, 15:28:58
All sims aging to teen by default have neutral preferences, and must check out at least one person to set their preferences so they can scope.

Title: Re: Menue option missing in Petz
Post by: Eliste on 2006 December 16, 17:13:44
Ooops. Sorry, my fault.
Thank you for answers.