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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Ness on 2006 December 13, 22:43:13

Title: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 13, 22:43:13
I've got no idea what the issue here is...  I've got a hood full of townies (no downtownies - didn't create them), including teen sims - one of which I would like to send to uni with one of my playables.

However, from the neighbourhood send sims to college menu, I see two playables and one NPC.

Any ideas on what has gone wrong and how to fix it, or is the hood somehow corrupted beyond repair and I need to start over (again!)?

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Sketch Elder on 2006 December 14, 01:00:47
Their grades probably aren't good enough to qualify. Can you edit Teen grades in SimPE?

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Andygal on 2006 December 14, 01:53:30
townies automatically have C grades, which is enough to get them into Uni.

Sim-unis are not very selective unlike real unis.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: miros on 2006 December 14, 15:35:24
townies automatically have C grades, which is enough to get them into Uni.

Sim-unis are not very selective unlike real unis.

Real ones are more like "You have money?  You can come to school here."  It's the people who don't want to pay through the nose (or can't) that have to have good grades.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 14, 20:40:42
No ideas?  No suggestions?

I guess that's another hood made toast...

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: miros on 2006 December 14, 21:51:37
I'd at least open up the 'hood with SimPE and see what's going on in there...

It's vaguely possible that you've mistaken a YA for a teen or that their grades have somehow dropped too low.  I wouldn't restart for one glitch that's possibly nothing.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Sketch Elder on 2006 December 15, 04:32:07
Check their grades. Poor grades are the only thing which should keep Teenagers off the college list.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 15, 10:07:03
They were teens - for sure!  I had a playable teen sim romantically involved with one of them, and I've got no hacks to alter that side of things.

Every single teen townie had a C grade in simpe - bumping them up to A did nothing.

They just didn't appear in the list of teens to be sent to uni - just the two playables and one NPC.

I couldn't see anything in simpe with the poking around that I did - but I didn't really have much of an idea where to poke, either.

Restarting, meh...  I do it regularly! 

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 15, 11:41:24
Using the inTeen and both the adult teens and college admissions flavour packs perhaps? These two FPs are not compatible with eachother.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 15, 20:54:44
nothing related to inteen is in my game at all - NOTHING!  I keep a very close eye on my mods after my case of stupid ness syndrome.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 15, 21:02:33
Are these naturally-occurring townies or handmade townies? Naturally occurring townies normally can be sent to college, but handmade townies can vary depending on your method of creating them, as it is not possible to create a teen in CAS alone.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 15, 21:10:58
Townies that were made in-game using the generate townies option on the letterbox.

The hood I was using before that, and the one afterwards can both send townie teens to uni, and they were done in exactly the same way.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 15, 21:29:21
It's possible that this doesn't produce clean sims. Summon them and make selectable, check grades?

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 15, 21:40:05
You mean that what I saw in simpe (townie teens with C grades) may not have neen accurate?

It's just odd that out of three hoods created the same way, only one had this problem.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: nectere on 2006 December 15, 21:41:53
I thought the make townie option left townies without a 'home'. At least that is what happened when I used the generate townie options, and thusly they had all kinds of problems associated with that.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: jrd on 2006 December 15, 21:46:22
Could depend on wether or not you used the deleteallcharacters cheat or not. That seems to mess 'hoods up some.

Title: Re: Townie teens can't go to uni
Post by: Ness on 2006 December 15, 21:48:16
no DAC.  I've emptied the character files out of the templates in program files so the hood is created empty.  Apart from the pets character files - I kept them.