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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Soylent Sim on 2006 December 12, 23:15:21

Title: What's safe to clear out post-DAC?
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 December 12, 23:15:21
Starting my first new neighborhood post-pets, I followed my usual habit of DAC-ing and cleaning up all the dangling bits before getting a proper clean start.  This time around, however, after nuking everything that seemed extraneous, I was treated to a cascade of errors that ultimately froze the game.  I went after the usual culprits (SWAF, SDNA, SDSC, SREL), and knocked out the sim score and family information as well.  Error attached if it'll help, but basically I'm wondering what I should leave or take out to have as clean a 'hood as possible without rendering it unplayable a couple of minutes in.

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