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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: SilentDream on 2006 December 10, 03:25:19

Title: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: SilentDream on 2006 December 10, 03:25:19
Sometimes when I see things like this I wonder if people will think the same thing about me (When I finish school, get the actual job of a programmer, etc.) as I am right now.

EA is absolutely worthless. But then again I'm wondering if I'm the only one with this problem? since the 2nd OFB patch I haven't been able to use stages, I could before but whenever I go to place them my game crashes. Which absolutely sucks since that was something I was really excited for.  Now I was still able to use elevators at that point. Since pets I've had houses that I've downloaded and have had stages which work fine, but I still can't place them. I've also had houses with elevators, but alas elevators crash my game too now.

The weird part, or at least the weird part to me was, with stages like I could say where I wanted it and get the green boxes there but as soon as I let off the mouse for the game to place them, it crashed. Which I figured was normal but with the elevator I clicked on it and before I could even try to place it in the house my game had crashed.

I haven't seen anything about this anywhere (just searched to boot)? So I'm starting to wonder if it's a problem with my game or computer? Maybe it's that worthless videocard back to haunt me.

Title: Re: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 December 10, 04:20:03
Sometimes when I see things like this I wonder if people will think the same thing about me (When I finish school, get the actual job of a programmer, etc.) as I am right now.
It's not so much that we blame EA for bugs in their programs so much as we blame them for their refusal to fix or even acknowledge the problems.

EA is absolutely worthless. But then again I'm wondering if I'm the only one with this problem? since the 2nd OFB patch I haven't been able to use stages, I could before but whenever I go to place them my game crashes. Which absolutely sucks since that was something I was really excited for.  Now I was still able to use elevators at that point. Since pets I've had houses that I've downloaded and have had stages which work fine, but I still can't place them. I've also had houses with elevators, but alas elevators crash my game too now.
I have no idea what would cause this, and frankly can't imagine where to look for it, so in this case, it doesn't surprise me that EA may be similarly baffled, since this would very much be one of those "cannot reproduce" issues.

Title: Re: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: SilentDream on 2006 December 10, 04:34:24
It's not so much that we blame EA for bugs in their programs so much as we blame them for their refusal to fix or even acknowledge the problems.

I was looking at it of more they didn't get it right in the first place but let it slide. I guess it could be EA's problem there too.

I have no idea what would cause this, and frankly can't imagine where to look for it, so in this case, it doesn't surprise me that EA may be similarly baffled, since this would very much be one of those "cannot reproduce" issues.

I haven't even thought about going to EA about it. But could it be the graphics card? I have a integrated chipset. Then again I can't see what would change it that much between the game and the patch to render something that DID work and DOES work for someone else to not work for me. Maybe a bad install?

Title: Re: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: twooflower on 2006 December 10, 05:55:10
I have had problems with stages causing game crashes too, so I try not to use the stages if I can use foundations or dummy levels instead.  They seem to be useless for most building projects..  Here is a very interesting tutorial and thread at MTS2 about them that may be of some use to you: (

Title: Re: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 December 10, 08:12:53
I would try reinstalling, backup your stuff and all you'll lose is some time but it could be worth it.

Title: Re: Am I alone with this problem?
Post by: Gwill on 2006 December 10, 12:47:30
Doesn't the second OFB patch claim to fix a problem with stages crashing the game?  Or half-walls next to stages or something like that...
/me is too lazy to look it up right now