More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: vecki on 2005 September 21, 02:51:24

Title: The man of her dreams...
Post by: vecki on 2005 September 21, 02:51:24
Started a new CAS sim out last night, Vecki Maty (a clone of my most beautiful CAS sim ever - thank you Posie for helping me rescue her!).  She missed the welcome wagon as she headed out to work, but when she got back, had a phone call from Barbara Perry (who?) inviting her out.  Ok.

She goes out with this group, two of which she has a low level of chemistry with.  I pick Paul Simpson to start her off on, as he seems a little more receptive to her.  Seems to be promising.  I send her home as she was getting tired.

That night, as she sleeps, she starts dreaming about some other sim, who wasn't in the group, nor anywhere else while she was out that I could see.  A quick check of her relationships shows she doesn't know him at all, but hearts are flying up around her dream all the same. She doesn't dream about Paul at all.

No matter.  I send her out on a date with Paul, which goes so well they're best friends with a serious crush (not far off of love, either).  She ends the dream date, and then, fate steps in.

Clay Tsang, the man she was dreaming of, walks in to the bar.  Paul has gone off to play poker (still in the same room).  She starts to chat to Clay (with whom she has far better chemistry), and then, swooning, she flirts.

Well, Paul's not happy.  He slaps, shoves, etc, but she argues with him, saying something about goldfish (I don't know, either.  Maybe she doesn't like being spied on).  Paul's furious, she's furious, but she's got Clay's phone number and that's all that matters.

She heads home and works on her skills (knowledge sims, so easy to please).  While she's in the shower, Paul comes by and drops off a huge bunch of roses (while he's furious?), then slips off.  She goes and looks at the flowers, reads the card, and all the while a thought bubble with little flames around Paul's face pops up.  Then she decides she wants a date with Clay!

Funniest thing I've seen since getting Nightlife.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 21, 03:04:59
I read these posts and they crack me up because it all reminds me of a soap opera.  They've added so much more emotion and free-will interactions to the game that you can't just ignore what's happening in the background anymore.  Townies aren't just talking to each other and pushing one another on the swings anymore - they flirting and fighting and carrying on like fools.  I love it!  It adds realism to the game.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 21, 04:07:52
Love it Vecki!!!!

I am finding that I need to focus on who my sim is attracted too rather than who I want her to be with. And yep, I noticed when I changed Ashley's whatshisfacename 'turn on' to blond hair, he won't leave Heather Huffington alone! I'm trying to get her with Castor Nova but it seems, Ashley wants her more! Theses are the maxis dudes in Uni.

Also, I had Joshua Ruben ask Tiffany Sampson out on a date. After all, Maxis has made him with a crush on her. The date was successful and they fell in love in no time. Thing is, he never calls. He never leaves gifts. She always has to invite him over etc etc. I am beginning to think that this is all one sided. Even though they are in love, he has rejected some of her flirts because he's obviously not in the mood or just doesn't find her attractive. So her and the girls went out for a night of partying and sure enough, she's flirting and carrying on with some punk elder! Yuk! But what can I do? Deny my sim?

Anyways, I haven't decided yet, but I am enjoying the relationships alot more now.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 September 21, 04:14:21
MAN! I hope our fe-mail-man comes with my game soon. This sounds like a dream come true, autonomous flirting!
If all goes well I will have the game in my hands when I wake up around 5pm (working nightshift this week and I am ALLOWED to bring my puter and play Sims at work!!!!!)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 September 21, 05:40:41
Does this still happen even if a sim is already attached? It would become quite the nuisance if sims start flirting with everything that moves regardless of their present state.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: vecki on 2005 September 21, 05:44:02
I've seen them swooning over other sims when they're married, but not automonously flirt like this.  Haven't tried it with engaged or going steady yet.

EDIT: and Vecki Maty was rather outgoing, which may have something to do with it.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: VJay on 2005 September 21, 07:18:49
In my strangetown, my General Buzz became completely mad about Kristen Singles, he went to her on his own and flirted like crazy. I didn't do anything, I just couldn't stop them, looks like both were meant to be together. lol I'm currently trying to find out how to get the 3 bolts of chemistry with star signs, turns on and aspirations compatibilty

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 21, 07:22:37
Whats the deal when a lightning bolt is crossed out?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: VJay on 2005 September 21, 07:23:38
Whats the deal when a lightning bolt is crossed out?

I believe it means there is no chemistry between the 2 sims. I've noticed it often happens when one them is Family and the other is Romance.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 21, 07:34:21
I'm currently trying to find out how to get the 3 bolts of chemistry with star signs, turns on and aspirations compatibilty

Heh, I've got three Sims in my house: Meadow, Dina and Mai. Mai's having a relationship with both Meadow and Dina, while Meadow and Dina are just best friends with each other. Mai has two lightning bolts with Meadow and Dina, and they with her. Meadow and Dina have three lightning bolts with each other, however, but I refuse to let them have a relationship. This results in rather a lot of sexual tension, with Meadow and Dina swooning over each other every time they're near. Luckily they haven't done any autonomous flirting yet. That could result in rather a lot of slapping.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 21, 10:08:21
Castor Nova and Allegra Gorey got to 3 flashes after I changed their turn on/offs to coincide a bit better, although it took a dream date, car woo-hoo and instant pregnancy to do it (it was 2 before the date).  Their star-signs don't match in the game (although they do in real life), but that doesn't seem to be making much difference.  They were only 1 flash before I changed his aspiration from Romance to Family.  They managed all this in less than 24 hours from her being resurrected, although she they were still 100/100 in love even though she'd been dead 8 years. 

I wondered what the cross through the flash meant.  At first I thought it was Sims who my Sim fancied but who didn't fancy them, but there don't seem to be any of those for some reason (pity, would make for some great scenarios).  I thought the ones with nothing were the ones with no chemistry - what are they then, indifferent?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: wyrdwing on 2005 September 21, 11:28:32
I created a character in strangetown and for some reason the only friends she ever brought home were the grunt boys so I made friends with them. But the odd thing was all 3 seemed to like her and they flirted with her on their own accord...  :o talk about causing a drama... (that's how i discovered sims could flirt without being told) and that was before NL sims seem to like flirting with everything that moves even if their married in NL.
Ajay loner keeps flirting with jenny smith since she arrived at his door to welcome him to the neighbourhood  >:( that's annoying because his wants are filled with 'chat with, play with, stalk'. (okay not really stalk but he might as well)  ::)

Well, Paul's not happy. He slaps, shoves, etc, but she argues with him, saying something about goldfish
:D she's saying 'There's more than one fish in the sea'

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Gus Smedstad on 2005 September 21, 13:16:43
Does this still happen even if a sim is already attached? It would become quite the nuisance if sims start flirting with everything that moves regardless of their present state.

I'm worried about this too.  I haven't played long enough to know, though.

 - Gus

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 21, 13:23:16
Does this still happen even if a sim is already attached? It would become quite the nuisance if sims start flirting with everything that moves regardless of their present state.

I'm worried about this too.  I haven't played long enough to know, though.

 - Gus

Well, I have a married Sim who continues to make eyes at other men (she has the new aspiration - I don't know if that is why).  She keeps dreaming about one of the townies.  When I play another household and go downtown, I find her at the clubs dancing and flirting with other men and hubby is nowhere to be found.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 22, 10:22:35
I have these two Family sims who are sooooo in love with each other, it's almost nauseating.  They follow each other around like lost puppies.  When wife was pregnant and she would sleep during the day, hubby would follow her upstairs and relax on the bed with her or if she would sleep on the couch, he would sit there and just look at her and smile - cutest thing, and he wanted to rub her belly all the time.  She is always giving him the "Oooh, your're so hot" touch, which I just crack up over.  They're telling each other dirty jokes all the time and wanting to kiss and flirt, which leads to other things :D.  Once, hubby was taking the trash out and she was on the third floor and went all the way downstairs, while pregnant, just to tell him a joke.

Another time, she was in one of the three bathrooms taking a bath and he was downstairs where there was a bath, and he picked the same bathroom she was in to use the toilet!  And dreams . . . they're always dreaming of each other with the hearts flying out and music playing.  They're just crazy in love.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 September 22, 16:03:43
Also, I had Joshua Ruben ask Tiffany Sampson out on a date. After all, Maxis has made him with a crush on her. The date was successful and they fell in love in no time. Thing is, he never calls. He never leaves gifts.

I played that Frat house and found Joshua to be a big huge jerk. He's really not very nice at all. Very self-centered and fickle. Tiffany's a nice girl. She'd be better off with his ugly brother, Martin, or with that nice Kevin Baer, who's a sweetheart. I like Kevin cuz he looks like a regular dude. He wants to marry a nice girl ...

BTW, Ashley's tons cuter with a different haircut! I think he looks kind of sleazy with the one Maxis gave him LOL.

And Awwww ... to nothingbutsims! That's so cute. I can't wait to get NL!!! My computer needs to be upgraded first, and then I'm going to take a day off from work and do nothing but play, Baby!

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 22, 19:47:22
I was very pleasantly surprised to discover that my cutest teen couple, Giles and Samantha, have 3 bolts towards each other. They are both family sims and are now absolutely adorable together. Gonna be interesting to see how it plays out, now that Samantha's sister, Colleen (a popularity sim), has taken a sudden interest in Giles and is now swooning over him. I haven't noticed him swooning over her, though. He's too ga ga over Samantha. She does have 2 bolts on his relationship panel, however.

I love looking in the chemistry panel and finding out who really has the hots for whom. I am often surprised!

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: miramis on 2005 September 22, 21:00:45
From what I can make out the sims with no chemistry just don't have a lightning bolt at all.  The sims with crossed out lightning bolts are turned off by that sim, and lightning bolts means there is attraction.  I haven't seen three lightning bolts yet but my new legacy founder was dreaming of this girl he'd never met before, and happened across her at a park while out on a date with his girlfriend.  His girlfriend wasn't too impressed when I had him start flirting with 'the girl of his dreams'.  :D  They are now elders and still can't leave eachother alone, forever flirting, kissing, serenading.  It's really sweet.  His son is doomed to marry an npc he doesn't really like that much hehe.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 22, 23:51:13
Also, I had Joshua Ruben ask Tiffany Sampson out on a date. After all, Maxis has made him with a crush on her. The date was successful and they fell in love in no time. Thing is, he never calls. He never leaves gifts.

I played that Frat house and found Joshua to be a big huge jerk. He's really not very nice at all. Very self-centered and fickle. Tiffany's a nice girl. She'd be better off with his ugly brother, Martin, or with that nice Kevin Baer, who's a sweetheart. I like Kevin cuz he looks like a regular dude. He wants to marry a nice girl ...

BTW, Ashley's tons cuter with a different haircut! I think he looks kind of sleazy with the one Maxis gave him LOL.

And Awwww ... to nothingbutsims! That's so cute. I can't wait to get NL!!! My computer needs to be upgraded first, and then I'm going to take a day off from work and do nothing but play, Baby!

Witches, I am still playing the Frat and Sorority houses and yep, totally agree that Joshua is a jerk. I naturally had Castor and Heather together and Ashley (with a new haircut) just playing the scene. Tiffany is a lovely girl and with a new hair cut, some makeup and a sexy outfit she looks good. Thing is, Castor has 2 bolts for her and only one for Heather. Tiffany also has the two bolts for Castor and none for Josh. So after going on a date, Castor and Tiffany were in love. So I made them come clean last night at a party. Heather was bonking Ashley too by the way and he just adores her. Follows her everywhere. I decided that Heather needed a good kick up the butt as Castor is a nice fellow and so is Tiffany. Well, there was slapping left right and center. Amazingly Tiffany started arguing with Josh after he slapped her. I'm sure she was saying that he treated her like shit and what did he expect.

Castor ended up staying the night with Tiffany and Heather kissed Ashley in front of them to get them back. Kevin just sat there taking it all in. He is a nice fellow but butt ugly. Had him have kids with Brittany in an earlier game and they were ugly ugly children. Nice people though. Kevin at the moment is in love with a townie fromt he matchmaker. She loves him too. Left the spinning machine as a gift god bless her! $3,500 sim dollars! But she doesn't have a phone. But he gets invited out by all these oldies who are friends with her and she is often there too. Will have to use SimPE I think to get her into a house somewhere.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Process Denied on 2005 September 23, 01:06:23
The social dynamics of this expansion are hilarious.  I had to reinstall fresh a few times(Addicted to hacks)so i made one sim and was playing her in downtown to try to see if it was safe to play the families,and i have to say that there really isn't that much of a story to go back to now.  Don hates Dina,Nina,and Cassie. Cassie hates Nina,Don,and my sim(also Marissa for some reason).  Nina hates Don and my sim and the Countess.  I'm gunna have to fix this in Sim pe before I start playing. I had to take control of so many sims to max their interest because there were fights all over the place.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 23, 01:20:43
I did a new reinstall with the expansion pack and tossed all my previous families but was surprised to see the "couples" that I had before NL, not like each other under the relationship scheme.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2005 September 23, 01:24:55
I had one thing happen when the llama and the cow were in my college girls' house and such (the cow is pesterous and that llama is flirty, argh  >:( ) and when Portulaca invited her boyfriend Pepé over and the llama started doing something lightening-boltish, Pepé became furious and slapped Portulaca even though she did nothing wrong.  Alrighty.   ???  Then when I tried patching things up by inviting the Matchmaker over to buy a love to say, when I tried to place the love potion in her inventory, she disappeared from the lot entirely.  I left without saving, and now things are normal again.  *sigh* Doncha love glitches that save the day?  ;D

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 23, 01:38:39
Whenever that cow and Llama appear on my lot, whoever is nearby tells them goodbye. I won't let my sims socialise with them.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: vecki on 2005 September 23, 01:42:04
Whenever that cow and Llama appear on my lot, whoever is nearby tells them goodbye. I won't let my sims socialise with them.


Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: SciBirg on 2005 September 23, 01:45:14
I just love 2Jeff's cow head. I always place it on my college lots and have them chase the cow away.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 September 26, 16:05:15
I've given up trying to banish the llama, and he's not that annoying anyway. I save my wrath for the cows. They're just so irritating ... and you always have to clean up afterwards because their favorite thing to do is throw water balloons or turn on the sprinklers in the dorms.

I agree that Brittany turned out ugly! I made her a nice party house after she graduated from college and tried to give her a makeover but every haircut I tried made her look like a man in drag. I gave her the girliest haircut and the sexiest dress I could find so she'd look more like a girl. She's in politics, but I plan for her to have a career in show biz next so she can get the plastic surgery machine. She needs it, poor girl.

I disagree that Kevin is ugly. I think he's kind of cute, in a teddybear kind of way. Maybe not so much when he turns to an adult? He's still in college in my game. He and Brittany are totally in love but she doesn't want to settle down. I plan to have Kevin marry one of my sims who will be starting college soon, once she gets out. She's not that cute (born in game, got the worst of both parents' features LOL) so their kids may be ugly but I think they'll be happy.

And that's what matters, right?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: nothingbutsims on 2005 September 26, 16:56:32
Whenever that cow and Llama appear on my lot, whoever is nearby tells them goodbye. I won't let my sims socialise with them.

Pre-NL, I had a YA get engaged and eventually marry one of the llamas.  He ended up being a Family sim and they lived happily ever after with a bazillion kids.  The bummer of it was everytime I took him to a community lot, he showed up in that stupid llama suit.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 26, 22:29:48
I've given up trying to banish the llama, and he's not that annoying anyway. I save my wrath for the cows. They're just so irritating ... and you always have to clean up afterwards because their favorite thing to do is throw water balloons or turn on the sprinklers in the dorms.

I agree that Brittany turned out ugly! I made her a nice party house after she graduated from college and tried to give her a makeover but every haircut I tried made her look like a man in drag. I gave her the girliest haircut and the sexiest dress I could find so she'd look more like a girl. She's in politics, but I plan for her to have a career in show biz next so she can get the plastic surgery machine. She needs it, poor girl.

I disagree that Kevin is ugly. I think he's kind of cute, in a teddybear kind of way. Maybe not so much when he turns to an adult? He's still in college in my game. He and Brittany are totally in love but she doesn't want to settle down. I plan to have Kevin marry one of my sims who will be starting college soon, once she gets out. She's not that cute (born in game, got the worst of both parents' features LOL) so their kids may be ugly but I think they'll be happy.

And that's what matters, right?

I am begininning to agree Witch. I have given Kevin some blind dates, and after attempt number three he got this stunning, yep stunning townie. She just adores him and they hit it off so well. Both family sims so I granted their want after just three days of dating to get engaged. He will graduate in one more semester so I will get him settled into a family home in pleasantville and somehow get her moved into the sorority house and speed up her graduation. Like I said in my previous post, Kevin and Brittany had kids in my previous game - ugly but they were so nice and very happy. I want to try Kevin though now with his 'true love'.

I too tried Brittany with different hair and everything made her chin look more pointy - just like a witch - and her squinty eyes are just awful. She is engaged to the red head maid Steven Dallas. She has a thing for red heads in my game. I found out though that if you change their faces in the career reward machine, it doesn't change their DNA so their off spring will still get those ugly orginal features. I also didn't know that if you change their hair colour, their DNA hair colour remains the same.

Having problems with Castor though. He was originally dating and in love with Heather Huffington (one bolt). She is a bitch so I made him and Tiffany Sampson an item (two bolts). All is going well until this blond chicky who is sooo nice pledges. Castor starts sniffing around her big time. Won't leave her alone. When she eats, he sits next to her etc etc. So I checked their stats - three bolts!!! My first ever! Thing is, because she is so sweet and I like Castor I didn't want this relationship to be sleazy. So they kept hanging around each and when they were at 100/100, they had a gorgeous party in their formal clothes, and I made Castor gently kiss her hand out under a tree beside the pool. It was sooo romantic. Now though, Castor is in a love triangle. He still gets love wants for Heather, Tiffany and now this Townie (Callista I think). He graduates in a few hours and lord knows who I want him to be with. Well I guess Calista but who then for Tiffany? Heather by the way is with Ashley who has graduated and set up a nice pad in Downtown. Heather will be joining him shortly.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 September 26, 22:53:44
Whats the deal when a lightning bolt is crossed out?
I believe it means there is no chemistry between the 2 sims. I've noticed it often happens when one them is Family and the other is Romance.

The red-X through the lightning bolt means bad chemistry as opposed to the absense of a lightning bolt which means neutral/none.

Usually if you see the red-X there's also a fairly good chance that if you have the involved sims check one another out, one will react with red-Xs floating above their thought bubble instead of hearts, and they'll mime a puking motion.  Doesn't always happen because sometimes bad chemistry doesn't involve turn-ons/offs.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 26, 23:03:17
How about find (or create) the perfect three-bolt guy for Tiffany? Her current romance with Castor can be one of those young adult college flings that just don't work out. Maybe have one couple live in downtown and one in Pleasantview and just let the love feelings fizzle out. Or have a big teary blow out where one of them catches the other,"I thought you loved me!" The level of drama is up to you!  I decided to do a fresh reinstall on Sunday so I'm back to square one with all the in-game sims. Last time around I had Tiffany with Kevin, Castor with Allegra, and Heather with Martin but I may do something completely different this time. I'm not really all that interested in Brittany or Joshua, they may remain  permanent students. Or very shallow Pleasure sims.

Nightlife is sure adding all sorts of fun to the Romance aspiration for me. I had this one Romance gal I just made (Leila) and she's a kick. She lives in the downtown to Strangetown and hooked up with that frat guy from La Fiesta Tech, I think his name is Mickey. They're so enamored of each other they woohoo'd on the first date. As they're sleeping Leila dreams not only of Mickey, but the fireman (who she hasn't met yet) and a couple of the neighbors who'd stopped by. She's going to be quite the busy lady!  :D

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 27, 00:05:56
Cabelle, I think I will create a CAS sim for Tiffany as I like her and want her to be happy, especially as she is so keen on Castor. Oh the trial and tribulations of looking after these little people. It truly is like a real doll house. Might let the love die its own death at this stage as I have had the crying matches before and after the fury has gone, they start wanting that person again. So I will try the less disruptive way this time.

I often start fresh again with a reinstall as I get bored of my families after months playing them. I always start back with my little uni people and last time I had Castor have a love child with Allegra whilst he was with Heather. This was some years later in their lives when Castor was about to become an elder. Low and behold! Allegra moved into town with a new look, flash job and still a spark for Castor.

Joshua I don't like. Being a money sim, I am thinking of making him a cold calculated sim who marries for money and looks. I need to make a CAS sim for him. We'll give her longish dark hair and stunning green eyes. Dress her in a suit and a power career. One bolt only and they can have one child. I could make them my first sim blog story! They will live Downtown or a mansion in pleasantview.

I have started watching my sims dreams now as a few people have posted that their sims dream of people they haven't met before. Heather often dreams about herself with all the floating love hearts. Go figure.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: cabelle on 2005 September 27, 03:57:46
Heather often dreams about herself with all the floating love hearts. Go figure.

So our sims can have Narcissistic Personality Disorder too? ;) I haven't seen that yet, other than the usual plain dreaming about themselves (without the little hearts). Too funny.

Seeing your post this afternoon perked my interest so I decided to get started (again) on the Sim State college students. I thought it would make it interesting to go a completely different direction this time. I made three ladies that I thought would be perfect for Ashley, Kevin & Castor. So far Ashley & Felicity are deeply in love, Kevin & Madeline are almost there and Castor & Renee are on their way to becoming good friends. I wanted to play longer but RL chores are always piling up around here. There's a couple of handsome guys I've made that Heather & Tiffany will meet the next time I can play.

The funniest thing was the house where Martin, Jane and Allegra live. I gave Allegra a makeover because I like her better with short blond hair and softer makeup. While I was checking on Jane to have her work off the "freshman 15" (the extra pounds) I heard that funny little noise the sims make when they're attracted to another. Martin & Allegra were "checking each other out", and if you can believe it they have three lightning bolts for each other! So I guess those two are destined to be together. It's funny the things your sims will do when left to their own devices.

I know what you mean about wanting your little people happy. My neighborhoods have always tended to be mostly "happily ever after" with a small touch of "desperate housewives". And if you can believe it I have a dollhouse that I've been working on too for a few years now. :o Not the type a child can play with though, it's more for a collector/crafty adult. I sure enjoy my sims though and enjoy working out their stories. It's more fun than reading a trashy novel or watching dramatic tv shows. I get to take the story wherever I want it to go. My husband thinks I'm a little overinvolved but it's so much fun how can I not be?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: vecki on 2005 September 27, 04:37:00
My latest Pleasantview sim Anna married Benjamin Long, despite the fact that she was seriously lusting after Darren Dreamer-Goth.  In fact, she lusted over Darren so much, she went and told Benji about it, hearts floating around the speech bubble!  Now whenever Benjamin dreams about Darren, the little hearts are continuously flying over his dream!

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 27, 05:59:53
Now, that is funny. Crush by association.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 27, 06:03:34
Vecki I have had that too. You watch two sims have a conversation and they talk about another sim and there are hearts around their thought bubble. Such strange little people.

My husband thinks I'm nuts. Last night when lying in bed reading he asked me why I'm not up playing the sims. I told him that I have to make some decisions re my uni sims as they are going to graduate soon and I need to decide their life partners. I asked if I could run my love triangle past him and get some ideas. He said a flat out no and wants nothing to do with my pixel people. Big waste of time he reckons. But I said that its no different to watching TV all night or even reading. Sure, I could be exercising which I do religiously but at 9.30 at night?? Husbands. Blah!

I must drop in and visit the Jane, Ruben & Allegra house. Might move Kevin's love into there so she can finish uni and move in with him. I gave Allegra once the short ruffled uni hairstyle and it really suited her. Haven't tried blond but I will. She scrubs up pretty well. Unfortunetly I didn't get to see what Allegra and Castor's love child looked like as NL was released and did a new install. But I can say that Castor and Heather make stunning children. Ashley and Tiffany were ok - big eyes.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Regina on 2005 September 27, 06:59:10
 ;D  You all crack me up!  I've enjoyed reading your stories and observations--and chuckling at the amusement all these new aspects are providing.

I've ran into a few of my own, as well.  I decided to start from scratch on a Legacy family--took me three tries before I finally felt like I was off to a decent start (going with the Xtreme challenge is a hoot!).

I decided my founder wasn't going to have to settle with half-way love--it was all or nothing.  After a couple of false starts on relationships with a bartender and a waitress he finally found the love of his life, a maid he hired for a day just so he could meet her.

Right away they had two lightning bolts, which I felt was reasonable for a start.  I set my founder's turn-ons to blonde hair and red hair, thinking that I could change them if needs be.

He was nearly halfway through his adulthood when he finally married, and after tweaking both their turn-ons (her turn-ons were fat and formalwear so I set them to brown hair and facial hair), then set his, leaving the blonde hair and replacing red hair with make-up.

Low and behold, they were up to a 4-bolt attraction!

I've had to be a little careful because some of the other girls he knew were always flirting with him, so if they visit caution must be taken.  Since his wife is a popularity sim I decided to hand off the friendships to her so we won't have too much trouble.  Hubby's a money sim so he's happy gaining skills and earning money--no problem.

So far these two haven't provided a lot in the line of hilarity, but I've had them pretty busy doing the kind of things Legacy families have to do in order to succeed.  No doubt by the time they max their careers they'll be a lot more entertaining. ;)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 September 27, 15:26:53
I realize that plastic surgery doesn't get passed on to the kids, but I'm not planning on having Brittany breed. She's not the maternal type. Instead, I made her this cool party pad that will only get cooler once I get NL. Actually, I've got NL but my computer can't run it. Got the parts but my friend who knows how to install them is busy right now. I'm hoping to have it all together by next week ...

I like Castor, too. He was my favorite sim's college boyfriend and now her teenaged daughter has a crush on him. I'm considering having them get married after teen daughter graduates from college. She's popularity, her mom is romance. I can see her getting married, she's a nice girl. Not mom, though. She's nice, but definitely a flirt ... Ashley's not marriage material, in my book, though he's cute, so if I have a sim who wants to be a single mom I know who to call LOL. I agree that Heather is a bit of a bitch. I changed her look: she looks much cuter in jeans with the "wingy" haircut (not sure how to describe it, it's the one that sticks out at the sides. Looks dumb on most sims but cute on her ...). Tiffany's a nice girl but kind of boring.

My rule is, if I accidentally graduate one of the NPCs from college because they happen to share a house with my sims, then I find them a house, job, etc., and they become townies, for all intents and purposes, unless one of my sims falls in love with them. Or if I'm bored and decide to play them for a while.

Hey, does anyone know how to get sims to pledge? I had 20 friends and all the NPCs said, you don't have enough friends for me to be interested in pledging ... how many friends DO you need? 20 seemed like a lot to me! There were 5 guys living in the house, the 4 from the game and my sim ... and a lot of their friends overlapped. Now that my sim and Ashley have both graduated, those guys don't stand a chance of attracting fresh "meat."  ::)

I have figured out a way to cheat on this. Invite NPCs to move into a regular rented house, then have the entire household join the greek house. With any luck, the NPC will be a lower classman than the player sim, so when the next gen gets to college the greek house won't be empty ... Or does it regenerate itself?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 27, 23:07:40
Witch, I don't think the greek house will regenerate members. I find too many families hard to handle so there are often always people left behind in my greek houses. I tend to make someone pledge in the last semester of my playable sims.

I am not sure how the 'friends' meter works for the greek houses, as I can have a set number of friends and I will get the pop up message saying my greek house rocks and I'm on level 6. Within 5mins I can get a message saying that I have dropped a level but all my friendships have remained the same.  ???

When I had Kevin and Brittany breed she wasn't a very attentive mother. Being popularity, I made her a stay at home mum with Kevin in a business career. They had a modest house in Veronaville with old style verandahs and lots of timber. Brittany would have morning teas and mothers meetings during the day. Dress smart casual with lovely earrings. Scones and cream kinda scene with kids in private school. Sorta like Bree from Desperate Housewives. Often entertaining Kevin's work collegues that he brought home. Made for one happy family I have to admit.

Ashley was a hard man to keep happy being tied to one woman - Tiffany, so yep, I did the single mother thing first time round. I controlled Tiffany in this little one bedroom house and made her pregnant with Ashley who was a 'townie'. I was amazed that he visited everyday after the baby was born and doted on her big time. Because he's outgoing, he would never knock, just come straight in and I loved that automonous behaviour. Eventually I moved him in, only after a long time though. It was after the birth of their second child. Again, I have to agree that romance sims make great parents.

I might run that scenario again with Tiffany succumbing to Ashley's charm after being heart broken by Castor, her true love. Next thing she can be knocked up....(they make good looking kids). That then leaves an 'opening' for Castor again. The sympathy opening. mind is ticking away now!

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 28, 00:50:35
I realize that plastic surgery doesn't get passed on to the kids...

If you have SimPE 0.48c, you can change the genetics to reflect the new look gotten from the home plastic surgery career reward, and have the new and improved looks passed down to the offspring(s). It's pretty easy to do. If you are interested, SimPE is available for download at, and this is the link to the tutorial (

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 28, 03:14:11
I realize that plastic surgery doesn't get passed on to the kids...

If you have SimPE 0.48c, you can change the genetics to reflect the new look gotten from the home plastic surgery career reward, and have the new and improved looks passed down to the offspring(s). It's pretty easy to do. If you are interested, SimPE is available for download at, and this is the link to the tutorial (

I don't like using SimPE at the best of times but don't you need to enter certain 'codes' into SimPE that reflect a certain nose, cheek, brow shape etc? How does one find what these codes are and what they look like?

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: C.S. on 2005 September 28, 03:45:07
I don't like using SimPE at the best of times but don't you need to enter certain 'codes' into SimPE that reflect a certain nose, cheek, brow shape etc? How does one find what these codes are and what they look like?

I guess that would fall under DNA, where you can set what hair colour, skin tone, eye colour and facial features get passed on to the offsprings. Here's something relevant from the SimPE forum (, if you have also had sims change their hair colour. The facial features are in words instead of codes, I deleted, or added, what I want a child to inherit. Just to be safe, I referenced the DNA of other sims to see if a feature comes before the other. If, say, the nose are in both parents' DNA to pass on to offsprings, the game just randomly pick a nose of either parent for the sim child. For example, I had Nina Caliente married to Komei, they had 2 kids, one inherited the father's nose while the other inherited the mother's nose. Here's a snapshot of DNA in SimPE classic,

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: witch on 2005 September 28, 05:42:57
Hey Darkstormyeve, just want to point out that the new poster is 'witches'. I keep seeing you reply to 'witch' and am, in my senile old way, getting confused. :)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 28, 05:51:17
I actually picked that up today when looking at some other threads. I thought at first that Witches had changed her avatar then realised that Witch is Witches. Oh well. Sorry for the confusion. Easily done.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 September 28, 12:00:32
It's funny reading all these posts about Ashley and Castor. In my game, they're very gay and very married. To each other. I don't know why I did that. I can't see them as straight at all, now! They are also both knowledge sims (weren't they romance, originally? I know at least one of them was!). Joshua and Kevin got expelled. I was new to the game, and more concerned about my own sims grades, so I didn't crack down on Kevin and Joshua to get their studies done.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 September 28, 14:54:34
Hey Darkstormyeve, just want to point out that the new poster is 'witches'. I keep seeing you reply to 'witch' and am, in my senile old way, getting confused. :)

Yeah, sorry about that. Had I known there was already a "witch" I would have picked a different name. Witches is a shorter version of my extremely long name on WorldSims but I didn't want the Fishy one to banish me for using it ... he's complained about it before.   ;) (Plus, I think it exceeds the limit for this site.)

At least we have different avatars. Just think of me as the one with the green cat eyes. :-)

Oh, and I can so totally see Ashley and Castor as gay. Never thought of it before. Still, in my game they're straight. For now. I've got a very cute young man who'll be going to college soon who prefers other boyz ... he may just tempt our Castor. :-)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: baratron on 2005 September 29, 01:40:27
Hey, does anyone know how to get sims to pledge? I had 20 friends and all the NPCs said, you don't have enough friends for me to be interested in pledging ... how many friends DO you need? 20 seemed like a lot to me! There were 5 guys living in the house, the 4 from the game and my sim ... and a lot of their friends overlapped. Now that my sim and Ashley have both graduated, those guys don't stand a chance of attracting fresh "meat."  ::)

I think that, to get a sim to pledge, they have to be friends with everyone already in the Greek house. At least, that's been my experience.

I actually have no idea who these sims are that you're talking about, but never mind, eh? ;)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 September 29, 01:52:00
They're the in-game sims at the "boy" Greek house at Sim State. In case anyone was curious.

And, thanks. I'll try that. I did think it was weird that my Greek house was level 6 and I still couldn't get anyone to pledge ...

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Darkstormyeve on 2005 September 29, 03:10:05
I had a townie walk past the Sorority house one day, get friendly with Tiffany Sampson. They were not best friends, I just kept them socialising etc until the pledge option came up for Tiffany. So Allie accepted even though she had negative relationships with the other girls. Allie is her name and she is Castors new love.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 September 30, 15:43:42
In my game Tiffany is happily married to Kevin Beare and they have a baby daughter.  Jackson Ruben (I think he's the Joshua people keep mentioning) is married to Andrea Wotsername the former townie and they have one daughter.  Martin Ruben married Jane Stacks and they had twins while he was still studying.  Jane won the lottery and they are now worth around $6m.  Brittany (who I renamed Briony because I already had a Brittany courtesy of the Tombstone of L&D) was originally with Castor, then he left her because he put Allegra in the 'family way'.  Allegra died straight after giving birth so Castor moved back in with Briony and had another son to her.  Castor caught Briony cheating (I made them both Romance), so he chucked her out and she moved Downtown, leaving their son behind.  Castor's son to Allegra grew-up to a child shortly afterwards and looked so terribly sad (his first memory was of his mother dying) that I took pity on him and got him to resurrect her.  She had 2 lightning bolts with Castor - one dream date ending with a woo-hoo and it became 3.  He then changed his aspiration to Family and I think she's pregnant again, not sure. 

Heather Huffington ... well, I've mentioned in another thread what happened to her, the tart (rofl).  Castor is just one of the many men she's been through.  Several men are obsessed with her at the moment, particularly Professor Stephan Hourvitz or whatever his name is.  He's a real troublemaker and the first time I played Uni after installing NL the dormies (who must have been waiting forever) started attacking him in turn.  He's really getting his come-uppance now.  But, that's another story.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 September 30, 16:42:35
not being able to pledge people to a level 6 greek house is a known bug. Pescado has a fix for it on this site.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 03, 16:49:49
Really? Thanks! I'll have to check it out once I install NL. Does it work with NL?

I'm waiting to install any hacks until I've got everything up and running.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: baratron on 2005 October 04, 01:05:47
Supposedly, it's unnecessary with NL because the bug has been fixed. So you can install the fix for now, but should remove it when you get NL.

I haven't played Sim State, which is why I didn't know any of your characters. I have Academie Le Tour attached to Strangetown, and La Fiesta Tech attached to Pleasantview. I figured that sims would want to go to college in a different place than where they normally live :).

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 05, 15:17:01
Makes sense to me! I think Sim State is a good blend of the two. It seems to have more stuff to do than Fiesta and allows Greek houses, which Le Tour does not. But I like Le Tour's community lots the best ... I like variety so I had all three colleges attached to my old neighborhood and Le Tour and Sim State attached to my new one.

I'm so psyched! I've finally got a computer that can play NL. It's sitting next to me in my office right now. I just have to wait for work to be over so I can go home and get it all set up. Woo hooo!!!

I think I feel a cold coming on.  ;)

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: cabelle on 2005 October 05, 16:15:50
Makes sense to me! I think Sim State is a good blend of the two. It seems to have more stuff to do than Fiesta and allows Greek houses, which Le Tour does not. But I like Le Tour's community lots the best ... I like variety so I had all three colleges attached to my old neighborhood and Le Tour and Sim State attached to my new one.

I'm so psyched! I've finally got a computer that can play NL. It's sitting next to me in my office right now. I just have to wait for work to be over so I can go home and get it all set up. Woo hooo!!!

I think I feel a cold coming on.  ;)

I may have misunderstood what you said but you can have Greek houses at Le Tour, you just have to make them yourself. I like to use the victorian house for a sorority and that three story "craftsman" style home for a fraternity. Just make sure to name the lot for the fraternity/sorority (like Oresha Cham House) when you place it, otherwise you'll have a Greek house named "75 Pine Street" or something like that. ;) Move your students in, have one of them select "apply for charter" on the phone and for a small fee they're a Greek house.

One of the things I especially like about NL is the new feature with the lot bin. I've placed all of my empty houses and community lots in it, when I put them back in the neighborhood a handy duplicate remains in the bin. Very nice for my custom university (Salem Technological Institute) in my own neighborhood (Three Sisters Island). I placed copies (renamed them too) of some of the Sim State community stores in Pleasantview because I liked the way they looked better than the community lots that came with Pleasantview. They had more of the "old town Main Street" I was looking for.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Witches on 2005 October 07, 18:55:54
I know Pescado fixed this for Uni, but doesn't creating your own greek house cause your sims to lose all their memories?

At least that's what I've heard.

Now that I have NL I think I'll wait on creating a greek house. Especially when there are some in the other campuses already.

Guess you could just call me chicken.  :D

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: gynarchy on 2005 October 07, 19:06:20
I had a Legacy Sim start a Greek house a couple of days ago and all his memories remained intact, as did his daughters' memories when they joined later. The only Sims to be brainwashed when joining were the dormies I invited to hold down the fort when my Sims moved back home, but that's to be expected. The only hacks I have in my game right now are Crammyboy's portal fixes and TJ's no personal electronics wants. I had completely forgotten about that bug but it looks fixed to me.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: KnightSkyKyte on 2005 October 30, 01:27:52
Getting slightly back to the earlier topic...

I have 2 couples living in the same house; one are married, the other engaged. Only everyone has 3 bolts for one of the engaged guys! They are all family sims, and although one of the married couple sims and one of the engaged Sims are always together, and one is always swooning over the other really, really obviously, nobody has done any autonomous flirting.

The only time I ever saw autonomous flirting (when I hadn't already established the relationship), was in Uni on campus when Puck Summerdream wanted to kiss Juliette up arm. She was busy, so it dropped out of his queue, but, it was there. Once. Neither were attached to any other sim.

So yes, I'm particularly interested in the autonomous flirting. Just recently, I went into SimPE to set a gender preference for a number of townies - I hope this will enable autonomous flirting from them, since they are all unattached.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 30, 01:35:25
I had a Legacy Sim start a Greek house a couple of days ago and all his memories remained intact, as did his daughters' memories when they joined later. The only Sims to be brainwashed when joining were the dormies I invited to hold down the fort when my Sims moved back home, but that's to be expected. The only hacks I have in my game right now are Crammyboy's portal fixes and TJ's no personal electronics wants. I had completely forgotten about that bug but it looks fixed to me.

Thanks, it is always good to read a confirmation about a fix that is mention to be fix by Maxis and it also good to know it did not seem to create other weird problems.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:43:31
I've had a couple instances of autonomous flirting, but they all had 3 bolts for each other to start. I think that helps. I have 2 teen brothers in the game, and I was introducing them to a couple of teen females that I had created especially for them. Jason was paired up with Robin, and they had 3 bolts a piece. I just had Jason start chatting with Robin, then I moved to his brother Jeremiah(who was standing nearby) and got him talking to Julianna, the girl I made for him. While I was having him socialise with Julianna, I heard the harps play and Jason and Robin were holding hands, giving each other backrubs, etc. I did not initiate anything romantic, there. All I did was have them chat. I thought that was damn cool. All sexual preferences were set ahead of time, there.

Just recently, I had another of my teen sims, who had no sexual preference, fall in love on his own. I wanted to see which gender he would choose, so I purposely did not set his preference for him. I summoned Orlando Centowski (whom I renamed Robert) and set his preference to males, all the way. I also had a female sim on the lot. Both Orlando and the female sim had turn ons and turn offs that were compatible with Mitchell's. Ditto for zodialogical signs, and they were all family sims. I wanted to have Mitchell "scope room" to see who he chose, but "scope room" was not available for him. I'm guessing for teens that doesn't show until a preference has been made? I have no clue. But I had Robert ask Mitchell if he "liked what he sees", and Mitchell liked his custom hair. Before I could even have the girl do the same, Robert was sweet talking Mitchell, and Mitchell wasn't minding a bit. Their scores went up really fast, and they're a couple now. Poor girl didn't have a chance.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 30, 01:48:15
Like any Sim, the "scope room" option won't appear until the gender preference is set, it does not make a difference if it is a teen, adult or elder.

I wonder what would have happen if you would have made the girl do the same thing, Mitchell would have probably fallen in love her instead of Orlando, I suspect it set the gender preference to male when you did that but cannot confirm it.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 30, 01:53:51
Well, I was checking his preference as it happened, and the "do you like what you see" action had no impact on his score. All the subsequent flirting did.
I could have sworn I've had sims be able to scope the room before choosing a preference. At least the adults. Apparently not, though. It does make more sense to me that the option would not show up until their preference has gone in one direction or the other. Or both.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 October 30, 03:03:12
Well I think the option "do you like you see" set crush upon Sim so it could have set up the gender preferences.

Title: Re: The man of her dreams...
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 02, 04:23:03
Bah, it's discrimination against bisexuals, that's what I say ;). My gender preference is set slap bang in the middle - I like girly boys and boyish girls :D.

I say :P to this setting of gender preference.

Yes, of course I'm not 100% serious, and I do realise why it's being done this way. Just being facetious for the hell of it.